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Guaranteed British

dangerous brain

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Why the hell not?


In the mid eighties the Irish economy was in dire straights. Worse than we are in now by a long shot. How did they get themselves out of that? They did it with the guaranteed Irish scheme.

So what was the guaranteed Irish scheme? It was a proper government led big uppmanship of Irish products. It was financed by the government completely. Not only that they also subsidised Irish products on the shelves to make them as competitive as possible.

Watching sir Jamie tonight reminded me of this. Seeing how miserably small the logo's on British farmed meat is in comparison to the "wiltshire" cured emblazoned actually Danish bacon takes the p*ss a bit.


Instead of throwing billions at foreign owned banks, and foreign owned car industries why don't we support our local home grown industries and start a similar guaranteed british system. Promote the purchase of British products even if it means subsidies, would benefit British jobs and people a lot more than lending us more money we can't pay back.

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Sounds like a great idea. Might as well stick a massive George cross on it too if it's come from England.


Yeah but it doesn't have to be English does it? We all live on the same Island it just would help if it was British. Controversially maybe if the item is clothing made in Britain by for instance Indian workshops then that is valid to get guaranteed British. Welsh and scottish farming is amongst the best in the world so a bit of home grown promotion might be a good thing no?

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Promote the purchase of British products even if it means subsidies, would benefit British jobs and people a lot more than lending us more money we can't pay back.


What - you mean like buying a Supra...?


So out you go and swap it for a British car... for a...for a...for a...


dammit...they all went bust because they were CRAP!!

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Yeah I know the reality of it is that we have little or no industries left but if we don't start buying whatever is actually still made/grown here etc those business's will fail as well. No economy can survive by buying everything in without selling something out.

For the record I have 3 rovers sitting outside which I spend alot of time money and effort contributing to the economy for :D

Computer components may be made abroad but some models are assembled here in the UK. A labelling system that tells you just how "British" the product is would at least allow for an informed decision. And as we are chucking money away at banks etc could that money not be diverted into subsidising British products to make them a bit more competitive on the home market?

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Instead of throwing billions at foreign owned banks, and foreign owned car industries why don't we support our local home grown industries and start a similar guaranteed british system. Promote the purchase of British products even if it means subsidies, would benefit British jobs and people a lot more than lending us more money we can't pay back.


thats exactly what i have been thinking. why throw all of 'OUR' damn money to outsiders when we can do everything here in this country!

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We do rather well in computer games development with studios like Bizarre Creations based in Liverpool, who make the Project Gotham series, and Rock Star Leeds who made some of the GTA titles.


I read somewhere that we account for a third of games development worldwide. This is obviously an area we should try and grow (HMV announced lately they sells more games than music/dvds), but the government refuse to give them tax breaks. In a fairly risky industry this success could all be over very soon.

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..because we can't you numpty!


Why can't we?? We have the best engineers in the world and that is well known. We have some of the most innovative minds in the world. As a nation we are rich in diversity. We have from what I've seen of Europe the hardest working "working" class workers in Europe. Generally speaking not many countries beat us on their knuckle down and work ourselves almost to death attitude.

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Why can't we?? We have the best engineers in the world and that is well known. We have some of the most innovative minds in the world. As a nation we are rich in diversity. We have from what I've seen of Europe the hardest working "working" class workers in Europe. Generally speaking not many countries beat us on their knuckle down and work ourselves almost to death attitude.


It's about a quality of work tho, not quantity. If you ask me, I find it rather suprising, how many people are totally oblivious to "customer service" term. Customer service is not only learnt smile and "thank you, your welcome, how are you" which means nothing. You just get used to it - it doesn't mean it's OK. Final effect of this long hours of work is also questionable.


Island will not feed all people crammed here, there is not enough land and costs are too high. What about natural resources? Do you honestly belive, that after generation of benefit kids there will be enough workforce to do all the jobs UK would have to do to keep up by itself? How you will force them to work on farm?


I can agree on innovate minds, but with education system going down the drain and few milions people who cannot read, write or count how long it will take to loose this potential too? It's all wrong attitiude, taking example from what worst in USA, no respect, no motivation, no culture.

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It's a quality of work tho, not quantity. If you ask me, I find it rather suprising, how many people are totally oblivious to "customer service" term. Customer service is not only learnt smile and "thank you, your welcome, how are you" which means nothing. You just get used to it - it doesn't mean it's OK.


Island will not feed all people crammed here, there is not enough land and costs are too high. What about natural resources? Do you honestly belive, that after generation of benefit kids there will be enough workforce to do all the jobs UK would have to do to keep up by itself? How you will force them to work on farm?


I can agree on innovate minds, but with education system going down the drain and few milions people who cannot read, write or count how long it will take to loose this potential too? It's all wrong attitiude, taking example from what worst in USA, no respect, no motivation, no culture.


The man has a point.

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