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This really tees me off. what about you?..........


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Quote " 2. Non-police or emergency people who wear dayglow jacket while driving".


Just as bad... companies to put "Camera Van" type stripes on the back of thier work vans...[ANGRY][/ANGRY]


In a bad mood now... thanx !

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Big Brother generally but more specifically those housemates that constantly say 'I want to leave' and then don't. Why don't they just fcuking walk if it's so bad!


Oh and I hate the fact that I actually find myself watching big brother:(


Oh yeah and the bloke that asked me if my car was a Mazda yesterday:(

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3. People who drive in the middle lane of a motorway when their is nothing in the inside lane.


4) - Middle lane drivers on an empty road..


Actually, although this is an extremely common thing to make people livid, I recently realised that this shouldn't (and doesn't) annoy me.


If someone is sat in the middle lane and the road is empty, who cares! If you have to move across two lanes rather than one to overtake them, does that really matter?


Now if they're holding people up by sitting in the middle lane (ie. when more than car is trying to overtake them) then yes, they should be pulled over, hung, drawn and quartered, but if they're not then I don't see a problem.


Of course, if a driver is not willing to pay 100% attention to what is behind them on the motorway 100% of the time and so are not aware when they are holding anyone up, then they should probably be made to always move back in to at least get into the habit of doing so, but then if a driver is not being this attentive anyway they shouldn't be allowed behind the wheel at all!


So next time you see someone sat in the middle lane on an empty road, think that maybe they would move over if they needed to (to avoid holding anybody up) and give them the benefit of the doubt!

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1) - People who drive with their front fogs on.. Does it make you look cool, I don't think so.

2) - People who drive with their front fogs on in the rain.. grrr

3) - People who drive with their rear fogs on, when it was slightly foggy about two weeks ago..

4) - Middle lane drivers on an empty road..

5) - People doing 5mph faster then the middle lane is and pull out in front of me and try to overtake.

6) - People who tailgate while I'm going through a 30 limit.

7) - People having their rear wiper on in the rain.. (Don't know why but it really bugs me)

8) - Black Taxi Cabs.

9) - People who cut in at a junction at the last minute

10) - The two scooters that hum up and down my road all the bloody time.

11) - People who cannot work out that if the line of parked cars is on their side they should be giving way.

12) - Car park spaces that are too small

13) - People who park in a space and put their indicators on. Looking like their looking to pull out.

14) - People who I let out of a side road and are not paying attention. Then it's do I stop and let them go or carry on hoping they didn't just notice and will pull out on me.

15) - Cars that have one headlight out on alignment.

16) - People who don't know who to use a mini roundabout.. Lets all stop and wait for someone else to go.

17) - People who park where they shouldn't (Zigzag lines on a crossing, lets hope it's one of their family that get mown down when the car doesn't see someone on the crossing!!).


I'd better stop before I pop a vein or something..


Have a nice day everyone...


Tomorrow my view on the use of cattle prods.. Keep safe..



Sheet!.. and I thought I was a grumpy old man....:D

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1. People that edge their car forward at a junction and they haven't even looked to see you coming yet. You never know if they might pull out suddenly *foot hovering the brakes* 2 people have actually pulled out in front and made me skid/swerve to avoid!


2. When in rush hour (I am often) and the person at the lights is too busy fiddling with the stereo, or something, to notice the lights (which you have to wait ages for your turn) have changed to green!


3. Also at traffic lights when the traffic starts moving yet people plod on through when they could have been more efficient and let more people through the lights.


4. Again... At the lights. People stopping in the yellow box (only if done cheekily, i can understand if it was an accident :p ) This means you end up sitting there while the light is green and have to wait for your next go at it!


As you've probably noticed

I hate Traffic Lights!
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My two biggest pet hates are people who stop at a roundabout when there are no other cars coming, but my all time pet hate is when i'm sat at a T junction wanting to turn right , to my left is some cars but a little way off, but to my right is a car which is too near for comfort, so wait for car on right to pass, but at the very last second, they indicate and turn down road i'm on, then by that time cars on left are too close to pull out on too, that really f#*ks me off. Oh and people who wear socks with sandels

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Yeah a lot of the ones already mentioned, in particular.


People sat waiting to pull out of a junction not paying attention when I'm slowing and flashing them to let them out.


People blocking yellow box junctions. I have twice been sat waiting for the traffic to clear before moving into the box, only for the person behind me to pull around me and into the box... they are then set there blocking all the other traffic once the lights change. Twats.


4x4/people carriers. There is no fucking need for them! Pisses me off sat at a junction unable to pull out because you can't see past the huge fucking bastard 4x4 daydreaming next to you.


Tailgaiters. I just slow down... and keep slowing down until they get the message. Then sometimes just floor it away from them if they beep in annoyance.


"Baby on board" stickers. So what? oh ok I won't ram you off the road then you stupid twat.

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and another thing... those credit card cheques they send you from time to time. If I wanted to write a cheque, I'd write a bloody normal cheque and not use your shitty 20% interest ones. Not much point in "chip and pin" security if you're just going to send these out only for someone to just nick them and buy whatever they want on your credit card.

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