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the worst one i have is car windows, i always think they are down and will stand in the landing window for 10 mins staring at them to make sure, when im in bed then i get the feeling they are down and end up having to go outside and knock them to make sure they are up. Other ones are volume level cant have it on a odd number especially one ending in 5. one that worries me is i always have to spell out a sentence in my head before i say it which makes me look a freak as i just stare when i do it.

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Holy Crap where do i start, i really am a sad case. I've never been diagnosed with OCD but then again i've never tried to be lol.


I can never sit still, i fidget all the time regardless of where i am or what I'm doing, its worse when i'm trying to lay/sit still. I tense my thigh muscles every 5 seconds, i cant stop doing it, i've done it for years. When i was a kid i used to blink all the time, i couldnt stop but i grew out of it somehow. I flex my fingers on my left hand all day everyday, i dont know why. The Tv/Radio volumes cant be an odd number, has to be even or a 5. I cant litter...if i do i cant get it out of my head and i have to go back and pick it up, the only exception is fag ends for some reason. I cant kill spiders or crane flies in the house even though i want too cos they freak the sh*t out of me, i just cant bring myself to do it, i have no idea why. I have to catch them and put them outside. Cant stand on cracks, 3 drains, any patterns in carpets etc. I stack all the coins in my wallet when i'm at the pub so that they're in size order, biggest at the bottom and all the heads have to be facing the same way and perfectly in line. The coins all have to be perfectly central as well. I once went through a box of 5000 straws at my old work because some were face down. There's loads more :( Basically...im a freak haha. I feel sorry for my GF. :(


Good old Norfolk ;)

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when using volume controls on TV's & Stereo's etc. The volume can only be on an even number, of a number ending with 5.


I have to set it on any even number apart from I don't mind it being No 13 :blink:


I've loads of problems but my main problem is I'll set the alarm clock to go off in the morning and check it 5 or so times to make sure I set it for AM not PM. Drives me up the wall, if I try telling myself not to do it and I don't check it I can't sleep :(

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I have to set it on any even number apart from I don't mind it being No 13 :blink:


I've loads of problems but my main problem is I'll set the alarm clock to go off in the morning and check it 5 or so times to make sure I set it for AM not PM. Drives me up the wall, if I try telling myself not to do it and I don't check it I can't sleep :(


ahh yeah that ones an all time favourite classic!! :blink:

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Just realised another problem I have today- I always reverse park in my driveway, but once I've reversed my car in if I haven't reversed and parked straight in the drive way I have to drive out again till it's straight and not at a slight angle.


nice work - welcome to the looney bin!!! :D

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Thanks a bloody lot, not only do I now think I'm normal, I've picked up a few other habits from everyone else. I'm off to stare at the oven till 6 o'clock. :senile:


My cooker staring only seems to be at night before going to bed or before i go out, basically at the most inconvenient times. The other day I left a gas ring on low after heating some soup for lunch, forgot about it and burnt a hole in the bottom of the Mrs lunch box when tidying the kitchen. So now my cooker staring has gone up a notch.... great :blink:

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A few months ago I borrowed a mates car to drive home from the pub because I was sure I'd left the cooker on. Was it on? Was it f^ck.


Luckily for me once i do drag myself away from what I'm checking it quickly leaves my mind, but its the dragging myself away thats the problem... grrrr :sos::help:

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According to my wife, I'm anally obsessive about files and folders on the computer. Everything has to be filed just so...a messy desktop is a no no, and if someone here doesn't store a bookmark in their own folder which I created especially for them I go mad.


As an aside, I once shared a room with a lad who had problems with pool cues. He was a nightmare in pubs and clubs...before a game he would roll every cue from the rack on the table, bang them on the floor listening for rattles, selecting at least three, then minutely examine the tips of each, before finally making a selection...even if it meant swapping a good tip onto a straighter shaft, or even asking someone already playing to swap to see if theirs was better still....then swapping back if it wasnt. Chalking the tip was as painful, thats if he could find a chalk that was to his peculiar taste. On the other hand, he would shag owt that had a pulse.

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