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* Make sure all my shoes and trainers are propely lined up by the front door before i go to bed!!





Good news - i've managed to crack this one now - i have ONE trainer facing the other way.


I look at it every day before going to work and resist the massive urge to straighten it up. its a long road ....... :blink:

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A friend has a form of OCD where he has to make sure monitors are at the right resolution, refresh rate etc. Back when CRTs were more common he was awful for spending hours playing with the vertical/horizontal settings and degaussing. Also he had to adjust any paintings/posters on walls that were not dead straight.


Another friend decided to f*** with him by having his monitor at an angle by putting a book under one side, then adjusting the monitor so the picture was straight. Drove him absolutely nuts :D

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cleanliness of my car! pretty OCD

will happily pick off all the debris thats settled on my supra before driving it, lol

I thought i could put it to use and am valeting cars in the local area atm, seems something im interested in is useful...for once!


Oh ex- ice hockey player here too!

played in swindon, but mainly played roller hockey because of transport issues at the time!

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Oh ex- ice hockey player here too!

played in swindon, but mainly played roller hockey because of transport issues at the time!


Hijack alert!


I played for Basingstoke for my whole youth, and roller hockey for several teams. Saw a fair bit of success as it goes!

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Hijack alert!


I played for Basingstoke for my whole youth, and roller hockey for several teams. Saw a fair bit of success as it goes!

played at swindon when i was young, but my main success has come from rollerhockey, i captained my local team, was firstline in southwest, and was training with GB, too young to play GB at the time which was a shame, following year my hockey career kinda just fizzled out really, for very little reason tbh.


as for posting something relevant to the subject...

my mate has it, he can take 20mins just locking his front door, he has a particulary awkward case where he needs to drive a particular ~1 mile route and return home before EVERY car journey.

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Hijack alert!


I played for Basingstoke for my whole youth, and roller hockey for several teams. Saw a fair bit of success as it goes!


I used to play roller hockey for aylesbury when i was younger. We played tournements and league games over in reading!

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Maybe Im odd by not having any obsessive habits at all?



I know, I was just thinking that too! I used to have a few little things I felt I just had to be 'right', but nowadays, I'm just too lazy to be bothered!


My 'ex' on the other hand, had all kinds of things that she used to have to do, like the cleaning in the 'right' order, and if I was around she'd get to me (if I was at home), and then have to start all over again, as I was interrupting her routine!


She had loads of other OCD things which I used to find funny by adjusting things slightly, just to wind her up. That was fun, for about 5 minutes, or any number multiplied by 5, anyway. ;)

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I've got a few, and I'm trying to break them, but I find myself subconciously doing them, so I have to stop as soon as I reaslise! Things like:


- touching my finger tips - little finger gets one, thumb is 2 touches, ring finger is 3, index is 4, and middle finger is 5 touches, And it has to be in numeric order! If I catch myself doing it I touch my finger tips a random amount of times just so I don't know how many touches they've all had!


- another is touching the backs of my teeth with my tongue. Front two get 3 touches, and the bottom cluster get 3 touches. If I catch myself doing it I do the same as with my fingers!


- If I touch something with one had, I have to touch it with the other hand too, not everything, I think I'm over this one now. Used to be the same with walking on cracks and tiles, each foot much have trodden on the same amounts of cracks, or avoided all of them! I'm over this one now too, I can walk freely! :D


I'm sure there's more, but I can't think of them yet! Apart from tidying things (everythign has it's place!) and volumes must also be an even number or multiple of 5! I got over this one by closing my eyes and turning the sound up to what I feel is a good level, then not looking at the volume number. Now I tend to not care about the number, and sometimes leave it on an odd number just to prove to myself I'm over it!

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- touching my finger tips - little finger gets one, thumb is 2 touches, ring finger is 3, index is 4, and middle finger is 5 touches, And it has to be in numeric order! If I catch myself doing it I touch my finger tips a random amount of times just so I don't know how many touches they've all had!



I love that!!! :cool:




and volumes must also be an even number or multiple of 5! I got over this one by closing my eyes and turning the sound up to what I feel is a good level, then not looking at the volume number. Now I tend to not care about the number, and sometimes leave it on an odd number just to prove to myself I'm over it!



Yeah so wierd that it has to be even number EXCEPT if its a multiple of 5 - i do exactly the same.


Altho i cant try and overcome it like you have - my misses put the volume on 23 last night and she counted exactly 8 seconds before i politely GRABBED the remote and amended it - and told her that her "trail" run of remote ownership was over!! :D

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I've got a few, and I'm trying to break them, but I find myself subconciously doing them, so I have to stop as soon as I reaslise! Things like:


- touching my finger tips - little finger gets one, thumb is 2 touches, ring finger is 3, index is 4, and middle finger is 5 touches, And it has to be in numeric order! If I catch myself doing it I touch my finger tips a random amount of times just so I don't know how many touches they've all had!


- another is touching the backs of my teeth with my tongue. Front two get 3 touches, and the bottom cluster get 3 touches. If I catch myself doing it I do the same as with my fingers!


- If I touch something with one had, I have to touch it with the other hand too, not everything, I think I'm over this one now. Used to be the same with walking on cracks and tiles, each foot much have trodden on the same amounts of cracks, or avoided all of them! I'm over this one now too, I can walk freely! :D


I'm sure there's more, but I can't think of them yet! Apart from tidying things (everythign has it's place!) and volumes must also be an even number or multiple of 5! I got over this one by closing my eyes and turning the sound up to what I feel is a good level, then not looking at the volume number. Now I tend to not care about the number, and sometimes leave it on an odd number just to prove to myself I'm over it!


I do some of those, but not all the time, only seems to be when I'm not thinking about anything else.

The volume one was solved when we bought the Corsa, cos the stereo doesn't show the volume!!

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Hmm, I think I only have one weird one. I won't walk out of a room if I notice that it's thirteen minute's past the hour, I have to wait until it turns fourteen past. I'm the same in the car or on my bike, if the clock says thirteen past I won't pull away until it changes to fourteen... :D


Oh, and I never say Goodbye to my family when going out on the bike or in the car, I'll always say see you later, or see you soon...

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If I go to Public Toilets and there are more then 2 Cubicles I will always choose an outer one either side but avoid the middle ones,lol. :blink:


I'm the same with urinals - if there's 3 i will NEVER go in the middle....and if i walk into a toilet with 3 urinals and some bloke is there on his todd in the middle one i give him my best dirty stare right at the back of his head. :)

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Holy Crap where do i start, i really am a sad case. I've never been diagnosed with OCD but then again i've never tried to be lol.


I can never sit still, i fidget all the time regardless of where i am or what I'm doing, its worse when i'm trying to lay/sit still. I tense my thigh muscles every 5 seconds, i cant stop doing it, i've done it for years. When i was a kid i used to blink all the time, i couldnt stop but i grew out of it somehow. I flex my fingers on my left hand all day everyday, i dont know why. The Tv/Radio volumes cant be an odd number, has to be even or a 5. I cant litter...if i do i cant get it out of my head and i have to go back and pick it up, the only exception is fag ends for some reason. I cant kill spiders or crane flies in the house even though i want too cos they freak the sh*t out of me, i just cant bring myself to do it, i have no idea why. I have to catch them and put them outside. Cant stand on cracks, 3 drains, any patterns in carpets etc. I stack all the coins in my wallet when i'm at the pub so that they're in size order, biggest at the bottom and all the heads have to be facing the same way and perfectly in line. The coins all have to be perfectly central as well. I once went through a box of 5000 straws at my old work because some were face down. There's loads more :( Basically...im a freak haha. I feel sorry for my GF. :(

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Holy Crap where do i start, i really am a sad case. I've never been diagnosed with OCD but then again i've never tried to be lol.


I can never sit still, i fidget all the time regardless of where i am or what I'm doing, its worse when i'm trying to lay/sit still. I tense my thigh muscles every 5 seconds, i cant stop doing it, i've done it for years. When i was a kid i used to blink all the time, i couldnt stop but i grew out of it somehow. I flex my fingers on my left hand all day everyday, i dont know why. The Tv/Radio volumes cant be an odd number, has to be even or a 5. I cant litter...if i do i cant get it out of my head and i have to go back and pick it up, the only exception is fag ends for some reason. I cant kill spiders or crane flies in the house even though i want too cos they freak the sh*t out of me, i just cant bring myself to do it, i have no idea why. I have to catch them and put them outside. Cant stand on cracks, 3 drains, any patterns in carpets etc. There's loads more :( Basically...im a freak haha. I feel sorry for my GF. :(


LOL that describes me almost perfectly! I tap more than flex tho.

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