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ObSeSsiVe DiSoRdErS.....


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......i have bloody loads and it pisses me right off - just wondered if i am going crazy or if everyone goes through this...


Mine are (to list a few) :


* Remotes have to be in right place on table b4 i go to bed!

* Toliet roll has to underhang!

* toliet roll has to be left torn along the perferated edge!

* Keys have to properly laid inside my desk draw with the key ring at the bottom!!

* Have to have my mobile/keys/watch/drink and remote all in line on my bedside table

* Check the doors are locked about 4 times before i can leavge the house!!

* Car always left in 4th gear when parked up



....plus loads more but it is too mbarassing!!!!!!!!!!!:taped::taped:




any more for any more?? PLEASE? :D

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I have a thing about checking things are locked house/car, have to check about 5 times. Years ago I had a Fiesta and I would be constantly lifting the handle to check I had locked it - pulled off about 5 door handles in about 2 years...

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and the volume of the tv has to at a multiple of 5.


sad i know lol


when using volume controls on TV's & Stereo's etc. The volume can only be on an even number, of a number ending with 5.


oh yeah, that one too, but not the 5 bit...... thanks fook i am not the only one!!!:cool:


seems quite common!

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If I place one foot on a rug I have to put the other one on it two, same with patterned floors/cracks - can't walk on them.


My new office, the carpeted corridor leading to it is coloured carpet tiles, I look a right mong trying to avoid the dark ones. Can't help it.


I tap constantly. That annoys people.


If I leave the house, I check 4/5 times that I have my wallet/passkey.

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I used to have something similar. I used to have to check the house was locked maybe 5 times, maybe more.


Eventually I broke the cycle by thinking to myself, "what if I've left the door unlocked? What's the chances of someone realising the door is unlocked rather than merely closed, and that someone being an opportunist thief?" I figured the chances were quite small, and that's how I broke it.


I live with my girlfriend for whom tidyness isn't her strongest suit (I hope she never reads this!), so that helps to break it too. :D

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I used to have OCD really bad. It was focused on making sure things were turned off or shut. When I moved out of home (where it could take me two hours to check everything) I deliberately moved into a small studio flat to cut down the number of things that needed checking.


Even so I once turned around about 100 yards from work and walked the two miles back home because I wasn't convinced the front door was shut. This, despite having stood there checking the locks for about ten minutes.


When I got home I couldn't go inside to phone my boss to explain I'd be late as that would have meant checking everything again even though I 'knew' it hadn't been used!!!!


Thankfully the OCD was confined only to my property and didn't affect my work etc.


I'm a lot better now though but I do have a compulsion to punch micky-takers on the nose.

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Theres a guy here who has a thing about highlighter pens. They all have to be exactly the same type, arranged exactly in line, and in a strict order that only he understands. He gets very stroppy if someone messes them up, and if one gets used up before the others, he gets a completely new set.

Comments like 'Highlighter - there can be only one' dont help, and he completely lost the plot once when we swapped the caps around.

I myself, have a problem with bogies...I check the underside of chairs just incase someones smeared a sneaky one.

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I used to have OCD really bad. It was focused on making sure things were turned off or shut. When I moved out of home (where it could take me two hours to check everything) I deliberately moved into a small studio flat to cut down the number of things that needed checking.


Even so I once turned around about 100 yards from work and walked the two miles back home because I wasn't convinced the front door was shut. This, despite having stood there checking the locks for about ten minutes.


When I got home I couldn't go inside to phone my boss to explain I'd be late as that would have meant checking everything again even though I 'knew' it hadn't been used!!!!



ha ha - i have once turned back and gone home after leaving the house to check i didn't lock the front door properly. I was only about 1 mile away from home but i had to try and be discreet when turning back up on my drive and checking the doors as didnt want the neighbours to realise they lived near a complete FrEAk!!!!! ;)

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Guest CoolsBlue

wow i thought this was only me, i must have it pretty bad?


all my things in my room (even supra bits) have to be neatley lined up and laid out

bed has to be neat with no creases in the sheets

when someone moves something i either try to get it of them and put it back

if i sit on a chair and the legs feel funny i move unit it feels rite, must of had it worse when i was younger then.

also duno if this is anything along the lines of it, but sometimes when i ask for something i get the 1st and last words muddled, if we get takeaway and i want a fillet burger i mite say billet furger:Dstuff like that.

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