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has anyone quit smoking?


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At the moment i am the most volatile, arguementitive, nasty ba*@rd on the planet WHY because i have given up smoking!!!!!! whoever the smart arse was who said smoking damages your health should come to my house and tell me that, for i will damage his health:d:d

I have managed 3 days so far with these stupid bloody patches (cant get them to light) and all i have had is a bad chest, sore throat and coughing like a bas*@rd (i wont mention the lumps) Correct me if im wrong but i thought by giving up i would possible feel better????? WRONG i feel like crap with a temperament like a rabid doberman on acid.

Has anyone else gave up? does it get any better? should i start again? has anyone got a spare cigarette?

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I gave up a few years back and found it easy. Tried several times since and just cant do it. Going to the docs next week for a bit of extra help. My luck i will give up then get hit by a bus :lol: , No must think happy thoughts.


Good luck matey

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Chewing gum helped me...


Nine years now - really the best decision ever made


Stick at it m8 - one day at a time


Boots (the chemist) have some great magazines on giving up - might sound daft - but read up on what you are trying to beat


Nicotine is more addictice than Herroin they reckon - really evasive - will effect you as you need it - as a stimulant or depressant


M8 - it's a bastard to kick - but the alternatives are worse! :(


One hour / One day and then one week at a time - remember the actual craving only lasts 5 seconds or more - the rest is in the mind - you can do this thing! ;)

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I've given up one for year tomorrow. Yes is it bloody hard. Yes you will feel absolutely crap for a month or two but it is worth it in the end. I still get cravings now but they pass quickly and I really don't think I'll ever go back.


I've never used the patches but from my experience and from talking to other people I'd recommend trying the niquitin lozenges. Unlike the patches it actually feels like you're doing something and when you need it you get that instant nicotine hit as opposed to the steady flow you get from the patches.


Which ever way you go good luck. The bad temper, inability to concentrate on anything, chest pains etc soon pass and you'll be free from the fags forever.:D

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I have never smoked, but i did help my mum give up. She smoked for 30 years, and i helped her quit, she was even quitter of the year for gmtv in like 2004 haha which i entered her in.


It will get worse before it gets better, but just try not to think about it.

Every time you feel like having one, eat something, its all in the mind, with the hand motions.

But if you do this every time, you might end up fat, so have carrot or celery haha


Good luck, you can do it xx

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I've been off the cigarettes for about 2 1/2 years now. Funny, but I didn't tell anyone I was giving up and didn't even promise anything to myself about never smoking again, but I did it.


Just tell yourself to see out the day without smoking - that you'll have one tomorrow. Then when tomorrow comes, do it again. Keep thinking of yourself as a smoker, but you're just not having one right now - keep putting off your next cig. Pretty soon you're 3 months down the line and keep going.


Good luck!

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THE best way to give up although drastic is to break all the metatassel bones in your

foot. and end up in swansea when you live in bristol.Then the doctor tells you if you keep smoking the bones might not heal up even though they are screwed together like a maccano set.

what he forgot to say is you can,t walk for four months and you will look like a fucking sumo wrestler after.

i have not smoked for over six months i feel better for it .i just have to put a padlock on the fridge ,and get out walking.:)

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Cheers for all the kind words of support, i found it harder last night in the pub cos all the lads were smoking but i resisted (dont know how:search:)

Doesnt help matters now Mrs Colin has quit and its like living with Gengis fecking Kahn::duel::hide::badmood:

still all who have met me know i need to put weight on as the lack of pancakes has left me almost anorexic NOT (no snidy comments Harvard, Shytot or Dazla) so im really looking forward to putting the weight on :nana::nana:

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Guest CoolsBlue
I have never smoked, but i did help my mum give up. She smoked for 30 years, and i helped her quit, she was even quitter of the year for gmtv in like 2004 haha which i entered her in.


It will get worse before it gets better, but just try not to think about it.

Every time you feel like having one, eat something, its all in the mind, with the hand motions.

But if you do this every time, you might end up fat, so have carrot or celery haha


Good luck, you can do it xx


wait so let me get this smoking reduces life by ten years, but if i eat everytime i want a fag...ill just die quicker, becuase being fat will reduce life by 13 years:taped:

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wait so let me get this smoking reduces life by ten years, but if i eat everytime i want a fag...ill just die quicker, becuase being fat will reduce life by 13 years:taped:


Yep that just about sums it up. One way or another in the end life's gonna finish you off.:p

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I was a smoker for 26yrs and 40 a day for 20 of them. After losing my Mother to a smoking related illness 4 and a half yrs ago was enough to make me give up.


I went to my GP and used the services of the stop smoking clinic. I had tried many times to give up in the past but my heart wasn't really in it.


So I approached it like this:


Step One : Admit to your self that you want to give up.

Step Two : Set a date.

Step Three : Smoke your last cigarette and even if you have some left throw them all away. Lighters and ashtrays as well. I used to stand at my back door and had a galvanised metal bucket half full of sand where I put my butts. I left it there. It stank and every time I wanted a cigarette I just had to sniff it to stop me from wanting one.

Step Four : I used the 16hr patches rather than the 24hr ones. I got them on prescription, so a months worth for the cost of a prescription. The latter gave me bad dreams, after all you don't smoke when you're asleep so you don't need a nictotene patch on.


Step Five : Set yourself a daily target. If you can get through the first day you can get through the next. The cravings for me were awful, full on sweats and shakes the lot for at least a couple of weeks. But as time passed they got fewer and fewer and less physical, but more physcological.


Step Six : Set yourself rewards. At the end of week one, treat yourself etc etc etc.


Step Seven : If you cheat and have just one, you go back to day zero and have to start again.The only person you're cheating is yourself.


Step Eight : Think of your triggers. Try and avoid them. My big one was alcohol, so I stopped going out and going down the pub until I knew I could hold out. It worked. When you get a craving do something else instead that you didn't associate with smoking.


I'm nearly 4yrs without a cigarette, and occasionally have the odd microsecond craving. But that's it, I don't miss them, and having been through some very personal and professional tough times since stopping can honestly say I will never ever have one again. If you had asked anyone who knew me when i was a smoker they would have said I would never have given up. I always always had one on the go.


You've just got to believe that you can do it.


(I should write a book! :D)

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Step Seven : If you cheat and have just one, you go back to day zero and have to start again.The only person you're cheating is yourself.


(I should write a book! :D)


Definitely. People who say "I've given up for three months and only slipped up a couple of times" really piss me off.


You either give up or you don't. Don't lie to yourself. Part of the reason I managed to stay off the fags at the beginning was knowing that one puff would set me back to square one.


The first few weeks are so hard! If you start again you know that one day you'll be trying to give up again and you'll have to go through it all over again.

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I'm struggling over here; I gave up (again!) about 3 months ago, once my last bout of stressful work was done with. Trouble is, tabs here only cost about 80p for a 20-deck :(


I'm currently trying to tell myself that my new table isn't quite as bad:


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