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Fcuking Chav vandals

SupraStar 3000

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Im SO pissed with the local chavs around my area :mad:


Long story, so be patient:

We live down a private road which until recently was a nice area of Leicestershire in the countryside. Across the road is a nice old building that was once a very quaint country pub (had my parents wedding reception there about 30 years ago) but recently a new owner has purchased the property and used the beer garden as a rubbish dump/scrap yard and destroyed the classic look of the building by boarding up some of the windows and painting everything black.


Most Friday / Saturday nights teenagers townies and chav's gather around and wait for the owner to let them in, but the property is no longer a public house and only a few kids are invited in at any one time. Others wait outside.

God only knows what goes on inside but Im pretty sure they can drink booze(underage) and smoke weed (I know the small of weed when I smell it)


Police have be involved (most nights) but typically don't achieve any success as the hole operation is very well organised. As soon as the police arrive anyone with a motor bike, van or car speed away creating a decoy so I guess the drugs and booze can be hidden/destroyed.


On a bad night we can have over 50 kids fighting, shouting or messing around with cars on the front yard creating noise that normally goes on until around 3:00am. I shudder to think what would happen if they found my car across the road.


Another problem is that inevitably a group of kids spill out of the pub and gather on our road then migrate into our area to smoke, shag and fight, in and amongst the trees and bushes.


In the morning I normally find a few but ends, broken glass and litter but until last night no damage to our property.


Yesterday my best mate left his 3 month old company car on our drive ( I keep the Soop garaged) as we had arranged to head into town and meet some other friends for a beers and fun. In the morning after crashing at our house with a hangover he set off to go home in Coventry.


On the way home he noticed a disgusting smell coming from the fresh air system in his car and decided to pull over to investigate.

To his horror he found dog SHIT had been smeared all over the front of his car :eek:.


This morning after hearing this story and going mad in frustration I ventured out side and found a street sign had be pulled down and the stake used to apply the muck onto his car.

By the sign is a favourite place for dogs to crap as its on the corner of a junction.


Anyway .... here I am, totally pissed off and wanting to kill the fuckers.

One day i’ll catch the poor gits


Police have been notified but apparently the owner is already under investigation and has been given warning regarding a public order offence or something similar (didn't talk to the cops myself).

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Originally posted by boneyard

an empty building, can of optimax., a dark night and a match go a long way :)


yea, good idea.

Not sure if i'd go with the empty building part tho :devil:


Its not like i'm in fear of my own life or really outraged about the noise and activity. In fact if Im totally honest watching those little delinquents go about their business is quite entertaining.


What I do object to and find infuriating is the disrespect for my property.

The fact that its was my firends car only adds to the madness.

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Like a worst nightmare come true. I hope the police manage to get this stopped.


In the mean time I would suggest some very bight illumination on PIRs and some surveillance equipment so you have evidence if things hot up on your property.


I have heard of thing like this suddenly happening in an area a bit like your situation. The police could do nothing, but local residents took it in turns to make it very obvious they were filming and taking photograph of all present. As they arrived and left the numbers dropped off dramatically and the dealing moved elsewhere.



We had a similar thing on a smaller scale on some wasteland /environmental area near here. Got really pissed with all the noise and crap. So a group of us went down to the gathering area with load of cameras and stated flashing away, it work a treat. So we followed the little burgers all round the local streets with flashes going off all the time. We played back a few clips of them using threatening language etc. Some got heavy so we just got real close up with the flashes. They never came back.


You could always approach the local papers with any images I am sure they would run some of the stuff and most kids would not want the flack that would result.


Slap some up on lamp posts on the way to the area saying wanted for …………

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I have a surveillance camera that I've already started to set-up but I'm slightly reluctant to do anything directly as I don't fancy being singled out, victimised and labbled a "grass".


I'm sure in time the chavs will get bored and more onto pastures new.


All the neighbours are fed up and I'm sure things will improve soon.


still can't understand why ANYBODY would damaged/vandalise property for no reason.



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Originally posted by SupraStar 3000

I have a surveillance camera that I've already started to set-up but I'm slightly reluctant to do anything directly as I don't fancy being singled out, victimised and labbled a "grass".


I'm sure in time the chavs will get bored and more onto pastures new.


All the neighbours are fed up and I'm sure things will improve soon.


still can't understand why ANYBODY would damaged/vandalise property for no reason.




I understand the problems with single action. But what worked, was there was no one to single out.


I guess in the case I was referring to the locals not make it obvious which houses they had come from and they worked in group shifts, keeping up a constant watch and made it very obvious that they photographed everyone entering and leaving. It was just impressive that this approach drove away the dealers customers, where as a few raids from the drug squad had little impact.


I guess it just depends how much hassle the neighbourhood can put up with if the police cant or wont do anything.


Lets hope the little peckers get bored.

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its time for you and your mate to go buy an air rifle and a crate of beer




100 points for the owner

90 for a drug dealer

80 points for people with a bottle of beer in there hand other than your mate sat next to you

70 for a chav

60 for his tart

Double points for any fighting

triple points for any one shagging


an good air rifle will probibly cost about £40 and there you are endless night of fun (and i bet the little bastards dont come around again either )


:p :p :flame Dev

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My next door neighbour got 2 years in jail a few years back (around 7 I think now!) for shooting a chav with an air-rifle for constantly hanging around his house & giving him abuse.


Then again, he did hit him in the neck & he nearly died.


That black house....has it got...



"kiddy fiddler"




....painted in large white letters all over the house? It might have been done late at night / early in the morning? I don't know, was just asking


Has he got dog shit all over the front door handle on a daily basis?


I'm sure there's loads of things that can really put them off if the Police can't do anything.


Has anyone noticed the Police only really have any power over everyday people who have an indicator out, or are 2mph over the limit, or exhaust is too loud for their liking?

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LOL supra stevo.

I have two rifles at home ;)

a BCA air sport with telescopic sight, BCA air cadet with hunting darts and a hand airgun from the States.


Anyone fancy going on a hunting expedition




Funny you should say that!

I said to my mate that its weird why young kids should hang around some guys house :innocent:


Ok, time to go B'n'Q for some white paint

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Originally posted by shaf

did green peas sit on your car then? :D


No I dont like Kebabs.



yep its a bit odd, a bloke buys a building and invites teenagers in...ya classic Nonce I reckon...there was a bloke who was well known in Weybridge, always in the papers, turned his house into n amusement arcade, was interested in Photography too!!!....place was raided and they found lots of photographes of children and teenagers.....I wouldn't be surprised if hes known to the Police in which case they will no-doubt swoop on him lock him up again only to be freed again to do the exact same thing again...just hope they kick the shit out of him in prison.


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Failing that go and throw a load of tacs across the car park and pop the tyres of any moped riding scum that may materialise then do the dogs shit treatment to him or alternatively pay a local farmer a few quid to spray his house with shit!

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