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Oh yes I am off to Germany in a few weeks and I'm taking the car! There will be plenty of BMW ownership to be had I hope:devil: .

Is it true that the autobahns are limit-free? Or is there a sign that says 'no speed limit' or do I just assume that if there are no signs to the contrary? :confused:

I just hope it won't be snowing....

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In principle the Autobahns are unrestricted. But anyway there are many parts, that are restricted to usually 120kph, indicated by a stationary speed sign. Furthermore there are electric speed signs that are showing a restriction based on the current traffic situation, fog etc.


This sign indicates no restriction.

Another point you should consider, is to take a first-aid kit and a warning triangle, as they are compulsory.




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Lived out in Dusseldorf for 3yrs. The germans consider BMWs as you and I would consider a Ford Escort. I found BMW drivers, in Achtung-Land to be .... normal! Shocking isn't it ?


Infact it's nicknamed .. Turkish car. As many turkish people live in Germany drive a BMW.


It's the Mercedes - they are like UK BMW drivers. Porkers are the same. It's the mentality of a 911 driver to come zooming up behind you, slamming on their brakes and sit in your backseat flashing you with thier headlights .. whilst you're overtaking something else.

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Keep to (near) the limits when they are posted there are cameras!


And dont speed thry any roadworks.


As far as I understand it if you get caught on camera (like I did) they cant get you once out of the country but if you go back and get stopped they can slap any previous unanswered offences on you.

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Guest m5 killer

i dont know about the bms being like ford escorts to the germans, i have offices in belgium and germany and have worked with some serious german car tuners and trust me it aint the porsches you got to watch out for keep an eye out for the debadged bms, theres also a few 5 series bms out there the e34 shape ones the ones that reg from about freg to nreg if you come up against one of these and you cant shake it off or it leaves you dont bother going after it. to the men in the know how its known as the alpina B10 Bi-turbo and standard from the factory from alpina it is good for 188mph thats right 188mph and they are known to hit 200mph as for the modded ones they can go 200+ also watch out for the big amg merx as most of them are debadged as well, as for the police putting up the fine thats bull and beware most of the older bms have had engine transplants and are running 3.5 turbos or m5 engines even the old 3 series so enjoy....

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Watch out for debadged beemers? I will be watching out for everything and anything at the speed I'll be travelling :sly:

Did anyone see Clarkson last night when he got his ass whipped by that German bird on the Nuremburg ring? Wouldn't mind a go of that (the track that is) :thumbs:

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I've been going through Germany many times,i was last there end of August and i was doing 180+ for about half an hour 3 in the morning,i had fun with a new M5 for 20mins...Its like u r on a track some parts of the Autobahn,perfect roads+everybody with a fast car is up for top speeding--Problem is when u get back u will feel depressed!

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Originally posted by hogmaw

Watch out for debadged beemers? I will be watching out for everything and anything at the speed I'll be travelling :sly:

Did anyone see Clarkson last night when he got his ass whipped by that German bird on the Nuremburg ring? Wouldn't mind a go of that (the track that is) :thumbs:


http://www.mkivsupra.net/vbb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=27654 ;)

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