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How big are spiders nowadays?


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Was having some quality time on the sofa with Sarah, when out of the corner off my eye I see something moving and not slowly neither. Bloody big spider Sarah has never jumped off me so fast!!!!!!:( I thought that feckers in for it, ruining my night)


However on closer inspection this thing was massive, I kist you not the leg span must could span roughly 3inch the body was nearly the same size of a wasp but longer and thinner.


Back in my day they were all small sized no more than a 1p piece (maybe slight more than that)


They are huge I was scarded shitess, so Sarah's Mr Moo's fluffly slippers got used to kill it.

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Last year my house was innundated with massive spiders. Some of them were easily 4" across the legs. It was hard to trap them under a pint glass the leg span was that big!


I'm not normally bothered by spiders, but when you can actually hear them running around your bedroom, it kinda creeps you out!

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I dunno what made me scarded of them as I used to as a toddler which ........................last week I used to the pull the legs off them. Now am a wimp when it comes to them, however why don@t I suffer this with ants, daddy longlegs, ladybirds, mormal flies etc etc those I dont mind one bit.

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funny you should say that i big fat hairy bastard ran at me last night, i just squeeled like a girl i feckin hate the things.


they do seem to be gettin bigger

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Was having some quality time on the sofa with Sarah, when out of the corner off my eye I see something moving and not slowly neither. Bloody big spider Sarah has never jumped off me so fast!!!!!!:( I thought that feckers in for it, ruining my night)


However on closer inspection this thing was massive, I kist you not the leg span must could span roughly 3inch the body was nearly the same size of a wasp but longer and thinner.


Back in my day they were all small sized no more than a 1p piece (maybe slight more than that)


They are huge I was scarded shitess, so Sarah's Mr Moo's fluffly slippers got used to kill it.

The best bit is... it'll be living under your sofa. :D


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So you squashed it with a slipper. :(



Yes, I only kill spiders and flies thats it. I do not harm anything else.


I was going to purchase the .22 rifle that was on here, as next door neighbour has pigeons and they are noisy and shit everywhere, they are just vermin with wings, but I would never ever be able to kill one.

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Yes, I only kill spiders and flies thats it. I do not harm anything else.


I was going to purchase the .22 rifle as next door neighbour has them but I would never ever be able to kill one.


Spiders and moths are probably the two in house annoyances that I don't kill. I took the giant spiders we had last year down the road and dropped them in someone elses front garden!

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thats nothing,in the gulf we had to be carefull of camel spiders and they can grow to the size of a large dinner plate,there fast and can jump


Oh yeah. Aggressive little buggers them aren't they. Proper show stopper when they run out from under the loo hole in the long drops via your tackle, or up your back !!! I had a bit of an issue with bugs and the likes but 6 months in Afghanistan with things that look like they could have you good an proper kind of dulled the freakout I'd do when presented with a spider. Now I just look at them and if they will make too big a splat on me wall I let em head on wherever it was they were going. BTW taking a spider outside and dumping it doesn't work. They will find their way home for up to 2 miles apparently.

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thats nothing,in the gulf we had to be carefull of camel spiders and they can grow to the size of a large dinner plate,there fast and can jump


Although called 'Camel Spiders', I believe they aren't actually spiders. Just f*%king big bugs!!


I don't get the whole moth terror thing?? My mrs is sh*t scared of them and butterflies??? Both of which are obviously highly renowned for biting peoples heads off and sucking out their brains :)




Nah, i don't get the terror thing with moths either. Find them to be really fragile so usually just open the window in the morning and 'shoo' them out lol



Used to be able to kill spiders easily, just a bit of kitchen towel would do it...crunch. Makes me feel sick thinking about it now, always trap them in a glass and throw them outside (even though i know they'll be back).

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Must admit i hate spiders, the thing that gets me is upto a certain point i can pick them up and take them outside etc but when they get over that point i freak out LMAO what usually happens is my wife spots them, she goes mental and starts having panic attacks and i just cant stop laughing :D


Also people who are not scared of them always say there more scared of you than you are of them?? if thats the case why do most spider chase after you?? :p

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We get MASSIVE spiders in my house. There was one in the kitchen on the wall that Jon splatted, it's juices have run all down the wall but we're both too scared to remove the corpse, so it's just stuck there with a big stain around it.


Been loads recently, think it's all the wall moving and pulling down we've disturbed them all. Dirty little gits. I hate them.


Not sure when I started being afraid though, I used to hide them in my sisters bed...

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Oh yeah. Aggressive little buggers them aren't they. Proper show stopper when they run out from under the loo hole in the long drops via your tackle, or up your back !!! I had a bit of an issue with bugs and the likes but 6 months in Afghanistan with things that look like they could have you good an proper kind of dulled the freakout I'd do when presented with a spider. Now I just look at them and if they will make too big a splat on me wall I let em head on wherever it was they were going. BTW taking a spider outside and dumping it doesn't work. They will find their way home for up to 2 miles apparently.


i spent a year in the gulf and after a while we used to catch em and stick em in with other spiders and scorpions,and there total beasts, the scorpions used to commit suicide after a good fight


Although called 'Camel Spiders', I believe they aren't actually spiders. Just f*%king big bugs!!


and your right they are genetically a cross between spiders and scorpions,


they still have a bad bite and inject anastetic so you cant feel them eat away at your face,not a good site to wake up and see ya mucca with half a face

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I've learnt to love the huge spiders you get running into your house in Autumn. It's bug hunting season. I get my MP5 auto BB gun and mow them down in a hail of 6 mm plastic death. Once I had a near death moment when during a magazine change the spider turned round and decided attack was the best form of defence. But I rolled out of the way and nailed it with my manual Glock 17 sidearm. Never go gardening without it.

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I've learnt to love the huge spiders you get running into your house in Autumn. It's bug hunting season. I get my MP5 auto BB gun and mow them down in a hail of 6 mm plastic death. Once I had a near death moment when during a magazine change the spider turned round and decided attack was the best form of defence. But I rolled out of the way and nailed it with my manual Glock 17 sidearm. Never go gardening without it.



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I've learnt to love the huge spiders you get running into your house in Autumn. It's bug hunting season. I get my MP5 auto BB gun and mow them down in a hail of 6 mm plastic death. Once I had a near death moment when during a magazine change the spider turned round and decided attack was the best form of defence. But I rolled out of the way and nailed it with my manual Glock 17 sidearm. Never go gardening without it.


:lol: Epic story!

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I hate daddy long legs the most. I properly freak out and leg it. Can't help it although I know it is silly!


They are so unpredictable and they fly AT ME!


Not a moth fan either and discovered neither did I like butterflies when someone took me in a butterfly house - not good.


Spiders aren't so bad but I will always remove or kill.

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