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Old Work Mate Murdered!!


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To be honest I have hardly seen this guy in the last couple of years but when someone dies you begin to think about the times you spent together.


There used to be three of us that would have a couple of pints on a Friday tea time and put the world to rights!!


This has made me seriously think about carrying a weapon!! I have always been one who fights fair but the rules of the game are changing and it's the law abiding citizens who are getting the shitty end of the stick!!:(



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Bring back the death penalty and s*d human rights law & I'm training to be a lawyer!


If you commit a crime of a certain degree you should forego all human rights because you are clearly not human.


All in my opinion of course!


Rant over. Sorry to hear this H.

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They need proper punishment for early-indicator crimes. Nip the bad attitude in the bud.

A year in a strict bootcamp, that sort of thing. Not for a murder like this, but for the initial early-on acts of anti-social behaviour that develop into this sort of thing.


Me for prime minister?

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To be honest I have hardly seen this guy in the last couple of years but when someone dies you begin to think about the times you spent together.


There used to be three of us that would have a couple of pints on a Friday tea time and put the world to rights!!


This has made me seriously think about carrying a weapon!! I have always been one who fights fair but the rules of the game are changing and it's the law abiding citizens who are getting the shitty end of the stick!!:(




I hear exactly were your coming from mate , thing is it will get to a stage in this country were you either put up with being intimidated or you say f**k it i'll do the time and take out at least 1 or 2 of them at least they wont be causing anyone else grief.

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*Some* people say there's a lot wrong with the judicial system.


"Master criminals under the age of 16 never being sent down.

Very short sentences for serious crimes.

No victim consultation on the sentence handed down

Insufficient police powers and no fear of the police


Many of the little darlings know that they can't and won't be put away for anything less than robbery, murder etc; so they just carry on commiting crime. They become career criminals before they are 18.


One of the problems is that they get free legal advice every time they get arrested. This not only costs the system £££ but also helps get them off when they are guilty.


Human rights has a lot to answer for, as by allowing the sh*ts all these rights & entitlements, its a slap in the face for the victims... the ordinary people. Its too much centered on the rights of the suspect than the rights of the victim.


To put it right something needs to be done like:-

No free legal aid after the 3rd arrest. Pay for it themselves or go without

No reduction in sentence for a guilty plea after charge. These people know how to play the system & this is the biggest game. They go not guilty until the day of the hearing, waiting for a witness to not turn up, or some error so they can get off due to a technecality. If they say not guilty in interview then they should be sentenced as such in court.

Three strikes & you're out system, like the USA. On the 4th conviction then double the sentence.

Make prisons harsh, not a hotel


And finally - National service for those too lazy to get a job"


This is what I've heard anyway. I don't have any opinion, of course.

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Gangs, what a farce. The best way to teach them a lesson is to wait for them to 'separate' after a long night of chavving around the place thinking they're the next 'Fifty'. A lot of the people in my town do take the law into their own hands now, not in an extreme sense of course.


What's worse is this guy had complained about them a few times before and nothing was done. Not only that, but the Neighbours and Friends said that he 'was doing what was right for the village and standing up for them all - a hero'.


OK, so where the feck were they to help him out then? You can't go one on one with a gang and sadly this guy learnt it the hard way. :(


It's not 'just this Country' either. It's certainly got worse with knife crime now soaring and people cashing in on the idea of stab proof kelvlar lined hoodies and bomb/shot proof backpacks, but it happens everywhere. Spain I feel is one of the worst places for extremely violent crime and I've seen this a few times first hand.

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And finally - National service for those too lazy to get a job"


Now this one is a difficuly one Steve, but partially I agree. I recently did a presentation on reinstating Conscription for the RAF application.


The trouble with introducing the above is the standard of quality you'll be bringing in. Broken down into simplistic terms, I feel the following:


Pros of National Service/Conscription:


  • Can help us prepare for war (proactive), rather than reactive, especially now the BF are stretched
  • Young people can be taught discipline, respect and authority the hard way if need be
  • Helps develop the skills of the 'Youth' today. Training given in the BF such as mechanics, medical aid etc
  • Can strengthen the UK economy. Those with transferable skills that can be used in civvie life with help reduce unemployment
  • Perhaps finally we can instate a sense of National Pride and belonging to the UK amonst these groups


Cons of National Service/Conscription:


  • Bringing in the 'wrong' blood. The UK forces are specially trained individuals who are known as the best 'professionals' in the world. What the heck will allowing these guys in do to that reputation!
  • Many countries like Germany, Switzerland, Norway etc are now phasing it out as it isn't seen as necessary anymore.
  • Could do the opposite of teaching respect and discipline. By forcing youths to join, we could be encouraging them to rebel, fight against the system and cause further fighting and crime.
  • Consumes time and resources which may leave the current trained professionals lacking equipment, training etc.
  • Patriotism should not be based on the military as this could produce Nationalism.


Just my thoughts on the subject......plus I'm bored. :)

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Cons of National Service/Conscription:


  • Bringing in the 'wrong' blood. The UK forces are specially trained individuals who are known as the best 'professionals' in the world. What the heck will allowing these guys in do to that reputation!
  • Many countries like Germany, Switzerland, Norway etc are now phasing it out as it isn't seen as necessary anymore.
  • Could do the opposite of teaching respect and discipline. By forcing youths to join, we could be encouraging them to rebel, fight against the system and cause further fighting and crime.
  • Consumes time and resources which may leave the current trained professionals lacking equipment, training etc.
  • Patriotism should not be based on the military as this could produce Nationalism.


Just my thoughts on the subject......plus I'm bored. :)

All good points Greg but you're overlooking one thing:

The forces always need people for all the shitty jobs. ;)

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Three strikes & you're out system, like the USA. On the 4th conviction then double the sentence.


Three strikes is great, until you consider invasive draconian anti-human laws. Smoke pot three times? Wanna be a psychonaut, get closer to your spiritual side with the help of some cacti? Go to jail for 20 years for that. :eek:

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Plenty of things I would personally like to see introduced to this country, a zero tollerance to criminals would be a start...ie if they are getting lairy on the streets, Drunk/disorderly police have the right to batter them like spanish/greek police would. 10 years in prison for anyone carrying a knife, no if's no but's no appeal...10 years straight, life for rapists, peados and murderer's, child abuse...vary stretch of time and make any offending parties sterile so they can no longer have children!! Give the public rights to batter anyone who breaks into your property! God I am an angry man at times ha ha


And as for the human Rights act.....one of the worst thing we have ever done, along with letting every refugee, immigrant etc into the shite whole that is Britain


Terrorists-If they dont like it piss off, if they commit atrocities - Death Penalty, criminals from other countries are instantly deported if they commit a serious crime over here no appeal


The list is endless, all the while my parents are here I wil stay in this country when they are gone I will seriously consider selling up and going with Jo to start a new life

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*Some* people say there's a lot wrong with the judicial system.


"Master criminals under the age of 16 never being sent down.

Very short sentences for serious crimes.

No victim consultation on the sentence handed down

Insufficient police powers and no fear of the police


Many of the little darlings know that they can't and won't be put away for anything less than robbery, murder etc; so they just carry on commiting crime. They become career criminals before they are 18.


One of the problems is that they get free legal advice every time they get arrested. This not only costs the system £££ but also helps get them off when they are guilty.


Human rights has a lot to answer for, as by allowing the sh*ts all these rights & entitlements, its a slap in the face for the victims... the ordinary people. Its too much centered on the rights of the suspect than the rights of the victim.


To put it right something needs to be done like:-

No free legal aid after the 3rd arrest. Pay for it themselves or go without

No reduction in sentence for a guilty plea after charge. These people know how to play the system & this is the biggest game. They go not guilty until the day of the hearing, waiting for a witness to not turn up, or some error so they can get off due to a technecality. If they say not guilty in interview then they should be sentenced as such in court.

Three strikes & you're out system, like the USA. On the 4th conviction then double the sentence.

Make prisons harsh, not a hotel


And finally - National service for those too lazy to get a job"


This is what I've heard anyway. I don't have any opinion, of course.


Its a shame that the people that hold these views, are not the same ones making the decisions;)

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Now this one is a difficuly one Steve, but partially I agree. I recently did a presentation on reinstating Conscription for the RAF application.


The trouble with introducing the above is the standard of quality you'll be bringing in. Broken down into simplistic terms, I feel the following:


Pros of National Service/Conscription:


  • Can help us prepare for war (proactive), rather than reactive, especially now the BF are stretched
  • Young people can be taught discipline, respect and authority the hard way if need be
  • Helps develop the skills of the 'Youth' today. Training given in the BF such as mechanics, medical aid etc
  • Can strengthen the UK economy. Those with transferable skills that can be used in civvie life with help reduce unemployment
  • Perhaps finally we can instate a sense of National Pride and belonging to the UK amonst these groups


Cons of National Service/Conscription:


  • Bringing in the 'wrong' blood. The UK forces are specially trained individuals who are known as the best 'professionals' in the world. What the heck will allowing these guys in do to that reputation!
  • Many countries like Germany, Switzerland, Norway etc are now phasing it out as it isn't seen as necessary anymore.
  • Could do the opposite of teaching respect and discipline. By forcing youths to join, we could be encouraging them to rebel, fight against the system and cause further fighting and crime.
  • Consumes time and resources which may leave the current trained professionals lacking equipment, training etc.
  • Patriotism should not be based on the military as this could produce Nationalism.


Just my thoughts on the subject......plus I'm bored. :)


Good arguments Sheefa.

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Why thanks Steve. ;)


Yes Ivan, certainly agree there are other roles that may keep them 'out of the way' mate, but they're still a part of the wider forces and representing our Country.


For example: BREAKING NEWS "A young teenager undergoing National Service for the British Army as a cleaner was charged with setting fire to a nearby bungalow. It was reported that he had chanted "Burn, baby burn, Disco Inferno" whilst swinging around his mop as the owners fled their home'.


Still wouldn't look great on the Forces would it. :)

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sad incident, but not surpising.


Someone I know used to have encounters with some wannabe gang rubbish around there as well, they were terrorising the place, shouting, damaging properties, keying and walking on cars, setting fire to trees...


The cops weren't interested at all, except if they would manage to get someone to admit they'd use violence --- then they'd be keen to 'interview' them and see if they can charge them with something.

At first he made the mistake of trying to scare them off, but it only brought the opposite result. So he changed his approach and played dead.

A few days later, when they lost interest in his place, he quietly (at a distance) followed the two 'leaders' back to their houses.


Once he knew their names, addresses etc the tables were turned: He knew about them a lot more than they knew about him. In fact they didn't even know it was him.


There have been no more such incidents in the last two years.



I think that this is the way to go. Use CCTV, neibourhood watch, that sort of thing and find out where these individuals live. Once you have them wrapped in paperwork, even knocking on their door can be enough to get them scared. They don't expect their own house to become part of the 'battlefield' and they don't know how much else you know.

They are cowards, so they'll look elsewhere for victims.

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Why thanks Steve. ;)


Yes Ivan, certainly agree there are other roles that may keep them 'out of the way' mate, but they're still a part of the wider forces and representing our Country.


For example: BREAKING NEWS "A young teenager undergoing National Service for the British Army as a cleaner was charged with setting fire to a nearby bungalow. It was reported that he had chanted "Burn, baby burn, Disco Inferno" whilst swinging around his mop as the owners fled their home'.


Still wouldn't look great on the Forces would it. :)


I was thinking more along the lines of giving the Yanks something to aim at next time instead of wasting real soldiers. ;)

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