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Appologies in advance for another marathon post.... :innocent:


From my point of view, I DID try to let people know the appaling work done on Toms car. Now, very briefly, the deleted thread where all this started, started with Tom stating some facts about the bad work on his car, then, along came Jamie P and accused Tom of 'stealing' the kit from Turbo Fit. (They had shipped the car down to Kent, because they couldn't get it to run - What a suprise! :rolleyes: ), after seeing the abomination they had done to his car, and the extra expense Tom was having to pay other people to get the car to a position where it would start, Tom told Sam and Greg that he would give them a chance to fix the problems, (and gave them a list), before he would pay for the kit.

I thought that was fair enough, but Jamie didn't. At this point, Tom and Jamie with some other TF fans, were starting to make Tom look like the bad guy, and making out that Tom was lying. That's where I started posting, and gave a true account of what I'd seen.

And I got exactly the same treatment. Jamie and the others all made out that Tom was still trying to steal the kit and leave poor Turbo Fit out of pocket, never mind that poor Tom was without his car for 3 months at that point alone! Whilst I was accused of dramatisation, and general stirring.

I think the thread ended with Paul Evans making a statement that he thought Turbo fit were great and implying that I was acting as a puppet on behalf of Terry S, and that it was out of order to slate Turbo Fit as they had put everything into their business and they are great guys.....

The thread got locked at that point, and I was left feeling so angry that people just couldn't see the wood for the trees.


I did continue to tell people face to face, or sometimes via PM if I was asked an opinion, but after being treated like that and being accused of not being able to speak my own mind, I couldn't see the point of speaking out against these 'heros', when people on here worshipped both Turbo Fit and the likes of Jamie P.

I also declined to post against them as I was, at that time, an authorised trader, and I considered it bad etiquette to run down another trader. - As I'm now a 'free man', I feel I can say what I like :D


Both Graham, and Gaz have already said that I had warned them about it, but in both cases, other people persuaded them otherwise. Can you imagine how sould destroying it is to give advice to people and then see they choose to ignore you? They weren't the only ones, just the ones with enough balls to admit it.


Lets face it, Turbo Fits PR machine was indeed flawless.


At the end of the day, I made my choice... One day we will have to have a beer and laugh about this. Thanks for trying, but I am a stubborn bastard!


Buddy....why is is soul destroying; you did your bit by pointing out the mistakes and offering your expert opinion. You are not responsible for the choices that THEY make.


I for one did listen to you about turbofit and you will also remember how tempted I was to buy that PHR kit off the DEVIL himself; and I am glad I didn't :)


Agree completely, not your fault.


God, more and more problems coming out of the woodwork.


Really bad isn't it?! What doesn't help though is people slagging off your own cars or apparent 'ignorance' about buying a Supra. Everyone knows I had massive problems, but SOME of them were caused by the mechanics I used and led to my ownership downfall. TF were highest up that list especially when my car was returned with a leaking turbo housing which later belw a week later. :(


Still, doesn't give any member the right to slag me and my choice of purchase off when things like the above happen.


Mate, unfortunately some people got it worse than others... you were one of the ones, unfortunately that got hit badly. It is such a pity that you have had to resort to selling your car, as result of poor workmanship.


Seem we got onto the forum a fraction late, and missed all the really good advise. :(


Unfortunately the mechanics ( the idiots whom did the crappy work) seem to still be modifying cars, with any luck theyll change to vauxhalls


Fire the sods!


The most shocking thing I found, was a piece of crumpled up tinfoil. Now I wonder what that was for??? :search:




At least this thread is highlighting who we SHOULD be listening to.


Completely agree... At least it highlights who to listen to and who not to listen to... This thread should be brilliant for newbies!! Should be required reading!

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When we helped Chris sz swap his engine over I was amazed at Migs technical knowledge of the supra. The likes of him and Matt Harwood, who also knows his way around the supe, are the sort of people who should be listened too. They are not the type of guys to criticise poor workmanship for the sake of it. It is a shame Mig is not on here anymore as he is a fountain of knowledge and as for Matt also a fountain of knowledge.. Nice to see you back fella.


there is one good thing about all this... we have got Matt posting again :)

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I count myself lucky to have Mr Harwood as friend, and he's pointed me in the right direction many time's, (I need it, i'm thick :D). Mig's a diamond and know's pretty much all there is to know about these car's, Terry S has helped me out a few time's and is a sound guy, and Mark at Phoenix is a top bloke too, i'm fortunate to know these guy's also.

Although having these people guide me in the right direction has been a bonus, seeing Tom's car first hand was an eye opener, the work carried out was shocking to say the least, (and that's just the part's you could see !). I knew then that i'd never take my car to TF.

I hope you guy's that have been burnt get some kind of compensation, at the end of the day it's easy to get dragged along with the crowd, i'm just lucky that my crowd have the skill's and knowledge to see what's good and what's not.

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After seeing all this I'm beginning to make sense of a chance remark at JAE.


Someone asked me if I was ever going to go single with the Supra.

I replied something along the lines of "Not with the amount of problems I'm seeing from all the single turbo guys."

The answer I got was "It didn't used to be like that. Look at a few of the more long standing members - their setups are fine."



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If in doubt your best of doing it yourself if you have the right tools and are able etc etc...


Or buying an already modified car and getting it tweaked and mapped by good mechanics/traders/mappers to your desired spec. ;)

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Appologies in advance for another marathon post.... :innocent:


From my point of view, I DID try to let people know the appaling work done on Toms car. Now, very briefly, the deleted thread where all this started, started with Tom stating some facts about the bad work on his car, then, along came Jamie P and accused Tom of 'stealing' the kit from Turbo Fit. (They had shipped the car down to Kent, because they couldn't get it to run - What a suprise! :rolleyes: ), after seeing the abomination they had done to his car, and the extra expense Tom was having to pay other people to get the car to a position where it would start, Tom told Sam and Greg that he would give them a chance to fix the problems, (and gave them a list), before he would pay for the kit.

I thought that was fair enough, but Jamie didn't. At this point, Tom and Jamie with some other TF fans, were starting to make Tom look like the bad guy, and making out that Tom was lying. That's where I started posting, and gave a true account of what I'd seen.

And I got exactly the same treatment. Jamie and the others all made out that Tom was still trying to steal the kit and leave poor Turbo Fit out of pocket, never mind that poor Tom was without his car for 3 months at that point alone! Whilst I was accused of dramatisation, and general stirring.

I think the thread ended with Paul Evans making a statement that he thought Turbo fit were great and implying that I was acting as a puppet on behalf of Terry S, and that it was out of order to slate Turbo Fit as they had put everything into their business and they are great guys.....

The thread got locked at that point, and I was left feeling so angry that people just couldn't see the wood for the trees.


I did continue to tell people face to face, or sometimes via PM if I was asked an opinion, but after being treated like that and being accused of not being able to speak my own mind, I couldn't see the point of speaking out against these 'heros', when people on here worshipped both Turbo Fit and the likes of Jamie P.

I also declined to post against them as I was, at that time, an authorised trader, and I considered it bad etiquette to run down another trader. - As I'm now a 'free man', I feel I can say what I like :D


Both Graham, and Gaz have already said that I had warned them about it, but in both cases, other people persuaded them otherwise. Can you imagine how sould destroying it is to give advice to people and then see they choose to ignore you? They weren't the only ones, just the ones with enough balls to admit it.


Lets face it, Turbo Fits PR machine was indeed flawless.


we live and learn mate, we live and learn, i think i joined around the mkivstore, and turbofit time when tey were the best thing since sliced bread:rolleyes: i did not know the likes of matt, alex, terry s, so i would not know who to ask at the time, when we chatted matt i had already been bitten by mkivstore:rolleyes: then turbo fit became no1, me not knowing anything about supra,s became a sheep:rolleyes: all in all though my car is now how i want it:D if i had of listened it would have been done quicker and cheaper, i am going to need to take her somewhere to get a final checkover, as they also done my manual conversion and am a little worried,

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What I cannot understand is yes the is no denying TF have cocked up reading through this thread however it appears that people are blaming them for others leaving the forum.

They have left as either they have moved on from the forum and the supra. If they blame TF then that is just a sheer lack of character IMO

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How about a pm from the mods to people who are contemplating using a crap garage to tell them how crap it is


ahh, now thats a tricky one. At what point do we go public with issues that we are aware of? Is it when we hear 1 complaint, or 5 complaints or even when the great technical minds of the forum point out some serious short-comings?


We might think that a trader has done a bad job on a car, but we would be criticising somebodys pride and joy, and they might actually be quite happy with the work. And if we were to PM people saying not to use a trader then we are surely at the point where the trader shouldnt be on the forum.


It really is a question about at what point we should be going public and how.


There are some issues about a different trader that have been pointed out to me, but no members have complained directly. Which is why I would like people to PM your favourite moderator if you have issues with a trader, not with the intention that we resolve those problems for you but so that if its part of a bigger problem then we can act.



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ahh, now thats a tricky one. At what point do we go public with issues that we are aware of? Is it when we hear 1 complaint, or 5 complaints or even when the great technical minds of the forum point out some serious short-comings?


We might think that a trader has done a bad job on a car, but we would be criticising somebodys pride and joy, and they might actually be quite happy with the work. And if we were to PM people saying not to use a trader then we are surely at the point where the trader shouldnt be on the forum.


It really is a question about at what point we should be going public and how.


There are some issues about a different trader that have been pointed out to me, but no members have complained directly. Which is why I would like people to PM your favourite moderator if you have issues with a trader, not with the intention that we resolve those problems for you but so that if its part of a bigger problem then we can act.





Why should it be the responsibility of the mods? There should be more people out there who are prepared to be honest. Put your neck on the line like toyota tom did. I have a feeling after all this people are much less likely to kick you down.

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I don't have anything to say about Turbofit as i have not used them. But i would like to comment on traders in general.


When somebody asks is a trader is good you will always get a few saying they are great and perhaps another saying less favourable things.

Now a newbie unless he knows the members in question is going to take a balanced view on things regardless of the technical knowledge of the members giving the advice as he wouldn't know for example that Matt Harwood is an electrical guru.


Maybe there could be some way of altering the status of members who have known expertise in certain areas so that their advice would be heeded a little better or taken as more valuable.

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What I cannot understand is yes the is no denying TF have cocked up reading through this thread however it appears that people are blaming them for others leaving the forum.

They have left as either they have moved on from the forum and the supra. If they blame TF then that is just a sheer lack of character IMO


I have plenty of charachter Ian. But you go through the soul destroying process of being called a liar, thief, cheat, and opportunist. Throw thousands at your beloved motor, get absolutely nothing back but problems that require another trunk load of money to sort out.


You easily become tired and irritable by everything around you. Then, while you're going through all this, the people responsible for your predicament go lording it about, still claiming "we do things properly". They band around false accusations about yourself, trying to the destroy the 'charachter' you mentioned earlier.


Eventually bills increase to exponential level, and you realise the only way to save your Supra is to strip it down the last bolt and start from square one.


I literally couldnt take it any more.


Now you tell me. Is that lack of charachter, or TurboFits rancid workmanship and abuse that forced me out?

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I have plenty of charachter Ian. But you go through the soul destroying process of being called a liar, thief, cheat, and opportunist. Throw thousands at your beloved motor, get absolutely nothing back but problems that require another trunk load of money to sort out.


You easily become tired and irritable by everything around you. Then, while you're going through all this, the people responsible for your predicament go lording it about, still claiming "we do things properly". They band around false accusations about yourself, trying to the destroy the 'charachter' you mentioned earlier.


Eventually bills increase to exponential level, and you realise the only way to save your Supra is to strip it down the last bolt and start from square one.


I literally couldnt take it any more.


Now you tell me. Is that lack of charachter, or TurboFits rancid workmanship and abuse that forced me out?


You chose to leave forum TF didn't force you. Yes the fact that you had issues may have been a contributing factor. Did TF call you a liar on the forum directly ??? Maybe they did, but I think not.

You can take others comments to heart or you can ignore them. I personally would ignore them and carry on enjoying the forum. You couldn't so yes I suppose you have a lack of strength of character IMO

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Didnt say they had said it on the forum, more behind my back. I think your idea of charachter is obviously different to mine, so lets agree to disagree without starting up a side line arguement.


Point is, after most people have turned on you for attemting to out their favourite tuner for poor workmanship etc, is their much left for you to enjoy? Not in my case. I even got phone calls at home from people I'd never met that were members on here, just calling to slag me off. I cant have that and neither can my other half.

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Didnt say they had said it on the forum, more behind my back. I think your idea of charachter is obviously different to mine, so lets agree to disagree without starting up a side line arguement.


Point is, after most people have turned on you for attemting to out their favourite tuner for poor workmanship etc, is their much left for you to enjoy? Not in my case. I even got phone calls at home from people I'd never met that were members on here, just calling to slag me off. I cant have that and neither can my other half.


Fair point mate. Getting phone calls is out of order and just pure victamisation. Was not aware it was that extent and when it involves others close to you as well is bang out order. So apologies and I retract my previous comments

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Guys can we lay off the personal critism. Its uncomfortable as a fellow member to read character bashing as this isnt the idea of the forum and a bit low to be honest.


We are all here to enjoy our supra ownership and help each other out..........can we leave the personal attacks and keep things factual and constructive.

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Fair point mate. Getting phone calls is out of order and just pure victamisation. Was not aware it was that extent and when it involves others close to you as well is bang out order. So apologies and I retract my previous comments


Accepted mate, although I wasnt offended :tongue:


In order to be totally fair. There was an awful lot which happened, which affected a lot of people who got dragged into it wether they meant to or not. And only a few know everything that actually happened.

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