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Turbofit Trader Status Removed


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You won't though. I had a good search for it yesterday but it's nowhere to be found. I suspect it got moved to the Mod's area or deleted.


Hmm ... I remember it. It was a thread started by Paul about AEM mapping at TF (I think) in the Miami GT area (ages ago). The story of ToyotaTom was then made public in that thread.

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Hmm ... I remember it. It was a thread started by Paul about AEM mapping at TF (I think) in the Miami GT area (ages ago). The story of ToyotaTom was then made public in that thread.[/QUOT



Maybe if the thread had not been deleted in the first place less people would have had their fingers burned.

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Maybe if the thread had not been deleted in the first place less people would have had their fingers burned.


No mate. ToyotaTom & Matt Harwood were both shouted down - and nobody paid any attention. So, even if the thread was public now for all to see - it wouldn't have made any difference.


The only purpose it would serve would be a "We told you so." & that doesn't help any of the members who have lost out here.

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he thinks you a tit as it is, never mind what he must think by now lmao.


The only thing I would say here (and would say to anyone) is to let a 3rd party voice their own opinion. In Terry's situation, I wouldn't be too happy if people were passing opinion as mine without me giving it and I'm sure none of us would like it were it being done to us.





I hope all of those with car problems manage to get them sorted. If you need a pair of hands and I can get to you then you need only ask.



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So are all the mechanics still actually working? on supras but in another garage? thats totally sick. Think how many other peoples cars theyre going to completetly screw up.


I think Tom was right. How can people that spend their entire working careers scamming and bodging be described as 'nice people' They put money into a business that they knew nothing about and got burnt in the end, thats what you call karma


The main thing is how to stop this happening again. If anyone typed in turbofit or turbofit workmanship into the search (as newbies are told use the search on a regular basis because some people cant be bothered to answer posts) there would be lots of threads saying how good they are. Couldnt find a single one saying they were rubbish. Hence wouldnt anyone doing a search think that they were good? How about a pm from the mods to people who are contemplating using a crap garage to tell them how crap it is

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well thats just it why did it take turbofit to go down before all the storys of bad workmanship came up?sure there was the odd story but fekin hell it seems everyones saying they were crap now..:innocent:


Good PR by other members - is why they kept going. Of course, when people are continually shouted down - when certain things are pointed out, the attitude becomes - "Oh sod it! What's the point ?"


I remember it happening to me (although it wasn't a flaming) when I put something like


paraphrasing : "Phoenix know how to do proper single installs."

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well thats just it why did it take turbofit to go down before all the storys of bad workmanship came up?sure there was the odd story but fekin hell it seems everyones saying they were crap now..:innocent:


Appologies in advance for another marathon post.... :innocent:


From my point of view, I DID try to let people know the appaling work done on Toms car. Now, very briefly, the deleted thread where all this started, started with Tom stating some facts about the bad work on his car, then, along came Jamie P and accused Tom of 'stealing' the kit from Turbo Fit. (They had shipped the car down to Kent, because they couldn't get it to run - What a suprise! :rolleyes: ), after seeing the abomination they had done to his car, and the extra expense Tom was having to pay other people to get the car to a position where it would start, Tom told Sam and Greg that he would give them a chance to fix the problems, (and gave them a list), before he would pay for the kit.

I thought that was fair enough, but Jamie didn't. At this point, Tom and Jamie with some other TF fans, were starting to make Tom look like the bad guy, and making out that Tom was lying. That's where I started posting, and gave a true account of what I'd seen.

And I got exactly the same treatment. Jamie and the others all made out that Tom was still trying to steal the kit and leave poor Turbo Fit out of pocket, never mind that poor Tom was without his car for 3 months at that point alone! Whilst I was accused of dramatisation, and general stirring.

I think the thread ended with Paul Evans making a statement that he thought Turbo fit were great and implying that I was acting as a puppet on behalf of Terry S, and that it was out of order to slate Turbo Fit as they had put everything into their business and they are great guys.....

The thread got locked at that point, and I was left feeling so angry that people just couldn't see the wood for the trees.


I did continue to tell people face to face, or sometimes via PM if I was asked an opinion, but after being treated like that and being accused of not being able to speak my own mind, I couldn't see the point of speaking out against these 'heros', when people on here worshipped both Turbo Fit and the likes of Jamie P.

I also declined to post against them as I was, at that time, an authorised trader, and I considered it bad etiquette to run down another trader. - As I'm now a 'free man', I feel I can say what I like :D


Both Graham, and Gaz have already said that I had warned them about it, but in both cases, other people persuaded them otherwise. Can you imagine how sould destroying it is to give advice to people and then see they choose to ignore you? They weren't the only ones, just the ones with enough balls to admit it.


Lets face it, Turbo Fits PR machine was indeed flawless.

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Can you imagine how sould destroying it is to give advice to people and then see they choose to ignore you? They weren't the only ones, just the ones with enough balls to admit it.


Buddy....why is is soul destroying; you did your bit by pointing out the mistakes and offering your expert opinion. You are not responsible for the choices that THEY make.


I for one did listen to you about turbofit and you will also remember how tempted I was to buy that PHR kit off the DEVIL himself; and I am glad I didn't :)

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Buddy....why is is soul destroying; you did your bit by pointing out the mistakes and offering your expert opinion. You are not responsible for the choices that THEY make.


I for one did listen to you about turbofit and you will also remember how tempted I was to buy that PHR kit off the DEVIL himself; and I am glad I didn't :)


You were one of the few that did listen.

I don't blame people for not wanting to hear bad things about them. Sooooo many people were saying how good they were. Sadly, I'm not sure many, if any, could spot the poor quality work. And those that did, didn't want to speak out for fear of being flamed.

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Mr Harwood....I knew you were good, but when my father sings your praises, people should know that you are really really good.


BTW: He also sings praises of Mark from Pheonix; he has met him twice now.


Trust me, it is very rare for him to compliment a car specialist / mechanic - he thinks that most of them are cowboys (and to be honest, they are)

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God, more and more problems coming out of the woodwork.


Really bad isn't it?! What doesn't help though is people slagging off your own cars or apparent 'ignorance' about buying a Supra. Everyone knows I had massive problems, but SOME of them were caused by the mechanics I used and led to my ownership downfall. TF were highest up that list especially when my car was returned with a leaking turbo housing which later belw a week later. :(


Still, doesn't give any member the right to slag me and my choice of purchase off when things like the above happen.

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And those that did, didn't want to speak out for fear of being flamed.


A very sad state of affairs.


Over the past 4 years I've had little niggly problems with a lot of the traders on here at some point (late deliveries, faulty part, missing parts, 2nd hand parts, wrong parts, constant lies etc). However I have never voiced anything on the forum as the traders responsible ultimately did sort any problems as one would expect so there was no need. Good traders and good business sense.


If I had bad bad work done on the car with no resolution I would feel obliged to tell people here if things never got sorted out properly.


I certainly wouldn't hide away for fear of abuse from other members.

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A real pity and a shocking indictment of Supra owners attitudes today that the 'old hands', who have been here for years, were ignored and pilloried by the 'more money than sense' TF army.


When I first joined it was about the same time that Matt, Terry S, Mig and the like were beginning to, seemingly, withdraw from the scene. I quickly realised that these people (and their posts) were a goldmine of info and it's a shame that they aren't here anymore except for the rare occasion.

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The only person i no longer speak to is Mig. Come back mate :)


When we helped Chris sz swap his engine over I was amazed at Migs technical knowledge of the supra. The likes of him and Matt Harwood, who also knows his way around the supe, are the sort of people who should be listened too. They are not the type of guys to criticise poor workmanship for the sake of it. It is a shame Mig is not on here anymore as he is a fountain of knowledge and as for Matt also a fountain of knowledge.. Nice to see you back fella.

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When we helped Chris sz swap his engine over I was amazed at Migs technical knowledge of the supra. The likes of him and Matt Harwood, who also knows his way around the supe, are the sort of people who should be listened too. They are not the type of guys to criticise poor workmanship for the sake of it. It is a shame Mig is not on here anymore as he is a fountain of knowledge and as for Matt also a fountain of knowledge.. Nice to see you back fella.


I only met Mig the once, when he and Matt were doing some work on my car a few years ago. Great bloke :)

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