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F'ing Sky Insurance


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Right I am fookin fuming - I made a claim a month or 2 ago due to vandalism and the car got written off due to cost. Pissed off but thought bugger it I'll buy it back, fix it up and happy days r here.


After mucho squabbling and toy throwing I got them to agree to let me buy it back which I now have. It's took forever but apparently the cheque is on the way this week and my car is all MOT'd and legal again - just looks shite due to damage. The engineers were being right jobs worths about it all, refusing to let me buy it back and then making it a Cat C after they were persuaded to allow me to after I got some advice from a mate in salvage and threw some f***s their way.


I thought I was finally done when they not only got it all sorted and sent the cheque but they downgraded it from Cat C to Cat D - relatively unheard of - Result.


NOW THE HORRIBLE BIT ! They rang today to see if I'd received the renewal for later this month which I told them I hadn't. I asked how much it was and laughed at him when he said £1800+ thinking he was taking the piss coz last year it was only £600. I said it shouldn't matter bout my claim as I was protected NCB to which he looked and said no u aren't. Now I know for a fact I asked for this and almost certain I paid for it for 2 reasons. The first being I had a 3 month policy on the Supe when I first bought it so my car at the time could finish it's term giving me 4 years NCB which I could then use on the Supe and then protect. Secondly I turned down the like for like courtesy car thing as it was £60 on top of the £40 NCB protection taking my policy over the £700 mark which I didn't want to do.( Plus I can use other cars if need be anyway) Now I remember this but they swear they have no record of this and when I told them to listen to the phone calls he said they didn't have recording facilities this time last year so there would be no record - Now to me this sounds like I'm being bent over and roggered proppa and is a convenient stack of horse shite - I also had to ammend the forms several times due to incompitence and they say it's never been on any of the forms even at the start. Now I'm gonna read every word on every sheet tonight but I would like to know if other people have had similar experiences so I can shove a bit of weight into my arguement b4 I consult the Mrs law firm on it. Also does anyone happen to know if the 'no recording facilities' this time last year to be a crock of mess for any reasom ??????


Please help coz as it stands I have a de-valued car, harldly any NCB left and a huge premium for next year all due to no fault of my own and I'm sick of these insurance companies ripping me off. My other car was spanked in the arse whilst parked outside the house a year ago last May 4th - those mother fcuka's are still piss arsing around and the car is all seized up and dead on my drive where it has always been ever since - this goes to show they're all shite and it isn't just my bad luck.....or is it.


Any oppinion/advice/large building demolition experts with some wisdom for me ????

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If they are part of the FSA insurance regulation body they HAVE to have voice recording facility on ALL calls.


As a telephone engineer and worked in a few insurance places every customer has told me this, so ive had to install it it.


Only way they dont record is if they are not regulated by the insurance authority body thing, im sure its FSA (i might be wrong on the abbriviation)


Or they are breaking the law.


Just a little adder, when is signed upto sky, all the paperwork was wrong, wrong names, addresses, wrong car for gods sake... double check everything!

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I've notified UIG (Jae, from Sky) of the thread and asked for him to take a look at your claim and respond.


Thanx Mr S, I'm going to check thru my paperwork now. Im so angry though because 2 years and eleven months of clean driving is going down the shatter because of this and I know Im not to blame for this particular mess and I bet there's nothing I can do about it either. They always win !


Instead of paying £600 or less for 5 years NCB I'm going to struggle to pay £1800+ with 2 years NCB, I may just get rid of the car and get something cheaper if need be, but I'll be fcuked off as hell bout it.

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I'm not gonna make friends with my reply, but I dont empathise with your situation.


First off the way that they will be seing it is that you have had your documents for a year that you haven't raised an issue with this particular point.


Second off protected NCB is just that, it does not protect you from not falling within underwriting criteria, so by you having one or more claims this may incur a loading on the quote regardless if you have bonus or not.


Also all people trading in insurance are regulated by the FSA in some form or another in the UK, and also those based outside of the UK but still trading here. The phones thing is a grey area, and to be honest the FSA do scrutinise everything so not realising there was no recordings would be an amazing oversight on the FSAs part if it was mandatory at the time.


To be honest I think they are well within there rights unless you can provide proof otherwise. And to be honest I would be surprised if they are allowed to respond on individual cases, so I'd like to see them explain themselves on a public forum about someones personal details.


I'm not defending them if they made a cockup, just saying it how it is.





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Second off protected NCB is just that, it does not protect you from not falling within underwriting criteria, so by you having one or more claims this may incur a loading on the quote regardless if you have bonus or not.


So what's the point of having protected NCB then?

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well in February this year my Aristo was broken into, damage was substantial and it took 2-3 months to repair.


2 weeks after the damage my renewal was due and I spoke to Jae and asked his advise on my renewal. We agreed to hold my renewal until my car was fixed:) Then and only then re-sign.


I have over 10 years protected NCB and my renewal after the damage to my Aristo was less than the prevous years insurance.


Now I may be older, but I check documentation and if there is a problem I go straight to Jae, after all he is the club rep so to speak.


I for one will not give grief until my facts are sorted for me. And if your documents did not have prot ncb on and you only just noticed after the accident, I think that becomes your fault as you are told to check documents b4 sending back



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iv been with Sky for about 3 years or more now and to be honest im losing faith in them,over silly things like i'v been waiting for my proof of no claims back from them for 4 months!!i have 2 cars insured with them and sold one,but can i get my proof of NCB can a fek!!!keep say they are sending them or they have been sent and still no luck!!!

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Slow Matt is right I can not discuss an individuals insurance policy on a public forum without written consent from the policy holder confirming they are happy for us to do so .


I will say that most quotes we do are sent in writting to the customer and that letter shows the terms and exclusions on the policy. Once a policy is incepted we send an even more details explantion of the cover and a proposal form that needs to be checked and signed. If there are any incorrect details on these forms and if the policy does not cover something that it should have done then we will change it. However we can not amend a policy to include a benifit that was not previously included after a claim has occured.

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I am always amused at how people take 'NCB protection' at face value.

It's a con, wake up! Free money for them, you get NOTHING in return. No extra cover whatsoever, just fake peace of mind.


Here's why:

Whatever they claim your NCB to be, they do not HAVE to use it in the premium calculation.

So if you look like a low risk and you haven't got NCB then they use it as a negotiating tool to hike up your premium.

But if you've got it and you look like a high risk (because you have recent claims) then they choose to ignore it in the next premium calculation.


So after your 3 total losses you still have full NCB but it really ain't worth jack because your risk is calculated around it.


Many moons ago I've worked on the software of some major Lloyd's underwriters and (fully respecting the confidentiality agreements) I can tell you that I've never opted for NCB protection myself.


As for the telephone call records, any court would look at the *written* terms and conditions of the contract.

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I am always amused at how people take 'NCB protection' at face value.

It's a con, wake up! Free money for them, you get NOTHING in return. No extra cover whatsoever, just fake peace of mind.


Here's why:

Whatever they claim your NCB to be, they do not HAVE to use it in the premium calculation.

So if you look like a low risk and you haven't got NCB then they use it as a negotiating tool to hike up your premium.

But if you've got it and you look like a high risk (because you have recent claims) then they choose to ignore it in the next premium calculation.


So after your 3 total losses you still have full NCB but it really ain't worth jack because your risk is calculated around it.


Many moons ago I've worked on the software of some major Lloyd's underwriters and (fully respecting the confidentiality agreements) I can tell you that I've never opted for NCB protection myself.


As for the telephone call records, any court would look at the written terms and conditions of the contract.


me niether :D

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So what's the point of having protected NCB then?



Assuming it works like it should it is a discount off the premium not a guarantee the premium will be lower.


For example you have 50% no claims bonus. The quote you are given is £500 but you get 50% off so it is only £250 in total.


At renewal time you've had a couple of claims but you protected your NCD. However the claims mean the premium has doubled to £1000 as you are a risk. You still get 50% off because you protected your no claims but your premium is now £500. if you hadn't protected them you'd be paying the full £1000


Does that make sense? It is the very ideological laymans view of it.



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is it really any surprise 1 in 10 don't bother with insurance companies? Always had major issues with them. I had after market, alloy wheels and exhaust on my old fiesta a while back and the guy on the phone said, why would you want to change the wheels on a car? and what is the BHP increase with the exhaust...(with rolling road proof!!) PAH! go to a fecking rolling road with a fiesta and see what hp increase i get with a back ...muppets.

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,,,It is the very ideological laymans view of it..

Yep, that's the jist of the theory.

Same as 'Magnatec' doesn't explictily say that it is technology that magnetises the lubricant molecules to the metal --- by if you happen to get that idea, hey...;)

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Thanks for all the responses guys. I have read the details and come to the conclusion that I am an arse.....but only due to the fact they are a bunch of c***ts.


I am 99.9% sure that it was left off from my 2nd, 3rd or even 4th amendment after I kept finding mistakes and finally signed without noticing it at the time. There has been human error along the way at some point and it's only come to light because I've needed to claim. Moral of the story - READ EVERY BLOODY WORD ON EVERY BLOODY PAGE !

I deffinitely told them I wanted it and it looks like my premium went up a tad to accomodate it but as it's not mentioned in the breakdown and I signed, I'm officially shafted.

On the bright side I can now leave their company and re-insure with my measly 2 yrs NCB elsewhere for £45 cheaper than their quote last year when I had 4yrs NCB so bollox to the lot of them.


I truly hope that they lose the club contract or whatever the term maybe and I urge you all to check your docs and re-check them just to be certain. I thought I had but I missed the NCB tick they put in the wrong box (computer printed tick) and I can only blame myself.

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