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a little bit of road rage - did i over react ?


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This happened a few days ago and i keep thinking about it and just wondered what you lot would have done in my situation ?


I was on the way to work in rush hour in the morning, i got to a mini roundabout and wanted to turn right. I approached cautiously, as i always do as i don’t trust other cars to give way. I couldn't have been doing more then 5 - 10 mph when i started to turn right when a van pulled onto the mini roundabout, we both locked up and stopped inches from each other. The guy in the van, aprox late 40s, starts to shout and point at me calling me you c*nt, w*nker, prick...the usual. I thought i'm not having this i'm the innocent one here so i reached for my seatbelt and jumped out of my supra, ran round to the front of his van demanding he got out (baring in mind we're still in the middle of the mini roundabout holding up the traffic with plenty of spectators). The guy now bricking it starts to tell me to calm down and wouldn't get out of his van. I start to walk round to his door so he gets out voluntarily, i then grabbed him and dragged him over to the front of my car and point to my indicator and asked if he can see it. The guy now shitting his pants starts apologising profusely so i let him go and he swiftly makes his way back to his van and shuts the door. I accept his apology and drive off calmly.


This is the first time I’ve really had road rage and feel a bit of an arse for what i did. I got to work a little shaky so I explained to my mates who told me i did the right thing and the guy will think twice about calling someone names next time, however my mrs done her nut and said i was well out of order.


opinions please...

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See other road rage thread mate.


Sadly, it looks like you're the person mentioned in that thread as the 'crazy loon' who should be more diplomatic.


Hopefully the words 'grabbed and dragged' were all in jest as I certainly don't think you should of done that bud. Still, clearly no harm done and at least he learnt his lesson, but a little more tact and forward thinking might be a good idea if it happens again. ;)



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In that situation I would be tempted to do the same, but deep down I know it is a bit over-the-top.


I know it would p!ss off other people causing an obstruction, but I often feel the need to make a point (and make the "offender" see the error of their ways). I think it would be fine to point at the indicator, but actually grabbing someone in a situation like that is a bit of a no-go IMO. As Sheefa says, take a look at the other recent thread.................I think the general concensus is to try and rise above it.

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Let's paint a different scenario, you walk over to his door he voluntarily gets out and stabs you with his knife you had not seen.


It's just not worth it...



you sound like my wife, she said the same thing. Thats the bit that keeps going through my head.

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I think you acted like a first class w*nker. I do not know you personally but reading that does not make you sound very nice,


What if that guy had a knife? all the people you were holding up probably thought he was in the wrong till you acted in this way. I am sure if the cops seen you they woudl not have cared who was at fault but booked you.

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I think you acted like a first class w*nker. I do not know you personally but reading that does not make you sound very nice.


Take the protective metal boxes on wheels out of the way for a moment though - you walk past a shop, someone comes out of the door, knocks into you and then starts shouting profanity in your face.... what do you do?

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Take the protective metal boxes on wheels out of the way for a moment though - you walk past a shop, someone comes out of the door, knocks into you and then starts shouting profanity in your face.... what do you do?


The bigger man walks away. If he continues and I will get defensive, however I do not like even myself when I fight so I walk away.

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I think you acted like a first class w*nker. I do not know you personally but reading that does not make you sound very nice,


fair play, your comments noted


Please be aware I wasn't posting this thread for reassurance and a pat on the back, as i say i keep thinking about it and deep down believe what i did was wrong and totally out of charactor for me.


I've made driving mistakes as i'm sure everyone has but a simple hand wave in the air and a mouthed "sorry" to apologies works for me and most people accept that but even if i believe i am in the right i never start shouting and swearing at people. This time I reacted purely because of his reaction to me.


first time and hopefully the last time.

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fair play, your comments noted


Please be aware I wasn't posting this thread for reassurance and a pat on the back, as i say i keep thinking about it and deep down believe what i did was wrong and totally out of charactor for me.


I've made driving mistakes as i'm sure everyone has but a simple hand wave in the air and a mouthed "sorry" to apologies works for me and most people accept that but even if i believe i am in the right i never start shouting and swearing at people. This time I reacted purely because of his reaction to me.


first time and hopefully the last time.


Thats cool mate, never thought you were showing off on here. :)

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As I said in a similar (but other side of the coin) thread yesterday, if he wants to stay out of harms way and not be dragged out of his car by a potentially lethal physco (not you btw :p) then he shouldn't swear at total strangers.


Can't say I agree with your actions, but he has no cause to complain. He brought it on himself.

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I think i would have done the same Steve. Some drivers like to give it the big one when they are blatently in the wrong.


The other week i was driving along down a country lane, some daft bint pulled out in front of me thankfully she decided that she was going to stop mid pull out (oh err missus) or undoubtably i would have hit her. i swerved and locked up, whilst in mid skid/swerve, as i past, i looked at her to see her flipping me the birdie! :blink: Totally unprovoked. After my Tourville and Dean impression i got out to ask why she felt the need to do that, i wouldnt move the van out of her way until she appologised.


Its amasing how protected people feel whilst in a metal box with wheels.

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I had a situation where some woman decided to swear at me even though she cut me up, i followed her and when she stopped i pulled my car across so she couldnt go anywhere and told her her fortune if she did it again, and gave her a lesson in road markings :D

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jealously & stupidity on his part so the only thing you did wrong & to feel bad about is letting him go with a slap for being such a muppet


i find that ppl like to crawl all your ass & start sniffing to see if you wiped you ass clean when im out driving on the roads & it really piss's me off as theres no need for it!!

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To be honest mate i think you lost your cool. I know sometimes you really could throttle some people :D.


Somebody pointed out to me in my thread that there are 2 sides to every story and the other guy probably thought you were in the wrong although it sounds like he was.


Remember they are only words and gestures, the guy doesn't know you personally ;)

The best reaction is to laugh and smile at them, it seems to wind them up even more.


Try some classical music on your stereo :D

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The major problem is there are a lot of bad drivers on the road. It's annoying when the car you love and your safety are put in jeopardy but I guess you can't stop it from happening.

I've suffered from road rage a bit recently and it's more to do with being angry/worried about how badly people act on the road and how potentially lethal it is.

What you did is just one of those things mate, don't feel bad about it. It may have been stupid, it may have been dangerous but it happened and there's nothing you can do about it. Thankfully you got away with it and hopefully the other guy will be a more considerate road user.

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All depends on if he pulled out from the left/in front of you or the right really. If the left then yeah fair do's having a pop is the reaction some would take, similar to someone pushing in front of you in a queue AFAI am concerned. If it was from the right then nope I would have to say he had a good case for name calling lol.

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All depends on if he pulled out from the left/in front of you or the right really. If the left then yeah fair do's having a pop is the reaction some would take, similar to someone pushing in front of you in a queue AFAI am concerned. If it was from the right then nope I would have to say he had a good case for name calling lol.


let me explain...


The mini roundabout had 3 entrys. i could go straight on or right. the other guy coming in the opposite direction, he could go straight on or left.


I was already on the mini roundabout and already truning right. He wanted to go straight across (i.e. where i come from).


Its been a while since i done my driving test but i'm pretty sure a driver always gives way to the person on the right - which was me.

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