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Road rage


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Once he was going again i took a lovely photo of the back of his car.... which i havent found a use for yet, but i may rent a silver astra for a day, get some plates made up and drive round london all day :eyebrows:



Excellent idea! Using your brain, instead of your fists. Good sense. :)


As a bonus, genuine blanking off is extremely annoying for the other party.:D



I've done that, works brilliantly. What they didn't know was that I was too scared to look! lol

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Excellent idea! Using your brain, instead of your fists. Good sense. :)


Thats what ive always tried to do, mainly because i have the stature of a matchstick :D


Can anyone find out peoples details from a number plate? :innocent:


I want to see how far a diesel astra can go with no oil in it :eyebrows:

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I'm going to give an alternative view here..... I'm absolutely sick to death of hiding behind their steering wheels and making hand geastures at people when something goes wrong on the road. Don't get my wrong - I've sworn at a lot of people over the years, but recently it's really started annoying me (especially when it just seems to be some people's way of dealing with a bad day, or they have kids in the car with them). These things are always subjective - using the horn is one thing, calling someone a w***ker is another.


If you don't want to risk someone getting out of their car and threatening to knock seven shades of s**t out of you - don't swear at them FFS! Ok so they've cut you up, but honestly, what good does it do? Does anyone honestly expect to ever get any gratification out of it? Or an apology? You get agressive with them, they do it back, :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah:


If someone stepped infront of you in the street, would you call them a w***er? Probably not.

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Guest Geneb

u did the right thing bud, i cant go into any detail but some plonk actually did try to kill me because of road rage and im up in crown court because of the prat.


the roads are becoming dangerous places and its starting to get to the stage were more and more people go out tooled up to ensure there own and the familys safety when driving. :(

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..Can anyone find out peoples details from a number plate? :innocent:..

Yes, it's very easy.

Even DVLA themselves would be happy to oblidge for a small fee.


Of course some people drive cars that are not registered to their own address, so be careful if you want to act on such information.

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If someone stepped infront of you in the street, would you call them a w***er? Probably not.


If they intentionally barged into me then probably.... if it was an accident then fair enough, but its hard to be a prat whilst driving "accidently"


The bloke accidently tailgated me through a built up 30 area, then got the hump when i disapeared on a duel carrage way, followed by accidently over taking a stationary car with no space in front of it, nearly hitting me and the poor sod infront of me, just to try and proove a point, how dare i assume hes a W*****er :D


I do see yer point though, i get a lot of middle lane drivers throwing spastic fits at me when i slowey drift past them on the inside (when were the only two cars on motorways normally... its times like that, when you know damn well your not int he wrong, prople should keep their traps shut. However, if it quacks and swims in puddles, its a fair guess its a duck and needs calling one :D


Basically they are bullies with something to proove.

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Basically they are bullies with something to proove.


I agree with you on that one, but last week I was sworn at 3 times in 3 days when I was driving (no jokes please :D ). Now I'm fairly positive that I did absolutely nothing to deserve any of them, other than drive a long distance at rush hour. I was so irate by the fourth day that I would've been quite willing to run my battered old Seat into the side of the next person who called me a w***er, just to teach them that they can't get away with it.


Swearing at other drivers (regardless of what's just happened), then complaining about the consequences makes no sense to me at all.


While we're on the subject, an old work-mate of mine (Mike) came up with what I think is the best driving come-back ever uttered...... Man in Merc tries to push his way out of a junction, Mike doesn't let him out.


Man in Merc winds down his window: "Are you mad? This is a Mercedes!"


Mike (in his battered old Escort): "This is stolen...... your choice!"


Man in Merc winds up window and stays quiet.

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Yes, it's very easy.

Even DVLA themselves would be happy to oblidge for a small fee.


Of course some people drive cars that are not registered to their own address, so be careful if you want to act on such information.


I work at an insurer and have access to the MID system so that's a Yes!


Although, it does costs a little and typical customers like the likes of me and you wouldn't be able to just obtain such data.

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Guest Geneb

Too dodgy now with all the nutters out there, i know one thing if anyone attempts anything with my wife and child in the car i'll do what ever it takes to protect em.


personally i think they should hand out points for abusive behaviour and cutting people up and that includes the 1 fingered salute.

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Looking at Genebs link above though, the example that Ladyman gave would suggest that a member of the public CAN ring and ask for the information for legitimate reasons:


Dr. Ladyman: ...For example, if the hon. Gentleman went to the House of Commons car park tonight, found a dent on the back of his car and managed to get the number of the red Alfa Romeo shooting up the ramp in the opposite direction, he might want to approach the DVLA and say, “This person dinged my car and drove off without telling me. May I have their contact information so that I can make them pay for the damage to my car?” He would find out that it had not been my red Alfa Romeo, because I, of course, would have told him what had happened, although the car might have belonged to the right hon. Member for East Yorkshire (Mr. Knight).


The point is that that would be a legitimate reason for the hon. Gentleman to access the vehicle records. However, I think it is equally reasonable for the DVLA to charge him a sufficient sum to cover its costs in providing him with that information. That is the situation: the DVLA does not make a profit, but it does charge enough just to cover its costs.


Mr. Paterson: On that basis, is it correct that any organisation can ring up the DVLA and ask for such information?


Dr. Ladyman: When one contacts the DVLA and asks for such information, there is a code of practice that the DVLA goes through to check why they are asking for it. They have to provide just cause within the terms of the code of practice that the DVLA uses to determine that. If an organisation routinely wants access to the information, it has to go through a procedure with the DVLA to justify its business practices, to agree to accept a code of practice of its own, to agree to use the information only for the purpose for which it is requested, and to provide on each occasion the reason why it is asking for that particular piece of information.


That is the cause of the current furore. Some people are of the view that the organisations that routinely have access to the information in that way have not been properly scrutinised, and that the DVLA might have allowed too wide a group of people to have that routine access. That is why we have agreed to a consultation. If that consultation requires it, we will tighten things up to restrict access to that information.


However, I hope that the hon. Gentleman agrees that in the two examples I have given—someone who wants to enforce car parking in a private car park but without using wheel clampers, and a private individual who wants to check who has dinged his car—it might be reasonable for the person concerned to have such information. What we have to do is ensure that, while tightening up in respect of the people to whom it is reasonable to give the information, we exclude those people who may be unfairly and unreasonably using it at present.

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I'm going to give an alternative view here..... I'm absolutely sick to death of hiding behind their steering wheels and making hand geastures at people when something goes wrong on the road. Don't get my wrong - I've sworn at a lot of people over the years, but recently it's really started annoying me (especially when it just seems to be some people's way of dealing with a bad day, or they have kids in the car with them). These things are always subjective - using the horn is one thing, calling someone a w***ker is another.


If you don't want to risk someone getting out of their car and threatening to knock seven shades of s**t out of you - don't swear at them FFS! Ok so they've cut you up, but honestly, what good does it do? Does anyone honestly expect to ever get any gratification out of it? Or an apology? You get agressive with them, they do it back, :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah:


If someone stepped infront of you in the street, would you call them a w***er? Probably not.


I can see what your saying but by your definition the other guy should have held his nerve too :search:


i gave a throw away gesture, just as a sign of frustratiuon, i didn't think about i just did it,perhaps with forseioght i should have just laughed it off :search:


But by your statement you are saying anyone who is sworn at is justified in stopping traffic and getting out of their car to come and attempt to intimidate me, im sorry but i don't agree.

imagine it was your girlfriend or you mother on the receiving end of this guys actions all because of a silly little hand gesture !


i get sworn at all the time, its no big deal, if im in the wrong then i will put my hand up, if not i will smile at them and go about my LAWFUL business or return the compliment ;).

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But by your statement you are saying anyone who is sworn at is justified in stopping traffic and getting out of their car to come and attempt to intimidate me, im sorry but i don't agree.

imagine it was your girlfriend or you mother on the receiving end of this guys actions all because of a silly little hand gesture !


Noooooooo that's not what I mean at all mate, my point is that those who want to stay out of danger's way and not be intimidated by other drivers shouldn't bait trouble by insulting people they don't know..... you never know the mentality of the person behind the other wheel. :)


And it is just a silly little hand geasture, but you have no idea of the effect it'll have on the other person.... I'm a generally calm person but the other day I would've gladly punched the next person who insulted me just to show them how much it p***es me off.


Anyway I'm not condoning the actions of the guy in your case, but as you admit you should've just let it go. :)


I'm playing devil's advocate here a little bit as TBH I'm more sinned than sinned against.

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Noooooooo that's not what I mean at all mate, my point is that those who want to stay out of danger's way and not be intimidated by other drivers shouldn't bait trouble by insulting people they don't know..... you never know the mentality of the person behind the other wheel. :)


And it is just a silly little hand geasture, but you have no idea of the effect it'll have on the other person.... I'm a generally calm person but the other day I would've gladly punched the next person who insulted me just to show them how much it p***es me off.


Anyway I'm not condoning the actions of the guy in your case, but as you admit you should've just let it go. :)


I'm playing devil's advocate here a little bit as TBH I'm more sinned than sinned against.


Thats cool, i get ya :D

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