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"I men im from london, and people down here are quite clicked on and clued up when it comes to life and issues...but apparently alot of these "extremists" as they like to call them come from up north, where the muslims ill admit are a bit backwards."

Mr Boombastictiger, where the heck did you get this idea from that muslims up North are backward???? I am from the North and am a British Muslim, and think for you to say this shows that you are narrow minded to label Us 'backwards'.


Do you know many Northern Muslims ?? I dont think you are as ' clicked on and clued' up as you say you are !!


This should start a new debate ;)


Peace :blink:

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!neht sdrawkcab em ekam tsum tahT .htroN pu morf milsum a m'I ,iH


On a more serious note... these so called suicide bombers do not do any favours for the muslims. All these attacks achieve is sowing hatred and suspicion in the hearts and minds of the same people that go to great lengths to accomodate us.


IMO, if they want it so much, these people should be treated by shariah law. If they are guilty then don't send them to a holiday cam... jail for 12 years.

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"I men im from london, and people down here are quite clicked on and clued up when it comes to life and issues...but apparently alot of these "extremists" as they like to call them come from up north, where the muslims ill admit are a bit backwards."

Mr Boombastictiger, where the heck did you get this idea from that muslims up North are backward???? I am from the North and am a British Muslim, and think for you to say this shows that you are narrow minded to label Us 'backwards'.


Do you know many Northern Muslims ?? I dont think you are as ' clicked on and clued' up as you say you are !!


This should start a new debate ;)


Peace :blink:


Im not saying every single one....but the general are so different from people in the south. I done my GCSE's in islamic schools in nottingham and Coventry....In London the culture is alot more diverse...more nationalities living together, people of different races. Job opportunities are well spread, tolerance is alot higher in London than it is in alot of other countys up north. THeres alot more racism, hatred and to be hounet lack of understanding up north. You will find muslims of all nationalities down south in large amounts. Up north theres alot more division, alot of people of different race and religion stick to themselves...i.e bradford, leeds, nottingham etc, alot more of the muslims up north are from asian origin which are mostly Sunni, which makes it harder to understand other muslims views and thoughts who come from different ethnic origins..


Im not saying theres anything wrong with anyone and im not saying that everyone is the like this, but up north the cultures and way of thinking for muslims when it comes to life can be quite different than those from down south. Theres more equal opportunity and employment chances and better careea's etc in the south than there is in the north. This will undoubtably have an effect on people. I guess what im trying suggest is that because there is alot more different cultures and traditions in and around London with muslims from different backgrounds the peolpe down here are a bit more broad minded when it comes to certain issues in life.

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I need to read the koran (well, the translation at least), because a lot of this thread seems to be the difference between every day muslims and extremists


Now that wouldn't be a bad idea. If you are looking for a good translation text in English to read then drop me a PM.



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Its not a conspiracy, it makes the coalitions forces job alot easier in Iraq. Rather than having Shias and Sunnis united fighting against them, they encourage them to fight each other, that way thier attention is diverted....theres nothign conspiracy about it, its war logic that has been used alot in previous wars.


Divide and conquer.....wonder who came up with that :search:

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...ah but which translation? And that's before you worry about any Chinese whispers type mistakes from the time that Muhammad (or a variation of the name) apparently told the tales to his pals who memorised them and wrote things down later.


Anyone would be a good start rather than sitting on your arse and doing nothing. :D

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If they wanted to do that, the easiest way would just be to pull out and leave the factions to it. Then walk back in afterwards to pick up the pieces (and control).


For goodness sake, why can't these idiots see that the coalition are trying to bring a bit of stability to the place? All we're doing now is trying to keep the peace between 2 naturally warring factions.

They've been at it for years. Far longer than the Protestants and Catholics in Ireland and look how long it took for them to come to terms. I don't think that we'll ever be in a position where we can say that there is peace in ththe middle east though - it's just not in their nature. So do we pull out and leave them to it?


If we do pull out, do you think for one minute that the attacks will stop? Dream on if you do son.


BTW, I totally agree that we should NOT HAVE BEEN THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE (clear enough for you?).


Anyway, I'm pulling out of this one. :)

Otherwise I can see we'll be here until you go back to school in Sept. ;)


Sorry buddy, completely disagree that the co-alition are helping. It was NEVER their issue so they should have never gotten involved.


Had their not been OIL in the region they wouldnt have.


Regarding the potential threat to western interest AKA Israel. I guess its about time that they get their finger out of their arse and addressed that issue once and for all.


Will that happen, will it hell...............


coming back to the link that pengiun sent out....makes perfect sense......

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Im not saying every single one....but the general are so different from people in the south. I done my GCSE's in islamic schools in nottingham and Coventry....In London the culture is alot more diverse...more nationalities living together, people of different races. Job opportunities are well spread, tolerance is alot higher in London than it is in alot of other countys up north. THeres alot more racism, hatred and to be hounet lack of understanding up north. You will find muslims of all nationalities down south in large amounts. Up north theres alot more division, alot of people of different race and religion stick to themselves...i.e bradford, leeds, nottingham etc, alot more of the muslims up north are from asian origin which are mostly Sunni, which makes it harder to understand other muslims views and thoughts who come from different ethnic origins..


Im not saying theres anything wrong with anyone and im not saying that everyone is the like this, but up north the cultures and way of thinking for muslims when it comes to life can be quite different than those from down south. Theres more equal opportunity and employment chances and better careea's etc in the south than there is in the north. This will undoubtably have an effect on people. I guess what im trying suggest is that because there is alot more different cultures and traditions in and around London with muslims from different backgrounds the peolpe down here are a bit more broad minded when it comes to certain issues in life.


There is some truth in that.....I spent 5 years in Glasgow and there is definitely a world of difference between racial relations in Glasgow as compared to London. (certainly was in th emid 90s). And Also agree with BBT that the Asians over there are different (certainly come from a different cultural background and that makes the world of difference even more so than religion).


I would argue that its culture that makes all the difference rather than religion necessarily.

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Imi/BBT/others, I have a sandpit you can rest your head in if needed.


Fecking hell, if your blinkered opinions are those of a typical British Muslim they scare me more than anything these apparent terrorists can do.


Not good at all :(

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Imi/BBT/others, I have a sandpit you can rest your head in if needed.


Fecking hell, if your blinkered opinions are those of a typical British Muslim they scare me more than anything the terrorists can do.


Not good at all :(


You mean Goodness Gracious me isn't a documentary? :p


Sorry bad humour (and I've had a great first day at work so I'm in a good mood)

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Original by Homer

Imi/BBT/others, I have a sandpit you can rest your head in if needed.


Just spat my cornflakes all over the works monitor, cheers for that!! :D


Original by Imi

Today's minority = Tomorrows Majority.


How do you mean this exactly as with your views it could be taken the wrong way.

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Imi/BBT/others, I have a sandpit you can rest your head in if needed.


Fecking hell, if your blinkered opinions are those of a typical British Muslim they scare me more than anything these apparent terrorists can do.


Not good at all :(


ahh......ok then. :search:

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I spent 5 years in Glasgow and there is definitely a world of difference between racial relations in Glasgow as compared to London. (certainly was in th emid 90s).


What? Thats like Trevor McDonald saying the U.S is full of racists because when he went there in the 60's he couldnt even sit on a bus.:rolleyes:


Glasgow is full of ethnic minorities, we really dont have a choice to be racist, any racists (and now bigots) are now a minority (quite rightly so)


Through this whole thread, you have disagreed on anything people have said regarding diplomatic relations in the east, you obviously dont speak from first hand experience so do you not think your source of information could be incorrect?

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