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Abolish plans to build a £100 million mega Mosque

Guest Geneb

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The end of the world is here.. civil war in this country IS coming.

And this has only started since about the seventies.WTF is it gonna be like in 10 years?? But hey WTF its FAR to late.



and it will happen within the next 2 years if the government dont get their act together coz i aint standing for this sh*t for too long and i dont think many people will either

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Well said, Penguin.


The argument of religion being the cause of alomst every war you can think of is an easy band wagon to jump on.


Wars are normally about greed for land/riches etc or caused by some megalomaniac who wants to take over the world.


Hitler wanted to build a master race and take over Europe/the world, Argentina went to war over the Falklands etc. etc. It very rarely starts out over religion, BUT religion is perverted and used frequently as a justification by a leader looking for a reason for going to war. The old 'God is on our side - we need to tackle this evil enemy' thing gives credence to going to war and helps in getting recruits to take up arms for the 'greater good'.


Most wars are down to man and his own greed.


I kind of see where you are coming from, but you must also see that people from different walks of life can be united through religion (good and bad) and because of the huge draw religion has on people (more so in the past in this country) and the faith required it can turn people against each other Muslims and Christians in the crusades, Protestants and catholics in the UK in elizabethen times (and still today in N.I) The Egyptians and the Jews.....It's just history repeating.

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I kind of see where you are coming from, but you must also see that people from different walks of life can be united through religion (good and bad) and because of the huge draw religion has on people (more so in the past in this country) and the faith required it can turn people against each other Muslims and Christians in the crusades, Protestants and catholics in the UK in elizabethen times (and still today in N.I) The Egyptians and the Jews.....It's just history repeating.


Of course I can see that - in fact that's part of what I was getting at when I said referred to religion getting "perverted and used frequently as a justification by a leader looking for a reason for going to war". It gets used in this way because it is such a strong draw and unites people, sometimes in a totally wrong way, such that they can justify in their own individual minds, committing attrocities because it is 'right'.


It's funny that you should mention the Protestant and Catholic situation in Northern Ireland as that is where I'm from. (I'm the only one in my family living on the mainland) I've experienced more than my fair share of the effects of sectarianism in my life and have seen the effects of criminal 'godfathers' at the top of their organisations using men from the streets and housing estates to do their dirty work for them (on both sides) and then using religion to justify their 'cause'.


I'm a firm believer that you need to start with kids - getting them together from different communities/cultures to play together in the school holidays and such like - let them experience each others culture for themselves and NOT just leave them to be tought bigotry by their parents etc. Let them make their own minds up about each other and see that people from the other community are humans and they can enjoy and benefit from each others company.


Unfortunately they tend not to do this sort of thing until the situation is already very bad. Society is then left trying to change minds that are already engrained with hatred and bigotry and people who have by then lived through unspeakable violence and are so tainted that it's all but impossible to change things without a concentrated effort over a number of generations. Northern Ireland is starting to go the right direction, but this really is still just the start for many of the people over there. I just hope that the many foreign migrant workers that are landing there now (like they are on the mainland) aren't arriving too soon after the 'troubles' and become the new focus for some peoples hatred.

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Of course I can see that - in fact that's part of what I was getting at when I said referred to religion getting "perverted and used frequently as a justification by a leader looking for a reason for going to war". It gets used in this way because it is such a strong draw and unites people, sometimes in a totally wrong way, such that they can justify in their own individual minds, committing attrocities because it is 'right'.


It's funny that you should mention the Protestant and Catholic situation in Northern Ireland as that is where I'm from. (I'm the only one in my family living on the mainland) I've experienced more than my fair share of the effects of sectarianism in my life and have seen the effects of criminal 'godfathers' at the top of their organisations using men from the streets and housing estates to do their dirty work for them (on both sides) and then using religion to justify their 'cause'.


I'm a firm believer that you need to start with kids - getting them together from different communities/cultures to play together in the school holidays and such like - let them experience each others culture for themselves and NOT just leave them to be tought bigotry by their parents etc. Let them make their own minds up about each other and see that people from the other community are humans and they can enjoy and benefit from each others company.


Unfortunately they tend not to do this sort of thing until the situation is already very bad. Society is then left trying to change minds that are already engrained with hatred and bigotry and people who have by then lived through unspeakable violence and are so tainted that it's all but impossible to change things without a concentrated effort over a number of generations. Northern Ireland is starting to go the right direction, but this really is still just the start for many of the people over there. I just hope that the many foreign migrant workers that are landing there now (like they are on the mainland) aren't arriving too soon after the 'troubles' and become the new focus for some peoples hatred.


Agreed, intergration and acceptance is the key fear and ignorence are generally the the path to hatred.

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I'm a firm believer that you need to start with kids - getting them together from different communities/cultures to play together in the school holidays and such like - let them experience each others culture for themselves and NOT just leave them to be tought bigotry by their parents etc. Let them make their own minds up about each other and see that people from the other community are humans and they can enjoy and benefit from each others company.


I agree with your principle here BUT...


How does this ever happen when its the parents in control and the biggest influence on there kids? I think the difference in cultures just means this will never sucsessfully happen especially at the speed it needs to to avoid the civil war others have pointed out we are very likely heading for.


More needs to be done to get the adults to accept each other first to allow the kids to mix.

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I agree with your principle here BUT...


How does this ever happen when its the parents in control and the biggest influence on there kids? I think the difference in cultures just means this will never sucsessfully happen especially at the speed it needs to to avoid the civil war others have pointed out we are very likely heading for.


More needs to be done to get the adults to accept each other first to allow the kids to mix.


I agree with you to a point.


I agree the parents are in control and are the biggest influence on their kids. However, I don't agree that getting kids to integrate will NEVER happen and it would be defeatest to think like this.


Not ALL the parents in a particular community hold views as extreme as each other. If you can get the less extreme parents to allow their kids to participate in projects, you will eventually get at least some of the other kids on board. I realise you have to start small, but once you accept that along with the fact that you are facing a very long haul, then you can get on with the job of actually making a difference. I've seen it done - in fact I was party to such a project when I was a kid and it DOES make a difference. Kids grow up and become the next generation of parents, remember.


If you can get the kids having fun together, they'll spread the word, then those that aren't involved will start to feel they are missing out. Kids don't like to miss out on fun. Even if you can just alter slightly the views of a few kids now, then their kids might be able to come on board further down the line and get more from it. Then the two communities may begin to understand each other and tolerate each others views. The organisation I was involved with in the 1970's is still going today and still making a difference. And I think there is evidence in the general mood of Northern Ireland today that at least some people can envision a better future by 'getting along' instead of burning each other out of their houses.


I didn't say this can be achieved completely in the people of today, it will take a couple of generations at least. The problem is that society won't realise that this sort of thing can help to prevent problems happening in the first place. Rather, we will wait until it gets to the point where people are killing each other in numbers before we turn around and say 'This is insane - we need to sort something out'.

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I hate all religion for many reasons. I used to have to go to Sunday school in order to attend a Tuesday club for outings n stuff in the early 90's. I hated it soooo much - firstly coz I'd have to get up early on a Sunday and secondly coz it was as boring as hell and even to a lil kid like me just seemed like far fetched bollox addapted to suit the cause of the time - i.e anything that didn't fit in with what they were saying or wanted to say was edited out - I applaude the Da Vinci code. Right or wrong it makes me feel better ! I decided back then OUR God was no different to the Greeks worshipping THEIR millions of God's for every possible thing imaginable lol


Now I don't have a problem with people believing in it especially as now days it's largely peaceful old folk seeing it as a social event etc but what I do object to is the retards ramming Islam down our throats and the even bigger retards (i'e lefty loonies) who try to ruin things for all of us on the off chance it will offend someone of Ethnic Majority - I say bollox it's our country if they don't like it doors open. Now this is England, keep it English - I think we have tolerated far too much as it is - or should I say bent over and took it up the wrongen for far too long. Having said that I take it people are also aware of GodhatesAmerica.com - the religious fucks Keith Allen documented among others, that believe the Bible word for word and thank the Lord for Katrina, 911 and picket dead soldiers funerals thanking the good Lord for their deaths. Maybe we should get all these hate preachers, build a mosque/church or some sort of building for em (tax payers or not and as large as possible for high attendace figures) then bomb the shit out of it - any survivors can be taken care of by SWAT or 2 Para - job done !


We have enough places for them to go to to preach hate or face East depending on their take on it and seeing as it has f' all to do with Sport how bout we use the £100/£300m to spend on more prisons for the criminals so they're taken out of society, proper education to try sort out the Black GANGSTAZ/Chav scum society or even repair some of the churches for the Christians to worship in. I agree we don't overly give a stuff bout religion yet most if not all Ethnics do BUT...seeing as this is England they must come first and foremost where as the others should just be accomodated in a smaller way.

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Guest Geneb
Define English?


White Northern Geezer with a shovel and a flat cap walking his whippit having a rollup walkin down the canal:d

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Care to explain; be as descriptive as possible :D


Ok well 4 me I'd sum it up as this:


Being born in England from English parents, Sunday roasts, swearing at the TV when the football's not going right. Being upset over Diana, being defensive about people wanting to change our beliefs and traditions for their own, hating the government for ballsing up my country, holidaying in Spain lol, being known for having a stiff upper lip, celebrating St Georges day, happily joining in others (Paddy's day etc), fighting for the rights our ancestors died earning........... just a quick sum up there for ya.


Of course others can have roasts and swear at the football but that don't make you English.


How would you define English ? better still, describe the difference between English and British.


I can go to America or Oz, become an American or Austrailian citizen, live their way, abide their laws (not do anything to make them change to my ways) but I wouldn't become American/Austrailian - I'd still be English - and proud.

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I see anymore of those types of post from you Greg and you'll be getting a warning or more.


For the type of job that you've just been applying for, if your recruiters were to see that type of shit you've just posted up I can guarantee "rejected" would be stamped on your application.


Your entitled to your opinion, but be a bit more mature in how you put your point across.

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Being born in England from English parents, .



As my parents moved here when they were 8 and subsequently had me when they were 19 and with us accepting and loving the way of life here, neither of us can be called British?


So by your way of 'thinking', my off springs will be true Brits as their Parent's (Me and my soon to be Mrs) were born here.


But i'm not British because even though I WAS born here and even though I love this country and have accepted it's way of life, my parents were not.




Sheefa, that was so un-called for.

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