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Abolish plans to build a £100 million mega Mosque

Guest Geneb

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Sorry I don't care where the money comes from, it should never be built:blink:


I didn't say whether I thought it should be built or not, that's my own business.


However, when you add something like 'we're paying for this because it's taxpayers money' to your argument without first looking to see if your statement is actually true, then you discredit your own argument and run the risk of people thinking that you are having an unreasoned, ill-thought-out rant.


Those people who may have agreed with you might then disassociate themselves from the argument because you have already discredited the whole point of view when someone points out the truth.


i.e. If you want continuing support for your point of view, do a little research and make sure what you are saying is actually based on fact before you dive in and post something that isn't true.

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I didn't say whether I thought it should be built or not, that's my own business.


However, when you add something like 'we're paying for this because it's taxpayers money' to your argument without first looking to see if your statement is actually true, then you discredit your own argument and run the risk of people thinking that you are having an unreasoned, ill-thought-out rant.


Those people who may have agreed with you might then disassociate themselves from the argument because you have already discredited the whole point of view when someone points out the truth.


i.e. If you want continuing support for your point of view, do a little research and make sure what you are saying is actually based on fact before you dive in and post something that isn't true.


...or make it clear you're having an unreasoned, ill thought out rant. As we all do from time to time.:)

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yes, you're right - its got nothing to do with oil/land etc etc :)


Well said, Penguin.


The argument of religion being the cause of alomst every war you can think of is an easy band wagon to jump on.


Wars are normally about greed for land/riches etc or caused by some megalomaniac who wants to take over the world.


Hitler wanted to build a master race and take over Europe/the world, Argentina went to war over the Falklands etc. etc. It very rarely starts out over religion, BUT religion is perverted and used frequently as a justification by a leader looking for a reason for going to war. The old 'God is on our side - we need to tackle this evil enemy' thing gives credence to going to war and helps in getting recruits to take up arms for the 'greater good'.


Most wars are down to man and his own greed.

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Guest Geneb
Really pissed off with all this bollox tbh, Kids can't even do a christmas play because it might offend someone. They basicly rule this country, If they don't like it F*ck off.


Must admit i was a bit dismayed when they tried to stop xmas celebrations in certain towns.


used to think U.K. stood for United Kingdom as in United People not this English,Welsh,Scottish,Muslim,Hindoo we all do what the fuck we want attitude and if you dont like it lets cry racist start a riot and rob to poor shop keeper

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Well said, Penguin.


The argument of religion being the cause of alomst every war you can think of is an easy band wagon to jump on.


Wars are normally about greed for land/riches etc or caused by some megalomaniac who wants to take over the world.


Hitler wanted to build a master race and take over Europe/the world, Argentina went to war over the Falklands etc. etc. It very rarely starts out over religion, BUT religion is perverted and used frequently as a justification by a leader looking for a reason for going to war. The old 'God is on our side - we need to tackle this evil enemy' thing gives credence to going to war and helps in getting recruits to take up arms for the 'greater good'.


Most wars are down to man and his own greed.


Well said that man.


Also I think you will find, that is not muslims etc, who change the way we have xmas panto's etc, it is the stupid lonney lefty fuckers who think it might offend them, when truth be told, they don't mind how we conduct our ways etc. Look at the school who changed the story about the three little pigs, because they thought it would upset musilms. Their top man (Muslim) said it was maddness to change the story, if anything. it offends me that they have changed it, because it tells me that they have no understanding of my religion

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everyone who pretty much says 'i aint a racist' is one as far as ive seen :rolleyes:


i think the word "racism" gets overused, i hate in equal amounts the british born muslims who run around with ruck sacks on their backs trying to blow up children, could someone explain to me what they hope to achieve by doing this, i also hate the black youth who run around acting like "gangstaz" shooting anything that moves, i also hate the white trash scum bags that plague virtually every council estate in this country making decent peoples lives a misery..............................does this make me a racist, as for the mosque i will be paying for the stupid London olympics that i wont attend so pile it on, i'me off to watch Victor Meldrew now on UK gold :D

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Signed :)


I think religion is causing to much trouble in modern society.


And in this club......... sometimes. :rolleyes:


Whilst we are free to discuss anything we like (sometimes :D) the addage of "politics & religion" have never been more significant.


IMO British people often refer to this country as a Christian country, yet how many people attend church on a regular basis, or adopt Christian attitudes in their daily lives? They only want to appear to be "Christian" when it suits them, or when they feel threatened.


Take a look at your local C of E or Catholic Churches. Marvel at their wonderment of design. Their age. Their dominance in their City, Town or Village. Now think about how those Churches were paid for. Charitable donations? I doubt it. Taxes, and lots of them. And if you didn't pay your taxes way back when they were built then the consequences were either excommunication from the Church, expulsion from your community or death.


Now the Church of England is in financial crisis. Not enough charitable donations now that the populace isn't taxed to the gullet to pay for the Church and now Churches lie in a state of disrepair or ruin. Only those of a heritage status have a chance of survival in the centuries to come.


Christianity in this country is not without blame, infact it has alot to be ashamed for. The Crusades for example wre hardly the way forward to spread the word of the Lord Jesus Christ. Catholicism (without wishing to offend any Catholics) still will not address the issues surrounding the spread of Aids in large Catholic country such as Brazil.


Its not just Britain's society that is changing, it's everywhere. We will have to learn to be more tolerant and accepting of other people in order to get along. I know some will counter that statement "but followers of Islam seek to exclude themselves, not to integrate with western Society,they do not accept western ways but seek to destroy them." But this is a very very small proportion of Muslims who choose to be like this, most want to be part of society, want to integrate and feel ashamed to be even remotely associated with those who are extreme in their views.


I understand that people do not want a "super mosque" or to accept the expansion of Islam in our society, but there has to be a degree of tolerance somewhere.


We will never reach a level of social utopia, our differences in cultures as humans and our instinct to be wary of strangers regardless, and that fact that it will take millenia to overcome that instinct means there will always be division and mistrust. It's a two way street.

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ALL religions preach peace and understanding, it is the misguided extremeists at the edges of religion that use it to further their own twisted ideals. It doesn't matter whether you are Christian, Jewish or Muslim.


It is the "they are muslims, so they must be bad" culture that abounds in this country, albeit not helped by the deathly silence from British Muslims or this Government allowing extremeist clerics to spout their hatred, not wanting to infringe their "human rights" by sending them back to their home countries. In the 70s it was the Irish with the same sentiment!!


Thank God I'm an atheist :)

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While people will find many other reason for opposing this project, the use of taxpayers money probably shouldn't be one of them. I haven't been able to find any evidence that this is where the money is coming from.


Here's more background info for those who are interested:








Agree, Tax payers money shouldn't be used.....and seems like there is no evidence of that so far....


Building the mosque using private funds gets my full support assuming that it is needed in the area and good for the people there including the muslim population.


Better to have one big single mosque than several smaller mosques; that way its less political and less susceptible to issues and easier to keep a check ;)

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The end of the world is here.. civil war in this country IS coming.

And this has only started since about the seventies.WTF is it gonna be like in 10 years?? But hey WTF its FAR to late.


As predicted by Enoch Powell in 1968 you mean? What will trigger it in your vision of the future:search:?

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