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The mkiv Supra Owners Club

A bad day


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Was working on the house today when I got called downstairs to be told our lovely long haired white Persian (like the Dr No cat) had been knocked down. Ran outside to find him by the roadside in a hell of a state - his head had taken the force of the hit. We immediately ran him to the animal hospital where he is currently critical - if he pulls through tonight (which doesn't look too likely) he's definitely losing his right eye with his left in doubt. The driver was on his mobile (the car following him stopped to let us know all the details). Had him and his sister for 8 years - horrible end to the day.

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Oh bloody heck Ellis so sorry to hear this mate. What a twat of a driver. Hoping he pulls through OK and you can enjoy your time spent with the little rascal again soon mate.


I lost my dog just over 2 months or so ago now, same circumstances but killed instantly. It's never easy so here's hoping for you.


Good luck matey and best regards to you and your family. Kep us posted ;)



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I know its only a cat and some people will state, quite rightly, thats there's worse things happening out there but I've had him and his sister for 8 years. He slept at the foot of my bed, snored like an old man, killed innocent birds and mice, barfed in obscure places, woke me up at 4am purring and padding my face and lazed around for 18 hours a day! But he was my mate, my cat and he was awesome. And now some moron in a bloody Micra (oh the irony) too busy on his mobile to keep an eye on the road has snuffed him out.


I'll miss the noisy old sod - cheers Chunks, sleep well bud.

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Sorry to hear your sad news. :(


R.I.P. 'Chunks'


My girlfriend lost her 8 yr old cat last year to a heart defect. It was very sad, but we had a portrait painted of him by a friend of ours, which is now framed and on the living room wall for all to see.

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