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CH4 - Passion of the Christ


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And Chief, kudos for fighting your corner without resorting to insults or "you're going to hell you spawn of satan" talk. :thumbs:




Yes you do it so well Charlotte, all those great posts in this thread, I cant wait for the next :tongue: go back to the hair and nails section.


Go Chief!


This entire thread is basically the work of mentalists... I can't actually believe in this day and age you think God created the world..? well, it takes all kinds.. whatever gets you through your day..

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That was heavy reading,.. and I'm still none the wiser.


but then again,.. I can't really expect to hear an unbiased and sensible religious debate from a car forum,... can i?


For what its worth:

In my opinion, religion is a set of beliefs that should be discovered or held by the individual and not the group.

If people wish to share the same believes within a community, then so be it, but to many people dictate and force religion upon others.

For me, religion is personal, self tough, accepted and NOT questioned. No matter what I'm told by science or others, the idea of nothing is more ludicrous than NO god or higher-being.


btw: Charlotte's contributed alot to this community and not just in the hair and beauty topics ;)

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Red M started this, he was the one who came to a thred he obviously objected to, and started the contrary comments, turning this into a debate, which I have taken part in, only to find the sum of your ramblings to be nothing more than "I am right you are wrong and your an ass for thinking anything else".

I could spend my posts huffing and puffing at people, and calling them crazy, instead i tackle the issues, and your response is "he is mad" lets poke fun to aviod any further debate.

I have rarely seen such forced opinions anywhere in my life (great example of mind control), if I dont think like you then I have lost the plot etc, I conclude this debate is dead due to realistic and objective reasoning very badly lacking. You dont debate, you delegate mind control, the very thing you acuse everyone else of, kettle pot and black, once again.

NO religion is forced on others like Atheism.

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whatever gets you through your day..


Which is basically what it boils down to. Religion is crutch for those who find the "we live, we die" bit too scary. After all, what point is there to life otherwise? Why do we have to have a purpose. Insects and animals live and then die. The only difference between us and them is our intelligence. Sadly that also seems to have created reasons why we must be better and more important than them.


I don't think we are especially as we over-populate and are living completely beyond the means of our environment.


So yeah, we live, we die and cold science offers no comfort in the way that religion does. I'm okay with that though.

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Does he usually do this?


Jeeze, how have I never come across this guy before?


Can someone give me a bit of warning next time please?


Yeah - I've had this discussion with Chief before (last year some time I think). It's pretty pointless as you can probably tell - rather than actually discussing evidence of creationism and trying to convince everybody about creationist theory, he just tries to rubbish evolution theory by making up numbers about the chance of things occurring by accident - I doubt he's even looked into evolution theory properly - probably just copying arguments from Christian paleontology websites.


That said - seems like a decent enough fellow (the comment to Charlotte I think you'll find was intended as a joke), and did inspire me to go and do some more reading last time. If his religion is keeping him off the streets and out of trouble, that's the best we can ask for, I guess!


Not sure how I got dragged into it again this time. No more comments from me. :taped:


PS. I also disbelieve in Vegetarianism, by the way - deluded fools worshipping some omnipresent carrot or something, isn't it? ;) :innocent:

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.... Anyway the film was overly pretentious. On release the film was sold as having dialogue in the native Aramaic and Latin. Did that add anything to story? Probably not. if it's purpose was to shock and awe then it succeeded. Blah blah blah...

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I don't really think he's trying to prove anything unlike some people who force their opinions on everyone else.




Yes you do it so well Charlotte, all those great posts in this thread, I cant wait for the next :tongue: go back to the hair and nails section.



You were doing so well until this post. Swings and roundabouts Ernie. ;)

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Yeah - I've had this discussion with Chief before (last year some time I think). It's pretty pointless as you can probably tell - rather than actually discussing evidence of creationism and trying to convince everybody about creationist theory, he just tries to rubbish evolution theory by making up numbers about the chance of things occurring by accident - I doubt he's even looked into evolution theory properly - probably just copying arguments from Christian paleontology websites.




now your telling what I think and what i should think,

where is the freedom and democracy in that??

I have not told you lot what to think, where as you have scoffed anything but your own poorly thought out ideas.

As my posts will tell you if you actually read and were able to understand that i obviously know plenty about evolution, ( you know nothing of creation SCIENCE obviously, your too biggoted to even examine) but I am not so biased as not to consider other ideas which the more I read the more I see what a load of crap the dreamers evolutionary theory is. Evolution is FORCED at me as fact when not one post here has proved anything except your hard core religious faith in it.


I have copied Nothing from web sites.

There are NO made up figures, its all the real scientifically tried and tested results. Pity your so blinkered you dont want to consider that. Ostrich comes to mind.


I have accurately discussed evidence on here, however you warped mind refuses to accept it. You read what you want to read and spout what you want to spout. Your not interested in anything other than forcing your opinion on others or bulling them into submission. I, on the other hand have debated this in a reasonable fashion, constantly being provoked by your attitude. :rolleyes:


Your argument is just an insult, in place of objective reasoning, which I have witnessed throughout this post.

Martin take a look at your own posts, its sniper fire at its best, hardly the writings of an educated man who claims to have read the bible six times, that sir is a lie, as you have NO knowledge of it whatsoever. You probably have spent more time reading the phone directory. :rolleyes:


If I dont think like you, then I am an .............whatever you wish to call me, so that in turn makes you a ? (you can pick you own word for someone who forces their ideas on others).


You call MY debating pointless? take at look at your own, I have done a load of research before forming opinions such as mine, and there is no bias, just what makes more sense to me.


Neither can be proven, we all know that, but I wasnt the one who started PREACHING how the world was made, I mearly debated it with you lot, gang of snarling dogs you have become, and to dare to debate "The Forum Dictator's views" I am surprised I am not in prison, or expelled.


I have lost all interest in a debate on this, its pointless talking to a closed mind. I have been an evolutionist, asked questions, got vague answers, asked more questions only to find I was being sold a complicated fairy story, hence the change in direction.

I cant prove Creation any more than you can prove evolution, which seems to be the issue here, but I can prove your subjective and biased reasoning, which is now complete. :sly:


So if you think that slagging me off and being a cheeky ass means your side of the debate is better, well then, whatever makes you happy!. :)


p.s. the Charlotte comment was tongue in cheek, at least you got that right.

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Rev. Ernie of Chiefgrooving, allow me a few moments of your time...


Yesterday you implied that you were too good for the off topic section and would spend your remaining days, god willing, in more important sections of the forum. Yet you return, time and time again, to argue with people who simply have their own opinions based on their own experiences in life. As someone with a mind open enough to accept religion surely you should also be open enough to allow others opinions of their own without attempting to belittle them constantly?


You say you've done extensive research yet remain unbiased, impossible unless you've read everything out there, something I doubt very much, even for a man of your amazing ability. People will always have a bias, they might not see it, they might not want it but life makes it happen... or in the case of those resting on the crutch of religion God makes it happen.


I haven't read the bible in any detail, I refused to at school and have no desire to now, I've read bits and didn't think much of the story. I haven't done a great deal of research into evolution, quite simply because it doesn't interest me. So I'm open to attack now due to my lack of knowledge I guess but in my eyes I'm in a better place for living the short life I have ahead of me as best I can, trying to be a good person based on common sense and decent values and being open to the fact that I'll die one day and it'll all be over for me... and there are more important things to worry about, like the Rum Baba.

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Rev. Ernie of Chiefgrooving, allow me a few moments of your time...


Yesterday you implied that you were too good for the off topic section and would spend your remaining days, god willing, in more important sections of the forum. Yet you return, time and time again, to argue with people who simply have their own opinions based on their own experiences in life. As someone with a mind open enough to accept religion surely you should also be open enough to allow others opinions of their own without attempting to belittle them constantly?


You say you've done extensive research yet remain unbiased, impossible unless you've read everything out there, something I doubt very much, even for a man of your amazing ability. People will always have a bias, they might not see it, they might not want it but life makes it happen... or in the case of those resting on the crutch of religion God makes it happen.


I haven't read the bible in any detail, I refused to at school and have no desire to now, I've read bits and didn't think much of the story. I haven't done a great deal of research into evolution, quite simply because it doesn't interest me. So I'm open to attack now due to my lack of knowledge I guess but in my eyes I'm in a better place for living the short life I have ahead of me as best I can, trying to be a good person based on common sense and decent values and being open to the fact that I'll die one day and it'll all be over for me... and there are more important things to worry about, like the Rum Baba.





Someone who tells it like it is.


Where were you last night?!

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Ewen you are a fcuking star!

Just waiting for Chief and the rest of the blind to ask you who actually measured all the stars!:)


Theory is fact when you believe it to be, or so it seems in your world?


Rev Michael of great scientific knowing.........I hear you, and its the same old same old, time and again. ;)


The stars, lots of theory, no proof.


Just waiting for the "WE Believe", "Assuming" and "IN theory" to explain it. Sorry folks but that not enough to convince me.


ON this forum it seems I dont have the right to hold an opinion formed on my reasearch. It doesnt match up with your so I am mad? what fabulous reasoning you have, if you want to believe in evolution, yippee!! good for you, but if you cant debate what you believe then I think thats pretty grim.


Using theory to try and prove a point? eer eemm I think thats where facts come into it, and you dont have much do you?


OK sort it out between yourselves, it CLEAR from the attitude here your open to nothing but your own thoughts, do I care? not a bit, but I did enjoy the debate until most of you started to get all hot and bothered about it.


If it makes you happy..........then thats fine with me. :D

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Rev Michael of great scientific knowing.........I hear you, and its the same old same old, time and again. ;)


I'd be interested to hear more from you on this one, especially the bit about "scientific knowing" - could this be the attack I anticipated by simply being open and honest?


ON this forum it seems I dont have the right to hold an opinion formed on my reasearch. It doesnt match up with your so I am mad?


I haven't seen anyone say that, I've seen people suggest alternative options, different thinking and varied thought but I only see one person refusing to accept that alternative answers may exist.


what fabulous reasoning you have, if you want to believe in evolution, yippee!! good for you, but if you cant debate what you believe then I think thats pretty grim.


You aren't allowing those with the desire to debate to do so, you are bombarding them with masses of text in an attempt to smother them and appear more intelligent, if this fails you resort to making attacks on their input.


Using theory to try and prove a point? eer eemm I think thats where facts come into it, and you dont have much do you?


All you have is a book and lots of theory, why shouldn't others who approach this subject with the same sort of ammo also get an opportunity to put their point forward?


OK sort it out between yourselves, it CLEAR from the attitude here your open to nothing but your own thoughts, do I care? not a bit, but I did enjoy the debate until most of you started to get all hot and bothered about it.


I only see one person getting stressed out here.


If it makes you happy..........then thats fine with me. :D


What would make *you* happy?

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Wasnt me who took it off topic !


I am happy with your to believe what you want, but if your going to attck my views I am entitled to defend them. I am using science not a bible to discuss the now changed subject.

So when i demonstrate how science (read back) contradicts what some have posted as fact, some people start bitchin, I was enjoying a good debate, until the usual

"forum pack hunting" started, then the whole thread seemed pointless and a waste of time.


I dont have a book and lots of theory. I have picked out what we "actually know" or can prove, in pretty much every instance, rather than relying on ever changing theory for a basis.

So I dont swallow your theory, get over it, lots of poeple dont, where is all the theory I posted? I really dont think you read it all did you?.

Anyway I have stated my perspective, and received a bashing for daring to say so. Unless i change my opinion to your outlook, I will be insulted for my views, as you can see, if anyone could give me sound reason to do so, then I would have no option, but in the continued absence of such, I dont see that happening.

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