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Bored at work today ... had some fun

blitz supra

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I Was bored at work today,


so to liven things up a bit i put one of my PC Speakers by the fridge in the corner of the office and every now again when someone bent over to get the milk i clicked on one of these,





Took a while before i got caught out, in the meantiime there was rather alot of red faces and embarrsed people

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haha fantastic!


we got bored on monday and let a battery powerd hamster run into the department next door. we heard a scream, saw the hamster fly back into our room, and a young girl start shouting and calling us all f**k*rs!!! was worth it :D

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haha fantastic!


we got bored on monday and let a battery powerd hamster run into the department next door. we heard a scream, saw the hamster fly back into our room, and a young girl start shouting and calling us all f**k*rs!!! was worth it :D




I saved that for "one of the plump" girls in the office

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That board is great!! I am going to have some fun with that one.:D




Yep i had hours of fun with it at work ... real lads humour,


Must say there was a few red faces and looks of that wasn't me ... really


Thing is you can chose your victim for the perfect sound.. ha ha ha

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