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Decision Time Again!! - RAF/Girlfriend/Job/Life


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Life is not in the slightest bit easy these days is it!:rolleyes:


Jesus. Went to the RAF Monday and got the ball rolling on my application again. They're urgently looking for RAF Regiment Officers and Gunners and I've applied for Officer. Other branches of interest are Fighter Control and Intelligence. They advised that the process this time should be fairly quick as this is a priority role at the moment so here's hoping.:)


Meanwhile, my girlfriend has chosen Nottingham Uni where she starts in September. I love her to bits and vice-versa, but if I go the RAF that will be it - us over. She made that pretty clear and deep down I know that's the case for me too as I'd want to focus on my career in the Military. :( So, she's hoping I don't get in but obviously also wants me to be happy.


Current job is not going great. I've got 2 more massive projects to do and even though I'm being headhunted by other departments around the business, I feel I'm trapped. I can't leave my current role as Project Deadlines are all in July/August and despite the Sales role seeming far more appealing, I know I can't accept it for moral purposes. Plus, I don't want to accept a new role and then 4 months later if I get into the RAF, naff off. I explained this to the Manager who was asking if I wanted to join the sales team and he really appreciated this, but said he'd take me on anyway as at the end of the day he always has to replace people and wants me in the Team! Great news and a boost of confidence but yet more complications :rolleyes:


The above means I've got so many decisions to make. Plus my parents are strongly against me entering the RAF and partially see it as a waste of my Degree. Living at home has therefore not become easy recenty, but I can't move out and commit to a Mortgage yet as I don't know my future career path! Plus, renting is a waste of money.


Seems like I have to decide whether to finish with Emily now (which I don't really want to do at all), change roles internally at my current company, move out, stay at home, accept the RAF if I get in, ahhh........




Sorry for the rant I'm just as confused as buggery at the moment and really have had enough of not knowing where I'm going next.


Advice wanted guys!;)



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My Uncle was in the RAF for his whole life from 21 years old he joined.


he did lots of border patrol and the first test flights when developing the Eurofighter.


Over the last 5 years has been teaching top gun in the UK and the USA which he enjoyed a lot.


Generaly he seems to have done pretty well in RAF terms but he really does not have much to show for it !?


May be its just the enjoyment factor :blink:

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Wow that's weird, my friend is in the EXACT same boat Greg, plus he's thinking of travelling too, it's definately a toughie,leaving what sounds like a good job though is a hard thing to do, I did it last year and I still havent really recovered from that (big regret) however joining the RAF would be pretty damn exciting & interesting I would have thought but a pretty big commitment and you would have to be 100% sure it's what you want to do and to leave your girlfriend for it, I'm surpisred that it would come to that though as my mate and his girlfriend are pretty sure they can work through it together, say it was the other way round, she was commiting to something you would be there for her right?? and not leave her? that kinda suggests to me that maybe she's prehaps not the right girl if she's not willing to work at it?

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Hear is a Junior ranks view:


Push on with joining the RAF, as you want to join the Regiment, start training now. i.e. leave home and live in a tent, eat from the land, make fire etc. Keep your job as you need money for beer, but turn down all promotion, as it means more responsiblity. As for your girlfriend, stay with her, use her house for showers and frottaging purposes.


In 4 months join the RAF Regiment, get cheap accomodation, excellent pay, all your meals cooked. Ditch girlfriend and family and have fun with RAF Women.


Keep Supra


Life sorted.


Hope this advice has helped you out!

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Hear is a Junior ranks view:


Push on with joining the RAF, as you want to join the Regiment, start training now. i.e. leave home and live in a tent, eat from the land, make fire etc. Keep your job as you need money for beer, but turn down all promotion, as it means more responsiblity. As for your girlfriend, stay with her, use her house for showers and frottaging purposes.


In 4 months join the RAF Regiment, get cheap accomodation, excellent pay, all your meals cooked. Ditch girlfriend and family and have fun with RAF Women.


Keep Supra


Life sorted.


Hope this advice has helped you out!



Outstanding post:)

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I'm with Tom on this, if you've both pretty much agreed that you won't be able to work on a long distance/long time apart relationship then it aint gonna work out in the long run anyway - in which case you have to be selfish about it.

This is also true of jobs because if they start losing money for whatever reason they won't think twice about booting you out, you CAN'T think morally about a company (unless you're planning on going back! :D ).


I'm not a selfish person but with jobs especially you have to be, I can't say much about the g/f only you know what is truelly felt about it.

I'd say go for the promotion/move, then just see what happens with the RAF - I'm sure it takes a certain person so you'll always get good and bad reviews of forces life, it's up to you though. If you want it and they accept, forget the rest.



Oh, and family will always be there for you, no matter how many mistakes you make against their advice! :D

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I have had a number of ex-RAF guys apply for jobs that had enough of it and wanted to settle down with their families. Sadly they're coming out and restarting careers pretty much from scratch.


I'd hope going in as an officer you'd have a longer more substantial career.


"It's better to regret something you have done, than to regret something you haven't done."


As for your girlie - Notts rocks. I went there and loved it. I'm available any time she wants companionship and a fun night out. ;)

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My cousin left school with almost 'jack shit' of qualifications.


Told my uncle he wanted to learn to fly so he had lessons, signed up for the RAF a year later, the next thing we know he is out playing with big boys toys.


Air Cdre Mark Green, RAF, CBE (not forgetting his BSc)




Shame now he is flying a desk most of the time!


As they say 'the possibilities are endless' go for it big time!

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Like 99.99% of the population


Get rid of her Greg and see the world mate. You don't want to be like one of these ordinary ants in the street - do you!!!!!!!


this was a suggesting for him keeping his girlfriend and a job, but if he doesnt see a future with the missus or doubts then join the raf but if you love her and she loves you then you 2 have to decide

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Choose a career, choose a girlfriend, choose another career, but dont forget to choose life Greg (copyright sort of from Trainspotting :p)


Assuming you go for the RAF (cos i think we can take it for certain that you will!) keep a glowing reference from this current company for the future. It seems that your heart is in the RAF, so thats what you need to focus on, its what will make you happiest and anything else is a compromise. Could you and your lady not remain friends and perhaps pick things up in a few years when things have calmed down?


Its a crazy world Greg, do what you need to make you happy, but think for a little while how much you will miss her ;)

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sorry to say this greg - change the girlfriend. Both me and my girly are in the RAF, shes is an officer, i am not. I havent seen her in 3 months now, due to both of us been deployed. its worked this way for over 6 years now. And we wouldnt change it for anything.


First thing I'd do - is Join the RAF - just because its a priority job within the RAF at the moment, doesnt mean you'll Pass OASC. Sorry. It happend to me. But now i dont regret it at all. If that fails, you know where you stand.


Yes I know with the current climate with some Navy bods been captured, 10's of marines been killed in afghanistan (I've attended 4 ramp ceremonies - fun not) Your parents are only worried, But they should support you as it someting YOU want to do. My parents support me, and they know what I face everytime I go OOA - eventhough I am not on the front line (saying that I have been on the frontline, been shot at, mortad etc... makes the day more interesting). Can you change your parents too?? ;)


I Have a degree in Electronic engineering, and I am about to start a degree in Eng Managment (RAF is paying - woohoo) is that a waste of university time/money for me to join an non-commision??? I dont think so.


Ok, thats it from me :D

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regarding your girl, shes bound to say it wouldnt work if you joined the RAF, she probably feels that if you are willing to join up and spend months away from home your feelings for her cannot be that strong, end of.


A rolling stone gathers no moss, I know guys who have been in the forces for years and come out with , No house, No job No relationship and itchy feet , basically institutionalised.....maybe different being an officer.


Only you can decide Greg, Good luck

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WOW Greg!! You have far too much going on with your life Dude. :rolleyes:


With regard to a career the RAF sounds brilliant. I don't know what the pay structure is but you'll get a lot of life experiences that most people only dream about!!


Presuming you get accepted, the decision lies with Emily. I don't see how she can give out ultimatums, surely is she cared enough, she would try to adapt to suit you both!


It's all going to come down to one thing............!


How big are her tits!!:D



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It sounds straight forward to me mate, go to the other department in the company, you have explained you may join the RAf and the boss is happy with that.

Pass officer selection and Join the RAf Greg, get some real life experience ;) , your degree will still be there in x years time + you will have new skills that only a military career can give you which will help you no end in your return to civvy life :)

Hows your fitness level ? have you got some boots to start running in ?

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Just been speaking to Ian (our ex RAF fighter engine engineer) who does on site IT for us now.


He says if you're going in as an officer you'll be fine as they "still look after officers". Only thing he found difficult is you just have to get used to being told where you're going at the drop of a hat.


"As long as you get on well with people and make new friends you'll be fine."

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Some absolutely outstanding posts and thank you guys. Especially the comments and support from those in the forces, Andy, Si, Chilly etc. :)


To be completely honest, I can't see myself doing anything else in life other than the RAF. I sit here day after day bored, and wait for home time to see Em and my mates (like most people I know). I just can't seem to focus.


I'm not saying I'll get into the RAF at all. My fitness is pretty good and I normally head out 2-3 times a week on 3-5mile runs, plus footy twice a week too. I do some strength training, but not loads. The only worry I actually have is my ankles which I damaged fairly badly last year and aren't 100% yet.


ALSO, this is my LAST chance to join the RAF Regiment. The Age Limit is 25 and I'm already 24, 25 in November! So I have to go for it just so I know I tried.


It's more a case now of do I stick in the current job until I hear from the RAF or swap over to a new role, and do I split up with Emily now or try and make it work. I'm fairly sure I should stick with this job for now as I hate letting people down, especially my current manager. He'll understand if I leave for the RAF, but would be a little annoyed if I left this Team, joined the Sales Team for 4 months, and then left for the RAF!


Emily and I have a holiday booked to Mexico too in July. At the rate things are currently going, the arguments we're having about Uni and RAF etc, I don't think things will last much longer. I know it'll finish when I sign up..............providing I get in of course.


I don't doubt that Emily loves me. She does want to be with me and has 'planned' our lives together. She just didn't figure the RAF coming into the equation again. Plus, she's only 19, I'm 24, and we're at different stages in our lives.


I just think for absolute clarity I need to know whether the RAF is a thumbs up for me & a "come and join us" I suppose before I can plan other things. Hence, I've chosen 3 branches that I believe I'll be interested in and want to join.


There are other personal matters that I can't really disclose on the forum. One of which regards medication I took in the past (nothing serious or physcological!) and whether or not I have to take it again should symptoms return. The RAF wouldn't allow me to do so.


So many factors, but I'm thinking of going along the Chilly's advice - except the leave home and eat veggie food and live in turd parts. :) I certainly don't want to be another company statistic/number, and at least if I join the RAF and become a negative statistic - it would of been worth something. Not slating anybody at all, it's just my view on how I deal with this job!


Thanks again all.


My initial briefing assessment with the RAF is on the 19th April so I'll keep you posted on how things are going. ;)


All the best.



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Hi Greg


Phew! lotsa decisions though it all seems to hinge on the RAF. You seem to have your heart set on it. Have to agree with H, if someone loves you they don't give ultimatums.


I have a mate whos about to marry her soldier fellah, just before he goes to Afghanistan and supports him all the way. tbh, you'll both be too busy with career/study to pine too much and she will branch out at uni as you will in the army. You will both grow in fantastic ways.


Is it worth changing jobs for such a short time, and to one you don't feel comfortable with either? If you can think ahead to happy possibilites in the RAF, it will make work pressures more bearable :p


Opportunities fly by very quickly and the best ones don't give you much time to think, but give you the best rewards. Go for what makes you happy, be adventurous while your young enough and fit enough. If you and emily love each other and its meant to be, it will work out for you both :)


Good luck whatever you decide! lol

Linda xx

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Hi Greg


Phew! lotsa decisions though it all seems to hinge on the RAF. You seem to have your heart set on it. Have to agree with H, if someone loves you they don't give ultimatums.


I have a mate whos about to marry her soldier fellah, just before he goes to Afghanistan and supports him all the way. tbh, you'll both be too busy with career/study to pine too much and she will branch out at uni as you will in the army. You will both grow in fantastic ways.


Is it worth changing jobs for such a short time, and to one you don't feel comfortable with either? If you can think ahead to happy possibilites in the RAF, it will make work pressures more bearable :p


Opportunities fly by very quickly and the best ones don't give you much time to think, but give you the best rewards. Go for what makes you happy, be adventurous while your young enough and fit enough. If you and emily love each other and its meant to be, it will work out for you both :)


Good luck whatever you decide! lol

Linda xx


Great post thanks Linda. :) Following on from what Rob S said too, there will no doubt be an opportunity for us to pick things up at a later stage in our lives - I just think we're at that make or break checkpoint right now.


Just need to think about now too really. Do I break things off with Em now and let her do her own thing before uni and let me concentrate on RAF training etc, or do I wait til I hear about the RAF for sure and then decide? Do I cancel our holiday in July, I only have 3 weeks more to do so, or do I let things roll even though by this time we might not be together? Just a mess!!!!:rolleyes:

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