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Mosque to be built for London Olympics


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Mosque to be built for London Olympics




The plan is for the mosque to be so big that people flying in from all over the world for the 2012 Olympics will it see it as the biggest landmark in London, bigger than St Pauls, Westminster Abbey or Wembley Stadium.


Take a second to cast your vote in The on-line poll to determine public opinion about whether a mega mosque should be built for

the Olympics.


The vote so far is *57*% in favour.


After voting, forward this to as many people as you wish. Here's the





copyed from the e mail i received.

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I only read through it quickly, but I can't actually see anywhere in that article stating that it's tax payer's money. The petition also says £100m where as the telegraph says £300m :conf:


All I can see is that they're applying for planning permission.


If you're signing it, you're saying;


"We the Christian population of this great country England would like the proposed plan to build a Mega Mosque in East London Scrapped".


So I definately don't agree with the plans if it's tax payer's money, but I won't sign that petition. :)

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Um how bout NO! This is a Christian contry and has been for many many years we have the church of england etc so why should the minority out shine the majority?


*puts on devil's advocate hat*


Because this is a democratic country, and that doesn't mean majority rules, it means everyone has a voice.


Are we still officially a Christian country? :conf: That's a genuine question, I really don't know!

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Ah I get you now. But as long as it's privately funded (which it probably won't be), and there's actually a demand for a mosque that big I don't see the problem TBH. Placing it next to the olympic site just seems like 'my invisible friend is more important than yours' to me though. :)

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Dont see the harm in building a Mosque...


Doubt with the £300 million budget it will be bigger than Wembley lol just an over exaggeration to put people off imho.


Wheres the link to 'Support the mosque petition' ? :)



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i think its overkill and a way of getting the public back on side after all the recent f*ck ups. im not saying dont build one, go ahead, everyone has a right to a place to acknowledge their beliefs, but what i am saying is that why make it bigger than a great landmark such as St. pauls. surely the government isn't using religion to as a way of saying mines bigger than yours?? leave the kids in the playground tony, you've got a christian based country to run.


p.s. im an atheist living in london. if i can respect all religions, i dont see why others cant. its not a power strugle, its about beliefs and respect. everyone has a right to belive in something, or not.

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I'd be just as annoyed if they spent the same amount of public money (if it is public money) building a mega church. Just because it's muslim though people get up the arse. It's bizarre. If it was a mega church I bet fuck all of the petition signers would use it or indeed any other church, anyway, hmmmm?



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Would it be ok to build if they made it a tad bit smaller than St. Paul's? (Assuming it's not tax payers money)


not a tad bit smaller - make it a decent and reasonable size!! if they did that then maybe people would be happy to give it the go ahead. if it was a reasonable size, and not a blatant attempt at going up in the popularity stakes, then maybe some taxpayers would be happy to fund or partially fund it. my arguments about the size, not the fact its being considered.


iirc there was a news report on it a while back and most of the Muslim population in the area dont want it....

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Ok fine, build this £100/300m mosque. But what about all the other religions?? Somehow i don't think people visiting or playing in the games are all Muslim. If the money was spent on some complex which incorporated something for everyone i'd still think it was crazy, but not as crazy as this idea.

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