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Council Tax bill just came through


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Ok so i am no longer entitled to the single occupancy discount but hells teeth where do they come up with these numbers?

And they are collecting the bins every other week, how can I pay £30 a month more for gods sake, are they just mental??

I am so cross I can barely type straight, I could quite easily get very fed up with this country :(


My MSN name holds true today


Zero post count, must not blaspheme.......:taped:

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Wait till they start charging by the no of windowsyou have , the view you have from your house, how close you are to local amenities, conservatories, extensions etc etc. :(


Oh and taxing your rubbish.


There also looking at giving the council the power to charge business rates they see fit

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Am I the only one who'll get arrested if some arrogant cnut in a suit turns up at my house and wants to "assess" my property for council tax!!:rolleyes:


There is no way I am letting anyone over my doorstep for sh1t like that!! We pay far too much as it is and the services provided by the council are getting less and also a poorer standard.


If there were riots over poll tax then this will kick it off again. I'm all for taking a day off work and rioting near the houses of parliament!! Enought is enough!!:soap:


H. :bang:

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And what do you get for this increase in council tax? (from personal experience)


- Half the rubbish collections

- More council funded tenents in bigger flats than i can afford to rent in my block of flats

- Said tenents trashing the place, being stabbed, threatening, dealing drugs etc etc (for two years, completly untouchable by the council/police!)

- A police force who dont give a toss unless your speeding, their only other function being to issue "crime numbers" (far easier than actually trying to solve crime of course)

- Worse roads (some of the roads in crawley are starting to rival mud tracks)

- Guided Bus lanes - can bus drivers in crawley not drive in strieght lines? they need streight, guided bus lanes to steer for them?

- OUT OF SERVICE guided bus lanes :twak: - how can a bus lane break down?!


This country is a joke, we pay a lot of money in the hope it will improve our country, sadly its squandered on those who have no interest in making our country great and are just after a quick buck :(


toni blair: :clown: :D

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Moved last april/march time. They now say i owe about a grand where they havnt charged me. We sent them 2 letters which they addmitted they received and the letters said wheres our bills etc. Now they want to thretten us with bailifs etc just because they cant do there job properly.

I know where they can stick that. They will get what i pay when i pay it

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Try finding out what your council tax actually pays for!


"Council tax is a system of local taxation collected by local authorities. It is a tax on domestic property. Generally, the bigger the property is, the more tax will be charged. Some property will be exempt from council tax."


All I could find, not exactly specific is it?

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Don't forget we voted these bunch of shysters in. Tax and spend, tax and spend. Old Brown will squeeze every last penny he can by introducing a new tax, and what a con these green taxes are going to be. At least under the Tories the tax burden was going down. I think it was Lamont who ditched one tax every budget, rather than introduce another one

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Moved last april/march time. They now say i owe about a grand where they havnt charged me. We sent them 2 letters which they addmitted they received and the letters said wheres our bills etc. Now they want to thretten us with bailifs etc just because they cant do there job properly.

I know where they can stick that. They will get what i pay when i pay it


Not much use in your situation, but if these new inspections come in.... It'll probably be ignored, but it only takes a minute.



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This country is crazy. Heard on the radio yesterday that the government are throwing over a billion pounds at the trains to buy more carriages. But surely these trains are run by private companies now so why does our tax money have to bail them out? Oh yeah, and then there's Blair wanting to buld new nuclear submarines. Great way to spend money. Surely whatever they've got can destroy the world already? I'm sure as long as we have something that can smash a country to pieces then that's enough of a deterrant.


Also, can anyone explain whether if that road charging system comes in whether they'd actually abolish the need to buy road tax. I suspect not!


Gonna stop there, getting far too annoyed.

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I don't understand why every method of solving ANY issue these days means charging people money. They go on about congestion, pollution etc. They always come up with the same answer TAX!!


All that will happen in the end is that we'll be skint, the government will be loaded and the world will be in ruins. Great plan you bunch of lazy bureaucratic cnuts!!:( How about finding some proper solutions that are law and not charging people for everything.


And Breathe!!:rolleyes:



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Its too depressing once you find out where your money goes. I just pay up and stay quiet.


We'll all be made to walk, cycle or use public transport eventually cos we won't be able to afford our own means of transport with all these taxes and green issues they throw at us.


Bleeuurghh !

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Oh to have a council tax of less than £1000 pa.

Mine just done 6% ish rise.

Watch out for bigger rises cos the broke the law and didnt pay minimum wage when they were supposed to....

One local council/police wants to provide cars for the Community Support officers. Now if that ist taking a jumped up busy body and making him feel like a real copper, rather than doing the real police job of being out on the streets sorting crime before it happens and reasuring the public that they really are the good guys and not going after people they can spot from a DVLA database.


Rant over

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