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Why are you made to feel bad when you call in sick?


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It’s really weird I’ve been at my current job for well over a year now and im not the sort of person that’s takes the piss with coming in late, taken time off etc etc. I just called him up to say im sorry mate but im not going to be able to come work tomorrow cause I’ve got an abcess in my mouth which has cause my whole left side of my face to swell up to the extent that my left eye is almost completely closed and causing me to be in some serious pain!:( so he turns around and goes "fine if you cant make it you cant make it....but it would be much better if u could because blah blah blah and carry’s on with a big gilt trip! i mean whats the deal with that? Its as if he doesn't belive me?


What should i do? go in a prove to him i cant work and my left side resembales John Merrick? Or just stay at home and rest?


Im sorry people but I needed to get that of my chest

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I had the same kind of thing with a previous boss. I never took the piss with time off etc, but the odd time I was too ill to work I got hastle from him blah blah blah. He was a tosser anyway :D


Just stay at home mate, if he needs proof that you're too ill to work get a doctors note... he can't argue with that

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Just stay at home mate, if he needs proof that you're too ill to work get a doctors note... he can't argue with that


I've got one better then that! His daughter i woz out with her on Friday and i kept saying i had a really bad tooth ache but nothing to bad. Woke up sat and she could she i was in alot of pain. So I went dentise who told me nothing could be done because the abcess and this morning my left side is just massive :(

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I've got one better then that! His daughter i woz out with her on Friday and i kept saying i had a really bad tooth ache but nothing to bad. Woke up sat and she could she i was in alot of pain. So I went dentise who told me nothing could be done because the abcess and this morning my left side is just massive :(


Your knocking off his daughter!!?!?!? lol thats great, thats probably the reason he's a funny bugger about it all :D

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Your knocking off his daughter!!?!?!? lol thats great, thats probably the reason he's a funny bugger about it all :D


:rlol: I agree, and you wonder why hes being funny, LOL.


Anyway, dont worry about it, just think your at home relaxing with his daughter while hes at work having to do something for a change

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Your knocking off his daughter!!?!?!? lol thats great, thats probably the reason he's a funny bugger about it all :D


Errrrmmmm!! Yeah that!


Disregard my previous post. The fact that you are poking his daughter might have clouded the issue slightly. Especially if she mentioned that you were "going like a shit house door in the wind on Friday night!!" to him.......:D



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We get this at our place, i've just been off a couple of weeks ago with tonsillitis and a fever, couldn't speak, was told by the GP that i might possibly infect the elderly so to stay away, temp hit 104F and i lost a stone in 6 days. They kept grumbling on the phone and we've got a policy at work where it's upto us to PROVE we're sick... so i took a nice pic of my tonsils which made a few of the staff feel a bit funny :) We don't get paid if we're off anyway.

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I really don't understand the whole guilt trip thing either.... it actually winds me up big time when people who are obviously ill don't stay at home, and instead come into the office with a box of lemsip and tissues, trying to make everyone else feel sorry for them whislt infecting even more people. Thus meaning that rather than having to find cover for one person, it ends up being 3 or 4..... grrrrrrrr.


When people apologise to me for calling in sick I have a simple response... if you were actually ill then FFS don't apologise!

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When people apologise to me for calling in sick I have a simple response... if you were actually ill then FFS don't apologise!


i understand what your saying but with the thing is i apoligised due to the fact i hate to let people down and i know that if im not there to do my work then it puts more of a load on the others.

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i understand what your saying but with the thing is i apoligised due to the fact i hate to let people down and i know that if im not there to do my work then it puts more of a load on the others.


My sentence sounded a lot harsher than I meant it. ;) When I say that I say it as a friendly response to a polite thing :) If that makes any sense at all!

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i often frown at sick days. a lot of people abuse the system(oh ive got a hangover i will call in sick ,or i will call in sick to watch the match. working in retail i hear it all the time from customers who are meant to be working. i once read that the average police officer has 13.7 days off a year ,i bet they could have easily worked 10 of those i am self employed and simply do not take days off sick (2 in 5 years i bet)because i cant without it costing me loads of money. most people dont consider the difficulties the employer faces when sick days are taken unfairly

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We found a simple solution to reduce the number of sick days at our place.

Don't pay 'em.


Amazing how less ill people have been in the last 12 months.


Good in theory but if you're legitimately ill that causes serious problems - when i was off sick with Glandular Fever (during a time when i was working 9 hours a day and having to revise at night for qualification exams), i was screwed as i made myself even worse by trying to work with it. Living on your own with bills to pay and getting paid nothing for about 3 months has put me in a lot of debt as I'd only come out of uni and had no savings - all went on the CCs.

If i'm ill the odd day then i don't care about not being paid as I know i couldn't be there anyway. With our close proximity to patients, we do have to think about spreading things to old people etc though too. When i was off for a week it cost me £500 which could really do with - there was no way I could make it so can't do much about it

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Good in theory but if you're legitimately ill that causes serious problems - when i was off sick with Glandular Fever (during a time when i was working 9 hours a day and having to revise at night for qualification exams), i was screwed as i made myself even worse by trying to work with it. Living on your own with bills to pay and getting paid nothing for about 3 months has put me in a lot of debt as I'd only come out of uni and had no savings - all went on the CCs.


Management discretion. Basically we look after people we know are properly ill.

Have a lad with a weird skin problem which means he's effectively allergic to sunlight. He ended up with skin cancer (which is under control now), obviously all paid etc. We're not monsters ;)

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