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Etiquette re: allowing cars onto M-way from sliproad.


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I'm noticing more and more that people already on a M-way aren't letting drivers access from the sliproad.


Mostly it consists of sitting nose to tail and inching along, never allowing a gp to open.


Even worse is the gaps that appear, you indicate and go tom move into it and a car the car you'd be ahead of speeds up to block you.


Two mornings running I've had to go back onto the slip road because the driver of a car has raced up and essentially pushed me out of the way.


What's the proper etiquette so that I can know if there's anything to be genuinley aggreived about?

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Well in theory they don't have to, it's up to the person joining to match their speed to the traffic and find a gap, it's their give way. BUT it doesn't always work like that especially when there is heavy traffic.


I find that people tend to let me out.

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In the old days people always used to move out to the middle lane as they approached a sliproad with a car coming down it, sadly the middle lane is now full of mentalists driving at the same speed as those in the inside. This combined with the desire for all lorries to do 56mph in a giant conga means it's often tricky to match the traffic speed and merge in safely.


It's a give way junction so you have no rights, unless you have a BMW in which case it's simply a launch pad to get you to the outside lane within 10 metres of hitting the motorway.

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Buy some old shitter and ram them off the road?


lol some day I would love to do that, especially in one of those really old land rovers!


I think it's more politeness than anything else. If it's an open road I normally change to the outside lane.


If i'm in traffic I just let the person in. Though I do agree people don't always let me in, but the majority do.

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As ever, every single word of that is exactly how it is.


Thing is, I reckon all the people who don't let me on are people who see the Supra and think...." I'm not staying behind him again. He let half a dozen cars on last time".


Which is what I do. Kind of. It usually means that half a dozen drivers are assuming I won't want them to crash into the Supra so they dive out and I hit the brakes.


It's methol out there.

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those new traffic lights on the slip roads too are totally stupid


they would work better if the inside lane from about half a mile before the junction was closed off allowing people to join easyly


Agreed tho, people always do this and it just pisses me offffff

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Isn't it just common decency to let a car in? really doesnt take that much effort and its not like they're gonna get to where they are going any later.


This is a serious bug bear of mine. grrr.


Just so pathetic, and i get it done to me more now i'm in a Supra.

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As a matter of fact you will also find that foreign lorries (LHD) do not move a lane over on the motorway as the view from the drivers seat is not good to see the RH lane so they tend to stay in lane 1 as well which doesn't help

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It's methol out there.

Minty fresh?


I never find I have much of a problem, signal, match speed, squeeze into any gap you find. Maybe traffic is better around these parts.


Only issue I have is with the complete tw*t that stopped when trying to join the M6 from the M54 and nearly had three cars into the back of him. I had to take evasive action and go for the slip road to avoid braking hard and the car behind hitting me!

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I do find that I'm a lot more patient, courteous and calm now driving the Supra, maybe its a combo of damage limitation, auto box, and just knowing I could race if I wanted to, but most times its great just cruising along.


I still get twats pullng out on me on every T junction possible, but thats just the crazy OAPs in Eastbourne for you :rolleyes:

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If traffic is solid, leave a gap and let them in. The major problem is drivers numpties who have no idea about how to join the motorway and just sort of wander into lane 1, making no attempt to either accelerate into the gap in front, or to slow down and slot into the gap behind, and expecting you to move to lane 2 or brake.


I did the best part of 100,000 miles in a non-turbo Astra diesel, and if one of those will accelerate to motorway speeds by the end of the slip road, anything will :)


And as for lorry drivers who just swerve out into overtaking traffic because one of said numpties is attempting to move into lane 1... don't get me started!

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You gotta love those new lights. I'm certain they make no difference to the flow of traffic.

Thays not true, it means instead of trucks having the length of the sliproad to accelerate to 45 - 50mph, they have about 10 yards and struggle to manage 10mph, so the whole motorway has to slow down.

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As a matter of fact you will also find that foreign lorries (LHD) do not move a lane over on the motorway as the view from the drivers seat is not good to see the RH lane so they tend to stay in lane 1 as well which doesn't help

IMHO most trucks will attempt to move over, or slow down, for another truck, but will not give way to cars because the car will either floor it leaving the truck driver sitting in the middle lane like an idiot, or drive along at exactly the same speed as a truck alongside the back wheel so the truck can't get back in.

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Im on the road alot in my works van and find hardly anyone wants to let me out or give way anywhere apart from other van drivers, but in the supe its a different story as people tend to pause for a second or 2. But if im off work and go into town i tend to take the landrover as people seem to move out of the way easier.

I used to live in essex and do alot of driving to london, yeah it took me 4 hours to do 15 miles but it was great fun, all the hussle but my legs used to die when i got home. Now i live near bristol and travel alot to bath/doset/swindon/salisbury etc and the driving standards down here are herrendous to say the least but thats enough of my moan.

But as the post asked i think people are becoming worse as the roads are getting more busy and everyone is too much of a rush and half asleep.

I went to west of france last last year and driving over there was superb, people over took then moved back into lane. They also have a rule on some dual carrigways that lorries are not allowed to over take and fight over 1 mph.

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