Marty Posted January 13, 2007 Share Posted January 13, 2007 Been stuck in hospital all week, only got out yesterday for the weekend before i go back in for an operation on monday. Basically ive got a thing called chrones, it didnt start off as that, thats 1 thing im sure about, but because it took the idiots of the NHS over 4-5 months to diagnose the problem a section of my bowl is that badly inflamed and fooked, that its gotta come out Im having a bowel resection, they are going to cut the section of inflamed bowel out (inc my appendix), and then rejoin the bowel up. Means im going to be stuck in hosptial for 7-10 days afterwards, and off work for up to 6weeks. Needless to say im not looking forward to it I could have a REALLY big rant about the incompetance of the docs, my gp,the nhs, the amount of times ive been to a+e (6x) in serious pain, only to be sent away with painkillers etc, ive been passed through various departments too. But i think your eyes would hurt if i went into full detail as it'd be pages and pages Once im home and able to do stuff im going to be looking in to putting some complaints in, theres no way it should've come to this, i put money on it that it started off as appendicitus! (ive done a good bit of digging into this, and there is research showing that chrones can be caused by untreated appendicitus). Plus ive lost about 7k in work pay because of the amount of time ive had to take of Not including another 4k for the next 2months BUGGERS Guess it did turn into a lil rant in the end ... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kip Posted January 13, 2007 Share Posted January 13, 2007 I feel it's a wee bit unfair to have a rant at the GP's, Surgeons and nursing staff - I beleive the rant should be directly targeted to the hangers that I mean the management staff and hospital accountants who have absolutely no medical knowledge. I am convinced that without them we would have a far better and more efficient hospital system. All of the medical staff do their absolute best for us with limited budgets and rediculously unrealistic time management. I have a very good friend who is a Surgeon and some of the stories he can tell about beaurocracy and points scoring within the management chain would make you seath. Any way back to the point in hand I sincerely hope all goes well for you and you make a speedy recovery. All the best matey - chin up Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dragonball Posted January 13, 2007 Share Posted January 13, 2007 My nephew suffers from this this from when he was young - very nasty mate and hope it goes OK for you Fingers crossed Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sheefa Posted January 13, 2007 Share Posted January 13, 2007 Best of luck buddy. I know a female work colleague who has this. Don't know if she had an Op and not sure of details on severity, but she is well happy nonetheless. Good luck and fingers crossed for you pal. Greg Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Green Peace Posted January 13, 2007 Share Posted January 13, 2007 Yep i know how you feel about frustrations with the NHS...and trusting GP's and even specialists. But at least you are actually going to have something done I suppose, its all for the good, and i'm guessing its a regular tried and tested process with this kind of im sure there is absolutely no chance of complications. Diagnosing anything to do with stomach problems is always hard from what i have learned, most symtoms are fairly similar from what i hear, from IBS to Stomach Cancer... My Brother is having similar problems he has been seeing people for over three years and they still can't pin point exactly what problem he has, but i hear of people going private and they still have problems getting the correct diognosis for this kind of thing. But yeah timing is important, would be nice if the NHS took 'stomach complaints' a little more serious thus saving situations developing as a result of incompetance on their part. Rest assured though the surgeons will work wonders and you'll be right as rain...its a regular type operation so dont panic dude, we'll all be thinkin of ya, lying in bed n being lazy for a few weeks, eating too many grapes he he. keep us updated and rant as much as ya feel you wanna if it helps, we're here for you, and some may have had similar situations so it might help in that way.. Take Care Buddy. Si Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ewen Posted January 13, 2007 Share Posted January 13, 2007 All the best for a successful op and speedy recovery:) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Havard Posted January 13, 2007 Share Posted January 13, 2007 Good luck mate! My brother in law had this and he's treated with steroids. I am a bit worried about this myself as I went to the quacks with what I thought was an appendix issue and the pain comes and goes on my right hand side every few days. Subsequently I have tried to improve my diet but it may be too little too late if it is Chrones ot Irritable bowel!! Hope you are well soon. Paul Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jake Posted January 13, 2007 Share Posted January 13, 2007 Shit mate, what a nightmare. Good luck with it and get well soon. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bobbeh Posted January 13, 2007 Share Posted January 13, 2007 Best of lucky m8y, I'm sure you'll be fine Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fish Posted January 13, 2007 Share Posted January 13, 2007 Good luck with the op - hope it goes well for you. Dont give up on the hospital staff bud, I was unlucky enough to smash myself in the car a while back and from the roadside and helicopter medics through to the nurses and surgeons I couldn't be more thankful - they saved my life Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
garetheves Posted January 13, 2007 Share Posted January 13, 2007 Good luck with the op mate, hope everything goes ok, but have to disagree with the rant against the NHS. i work in the NHS myself and i would be the first to criticise it on some fronts but to have a blatant go at people for doing their jobs as best as they probably can is a bit harsh. Think how many people they see walk through the doors inappropriately every day with symptoms similar to what you had. At the end of the day serious problems start with the same symptoms as some very minor problems. We cant exactly go MRI Scanning and doing every test under the sun on every person that walks through the doors, the NHS would be even more skint than it already is and the waiting lists would be astronomical (even more so than they currently are). We unfortunately cant have the best of both worlds and will have to put up with the NHS for now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marty Posted January 13, 2007 Author Share Posted January 13, 2007 Thanks for the words of support. With regards to the nhs thing, i didnt go into it too clearly, but i think ive a fair reason to be annoyed, with a+e more than anything, 4times i went in there, in so much pain that i could hardly walk, i couldnt lie down, could hardly move, and my blood pressure reading made it apparent something was seriously wrong, one one occasion the doc actually changed the bp monitor thinking it was broken, as by bp was so low. The pains i was getting came from the exact spot where my appendix is, yet, considering all this, all they did every time, was give me an injection of pain killers, a perscripion of cocodamol, and send me on my way. its lucky i didnt have a burst appendix or anything. 1st they said it was a bladder infection, then a kidney stone, then it was 'my kindey pressing on my bowel causing an inflammation', then they 'didnt know'. i've had a ultrasound (twice), an mri scan, two ctscans, numerous xrays including iv xrays. Its taken them until last week to diagnose the problem, but by that time it was too late, and they've only really being taking notice of me in the last month and organising my scans etc. Its all very well sticking up for the nhs, but 'the hospital' i go to needs a slap, because there is no excuse for the way ive been treated, by the a+e department especially, intense serious pain doesnt happen in the appendix area for no reason, pain is a red light saying something is wrong, trying to hide it with pain killers, like a+e kept trying to make me do, is a rediculous way of going about things. My girlfriend is an ITU and HDU staff nurse, my mum is an ex radiographer and ward sister, and they both think its a absolute pisstake the way things have been delt with. I was getting to the point that i was thinking about going private, and looking back, i wish i had of!! They take alot more notice of you if your waving pound notes at them Dont get me wrong, once they know whats wrong with you, its great, the surgeons, doctors, everyone, have been brilliant, but trying to convince them you are ill is the issue i have. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marty Posted January 13, 2007 Author Share Posted January 13, 2007 I actually diagnosed my problem, or what i thought it was over a month before the docs did, using this... can come in handy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
markrzs Posted January 13, 2007 Share Posted January 13, 2007 good luck mate and recover quickly Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RobSheffield Posted January 13, 2007 Share Posted January 13, 2007 All the best for the operation mate Soon be hooning about in the car! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CJ Posted January 13, 2007 Share Posted January 13, 2007 Good luck with the operation. I hope you get well soon. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MarkTheBoy Posted January 13, 2007 Share Posted January 13, 2007 Good luck with the op mate, hope it all goes well! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Adam Posted January 13, 2007 Share Posted January 13, 2007 Good luck mate. My cousin had exactly the same thing just before xmas. It went well and he is fine now. So will you mate. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
toyotasuprauk Posted January 13, 2007 Share Posted January 13, 2007 Wow what a shock for you! Seems strange to go straight from having it diagnosed to having it removed? I was diagnosed with Colitis about five years ago now which is similar to chrones. I was initially on steroids to reduce the inflammation which worked and I eased off the steroids and just took a medication to keep my bowel under control. Over time I just couldn’t reduce my steroid dose down to nothing as I soon as I got to a low dose it just wasn’t enough as my bowel became inflamed again. The hospital doctor suggested I had an appointment with the surgeon to recommend 2 stage bowel surgery to remove my inflamed section of bowel affected by the colitis and build an internal pouch to replace it. I said no way I’m fine. I wasn’t fine but the steroids were giving me that impression. I had another bad flair up and kept increasing my steroids but they just weren’t getting on top of it. I started being sick and losing weight and in stupid amounts of pain. One day after a really bad inflammation I woke up so ill and being sick so much I couldn’t take my steroids and you’re body just can’t cope without them which made me even worse. I had to be taken to hospital by ambulance, in so much pain. After a week of IV steroids and every test you mentioned ultrasounds, ct scans, x rays etc. The doctor came to tell me you are going to need and the operation but I got in there first and asked for it as I couldn’t take the pain anymore! 2 days later I had the first stage of the operation. I was then in hospital for 1 month due to getting a wound infection. I lost 25kg in that month and not being very big in the first place was a lot! This was on the 4th July, I couldn’t drive for 2 months from this date and didn’t feel well enough too either. In December my wound still hadn’t healed and I went for day surgery for have it revised which ended up being an overnight stay. However after this it healed in about 3 weeks and I went back to work in January. Due to waiting 6 months for an appointment to see my surgeon then another six months on a waiting list I am having my second operation on the 14th February. I didn’t mind the wait as it gave me a chance to workout and bulk back up in preparation for my next operation. I wish you all the best with yours and remember everyone is different. I would say though make sure you fully understand exactly what they are going to do. Make sure anyone that is going to visit you in hospital is made aware how you will be after the operation. My life is so much better after having the operation, not being on steriods and not worrying about not being near a toilet. Loads of people have Colitis and Chrones there are even forums, Hope it goes well for you, if you want to ask any questions please do or check out that forum. I'm not a member at the moment but have read and learned a bit from it. Plus its good to know there are others that have got through this. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lockys96 Posted January 13, 2007 Share Posted January 13, 2007 i feel for you mate, and i can understand. i suffer from a similar but more common form called ulcerative colitis, not that its something i like to talk about. i hope this is something that doesnt happen to me, i cant understand why it took your doctors so long. hope everything goes well for you, id be dreding it hope u make a full recovery also si Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Green Peace Posted January 13, 2007 Share Posted January 13, 2007 I actually diagnosed my problem, or what i thought it was over a month before the docs did, using this... can come in handy. The trouble is with using these 'DIY medical sites' is that there are so many illnesses and viruses that have similar symptoms, that you can end up in a cold sweat thinking you have something like cancer, when its only something like a mild case of food poisoning or a common flu. a mate of mine thought he had skin cancer after looking at one of these sites, went to see a dermatologist and it was... ...a shaving rash:p so he had to cancel the Funeral arrangements:d If ya ill dont go searching on the Internet, because it will just freak you out and you will think the i say symptons of most things run a parallel with more major conditions... Near me I have a Private clinic I went there after Christmas with Bronchitus, a few of us had it...and it cost me £80 (though you can sign up to a scheme to save money), if i had gone to a GP on the NHS i would of had to wait two weeks i was told...£80 well spent, coz he made me better and i was able to work and thats important coz i only get paid for the days i do, time off costs me greatly (especially after Christmas) There are lots of dedicated people who work at the NHS, but there is also a lot of incompetant people too. I have had several bad experiences where members of my own family have been bit short changed by the NHS... Like everything in this country..the NHS just cant cope, they are not designed to accomadate the 'amount' of people that now live in the UK! Si ooopps long rant who the hell is gonna read all that doh lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bromy Posted January 13, 2007 Share Posted January 13, 2007 Good luck with the operation and for a speedy recovery, not sure if this sounds stupid but could the part of the colon being taken out with the appendix be sent away for independent analysis for any action you might take or is that something that just isnt done or not possible Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Charlotte Posted January 13, 2007 Share Posted January 13, 2007 I hope it all goes well, my dad has had diverticulitis for many years. Quite a few operations on his stomach area, the last of which they found a tumour the size of a football. He was very lucky they operated when they did. You'll be out in no time. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BEERSHZ Posted January 14, 2007 Share Posted January 14, 2007 all the best for your op it took my sister 2 years too get a diagnosis of crohns, she had most of her bowel removed. now she got it in her face too, its eaten away most of her nose we all affectionately call her pug, quite rare to get it in face apparently. wish you a speedy recoery Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marty Posted January 14, 2007 Author Share Posted January 14, 2007 Poor girl getting it in her snoz Chances are mine will be completely gone once they take this section out, but im still going to be careful when it comes to what i eat i think, fibre is the big 'no' apparently, aswel as smoking, which i dont do anyway . Just getting ready to go back to the hospital now got an hour b4 i leave to go. Bit daunting but its gotta be done i guess, roll on about 2weeks hey!!! Hope you all have a good few weeks guys think of me stuck in hospital Dont know what im going to do being without the forum for a few weeks, has turned in to a a bit of an addiction coming on here Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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