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The Losing Weight Thread


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Where's all the encouragement :(


Was very ill all yeaterday and yak'ed up Sunday lunch so that might have helped.


Quite right, sorry, keep up the good work. It'll be worth it in the long run. Do you excercise at all? or is it just cutting down on food?

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LOL,... ;)

I love the scarcasam in this community.

Wouldn't have it any other way :)


Just keep updating your avatar Danny.

Who is she?


I wasn't being sarcastic. It was a genuine question :)



I have no idea who the girl is, a random internet porn actress, my favourite kind of woman :p

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Just read this thread from the start, certainly took a while!


As always, this is the time of year when people feel they should be making changes about themselves. Sadly though, for some its just a thought and something that never gets put into practice. Whether your trying to lose weight, gain weight or give something up, the truth is its not going to be easy and will require a lot of hard work and determination. Its to easy to just carry on your life the way you always have. Dont take the easy way out, decide what you want to do and stick with it. The feeling of acheiving something new will make you feel so good about yourself. None of us live forever, we only get one chance at life, dont ever look back and wish you had changed something about your life. Do it now, and do your up most to stick with it.


For me, i've decided to give up smoking since new year. I've smoked since i was about 17 and am now 25, probably about 15 a day. I've been sick of it for ages, and my last cig was new years eve, so its been a week now. I'm using patches and am getting on fine, some days are hard some arent. But i dont want to be a dad later in life and either still smoking or explaining to my kids why dad is seriously ill cos he smoked all his life!


I'm also a bit of an opposite to this thread. I'm trying to gain weight. I'm:


Height - 5, 11

Weight - 12, 10


I've been a member of a gym for about a year and have always had a good training program as my brother is a professional bodybuilder / personal trainer. But that doesnt mean its always easy to stick to. But i'm going for it big time this year. Training 4 times a week at the gym, doing more cardio than i have been and breaking my training sessions into seperate groups each time i train. Such as:


Chest and Back


Shoulders and Abs



I'm then doing another hour or so session over the w'end of boxing with my brother (which he also teaches) Which i have to say is just awesome. An hour of boxing compared to an hour at the gym is absolutely knackering. The way i'm being taught is also very useful for having much more of an idea of what is going on around you when you are out and about, walking into a club etc. I'm learning to analyse situations as soon as i enter them.


1 thing i have noticed is how much more energy i have had since giving up smoking and also no headaches. I'm a lot more hungry throughout the day and its also making me eat more healthy. Instead of having a cig, i have a piece of fruit, along with 2 protein drinks a day.


So, a bit of a long post, but stick with whatever your trying to achieve guys. No one said it will be easy!



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You can do it Ed :nana: :nana:


What kind of excersises are you doing at the moment ? (waits for smutty comment :D )


I think that chicks name is "sweet chrissy" (god i am sad !)


Sensible eating when I'm hungry, low sugar foods, only very occasional chocolate, lots of fruit and vegetables.


No excersises, as yet other than monkey spanking :cool:

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Just read this thread from the start, certainly took a while!


As always, this is the time of year when people feel they should be making changes about themselves. Sadly though, for some its just a thought and something that never gets put into practice. Whether your trying to lose weight, gain weight or give something up, the truth is its not going to be easy and will require a lot of hard work and determination. Its to easy to just carry on your life the way you always have. Dont take the easy way out, decide what you want to do and stick with it. The feeling of acheiving something new will make you feel so good about yourself. None of us live forever, we only get one chance at life, dont ever look back and wish you had changed something about your life. Do it now, and do your up most to stick with it.


For me, i've decided to give up smoking since new year. I've smoked since i was about 17 and am now 25, probably about 15 a day. I've been sick of it for ages, and my last cig was new years eve, so its been a week now. I'm using patches and am getting on fine, some days are hard some arent. But i dont want to be a dad later in life and either still smoking or explaining to my kids why dad is seriously ill cos he smoked all his life!


I'm also a bit of an opposite to this thread. I'm trying to gain weight. I'm:


Height - 5, 11

Weight - 12, 10


I've been a member of a gym for about a year and have always had a good training program as my brother is a professional bodybuilder / personal trainer. But that doesnt mean its always easy to stick to. But i'm going for it big time this year. Training 4 times a week at the gym, doing more cardio than i have been and breaking my training sessions into seperate groups each time i train. Such as:


Chest and Back


Shoulders and Abs



I'm then doing another hour or so session over the w'end of boxing with my brother (which he also teaches) Which i have to say is just awesome. An hour of boxing compared to an hour at the gym is absolutely knackering. The way i'm being taught is also very useful for having much more of an idea of what is going on around you when you are out and about, walking into a club etc. I'm learning to analyse situations as soon as i enter them.


1 thing i have noticed is how much more energy i have had since giving up smoking and also no headaches. I'm a lot more hungry throughout the day and its also making me eat more healthy. Instead of having a cig, i have a piece of fruit, along with 2 protein drinks a day.


So, a bit of a long post, but stick with whatever your trying to achieve guys. No one said it will be easy!




Congrats on the week!!


Surely if you want to pick up weight, you should be trimming down your cardio sessions, and separating out your large and small muscle groups...


EG. chest and back on the same day?


surely chest and biceps - 1 day and back and triceps - 1 day would be better?


And then the same thing with legs?? Your legs are made up of complex muscle groups, and you need to focus on each one. maybe add hamstrings to shoulders day?


You need a SEEFOOD diet... You see food, you it...


Any supplements?

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Congrats on the week!!


Surely if you want to pick up weight, you should be trimming down your cardio sessions, and separating out your large and small muscle groups...


EG. chest and back on the same day?


surely chest and biceps - 1 day and back and triceps - 1 day would be better?


And then the same thing with legs?? Your legs are made up of complex muscle groups, and you need to focus on each one. maybe add hamstrings to shoulders day?


You need a SEEFOOD diet... You see food, you it...


Any supplements?




Chest/Tris work together. Back/Biceps work together. Shoulders are worked primarily on the Chest/Tris day.


The split Stonkin isdoing is fine if your on AAS, otherwise you are overtraining your arms.

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0k guys, thats interesting. To be honest i've found i train better that way, but having not tried your suggestion, i will give it a go. Just got back from the gym after nearly an hour session on chest, i'm aching now! Just did chest as i did back and shoulders saturday as well as some boxing. The reason i've started doing more cardio is cos i've noticed i've put on a bit of weight on my stomach lately, i'm by no means fat at all, but have just lost a bit of tonedness. When i say doing more cardio, i wasnt really doing any before, so i now start each workout with 10 mins on the cross trainer and 10 mins on the treadmill.


As far as supplements, i have 2 protein drinks a day. One with breakfast and one when i get back from the gym before dinner. I vary these every couple of months between the Dorian Yates Pro Mass which is quite high in carbs and fairly high in protein and the MetRx one, which is a lot lower in carbs but more protein. I've just bought the MetRx one this w'end, havent used it for a while. As now that i'm not smoking and am enjoying my food more, i'm gona aim to eat more carbs that way. Does that make sense?


My normal daily food would be:


7:30 Breakfast: Large bowl of cereals + Protein drink


12:30 Lunch: a large container of pasta with a tin of tuna mixed with salad cream




7:00 Protein drink + Dinner which could vary from Chicken, Beef, Fish with either pasta, rice, potato wedges with vegetables.


Throughout the day i would eat a couple of bananas, couple of apples, natural yogurt and sometimes a roll from the sandwich van about 10 o'clock.


Syed, what does AAS mean?

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Colsoop, on the Metrx container it says


per serving (28g) 1 scoop per 250ml of milk

107 kcal

18.7 protein

2.7 carbs


but i do 2 scoops with 400ml of milk for each drink


On the Pro Mass it says


per serving (50g) which is 2 scoops with 568ml of milk

391 kcal

36.2g protein

55g carbs


When i used to eat more in between meals, it was always chocolate or crisps, which i've cut out for a while. What else can i eat inbetween meals.


Sorry, i know this thread is about loosing weight, but theres also some of us trying to gain it and i'm sure some good facts in here for both sides will help everyone.

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Cheers for that Colin, thats sometimes very hard to follow when you actually have a day of work to do as well and dont have access to cook all of that especially at work. But certainly some of that can be done. Seems to focus a lot on brown rice and oatmeal.

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Cheers for that Colin, thats sometimes very hard to follow when you actually have a day of work to do as well and dont have access to cook all of that especially at work. But certainly some of that can be done. Seems to focus a lot on brown rice and oatmeal.


Very true, i seem to remember creamed rice in pots being good adding protein powder to those is a meal although i seem to remember the sugar content being a little high.

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definitely agree, more food is required... need to space your protein shakes as well, maybe aim for one between breakfast and lunch, then another after lunch.


6 - 8 meals per day...


EDIT: Well I just trained chest and biceps, and I ache as well... Can get a decent workout this way...


I also see what you mean about the cardio...

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as im in the same boat as u stonkin the easiest way of eating ive found is buy a load of chicken breasts, oven cook them all together then just live of them for the next few days, with carbs of course. whatever u are eating carbs wise add a chicken to it. ive also found the weight gainers to work better for me than just the protein shakes. as these contain carbs aswell it helps the obsorbtion of the protein. a really good one ive used was prolabs n-large 2 (chocolate) very nice :)

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ive had a look at that diet plan colsoop in your link and think il give that a go. the only concern though is i dont feel there is enough calories in that for me as its concentrated towards a low body fat direction. what sorta calories are ''good'' calories, if theres such a thing, regarding weight gain?

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ive had a look at that diet plan colsoop in your link and think il give that a go. the only concern though is i dont feel there is enough calories in that for me as its concentrated towards a low body fat direction. what sorta calories are ''good'' calories, if theres such a thing, regarding weight gain?


As i said it was something i tried and it worked for me, i am not a big guy (5ft 6 and at the time 11 stone )As you say it isn't majorly calorific as it is designed to allow extra bulk without adding extra fatt (thats the tricky part


I was always told to watch the sugar content of foods but things like oats with water is very low in that respect.

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