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The Losing Weight Thread


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i was 14st 3lb two saturdays ago - today i'm down to 13st 5lb :D not bad for almost a week of intense cardio :D have cleaned up my food intake too - got rid of the junk (have a quality street chocolate - small one :blush: before working out :p ) - think i should get down to around 12st 6 and 9%bf before i bulk again :)

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i was 14st 3lb two saturdays ago - today i'm down to 13st 5lb :D not bad for almost a week of intense cardio :D have cleaned up my food intake too - got rid of the junk (have a quality street chocolate - small one :blush: before working out :p ) - think i should get down to around 12st 6 and 9%bf before i bulk again :)


Nice work mate. What does your cardio work out consist of?

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Just read this thread from the start, certainly took a while!


As always, this is the time of year when people feel they should be making changes about themselves. Sadly though, for some its just a thought and something that never gets put into practice. Whether your trying to lose weight, gain weight or give something up, the truth is its not going to be easy and will require a lot of hard work and determination. Its to easy to just carry on your life the way you always have. Dont take the easy way out, decide what you want to do and stick with it. The feeling of acheiving something new will make you feel so good about yourself. None of us live forever, we only get one chance at life, dont ever look back and wish you had changed something about your life. Do it now, and do your up most to stick with it.


For me, i've decided to give up smoking since new year. I've smoked since i was about 17 and am now 25, probably about 15 a day. I've been sick of it for ages, and my last cig was new years eve, so its been a week now. I'm using patches and am getting on fine, some days are hard some arent. But i dont want to be a dad later in life and either still smoking or explaining to my kids why dad is seriously ill cos he smoked all his life!


I'm also a bit of an opposite to this thread. I'm trying to gain weight. I'm:


Height - 5, 11

Weight - 12, 10


I've been a member of a gym for about a year and have always had a good training program as my brother is a professional bodybuilder / personal trainer. But that doesnt mean its always easy to stick to. But i'm going for it big time this year. Training 4 times a week at the gym, doing more cardio than i have been and breaking my training sessions into seperate groups each time i train. Such as:


Chest and Back


Shoulders and Abs



I'm then doing another hour or so session over the w'end of boxing with my brother (which he also teaches) Which i have to say is just awesome. An hour of boxing compared to an hour at the gym is absolutely knackering. The way i'm being taught is also very useful for having much more of an idea of what is going on around you when you are out and about, walking into a club etc. I'm learning to analyse situations as soon as i enter them.


1 thing i have noticed is how much more energy i have had since giving up smoking and also no headaches. I'm a lot more hungry throughout the day and its also making me eat more healthy. Instead of having a cig, i have a piece of fruit, along with 2 protein drinks a day.


So, a bit of a long post, but stick with whatever your trying to achieve guys. No one said it will be easy!





Thats sort of my routine this year.. Look out JAE the smurf returns. (beefcake kick arse):blink: :D

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I'm pissed off with myself. I had a terrible day yesterday at work. Felt like i was just spoon feeding muppets all day long. When i work with technical people, i dont expect to have to technicaly wipe there arse for them! I had a cig, well half of one, it was horrible! I feel like i let myself down. But it is one small slip since new years eve. Today is another day. I've also found it better to just say 'today i am not smoking', and say that each day. Rather than, right, thats it i'm a non smoker. Even though i'm not on the 15 a day now, i still feel like more of a smoker still

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I'm pissed off with myself. I had a terrible day yesterday at work. Felt like i was just spoon feeding muppets all day long. When i work with technical people, i dont expect to have to technicaly wipe there arse for them! I had a cig, well half of one, it was horrible! I feel like i let myself down. But it is one small slip since new years eve. Today is another day. I've also found it better to just say 'today i am not smoking', and say that each day. Rather than, right, thats it i'm a non smoker. Even though i'm not on the 15 a day now, i still feel like more of a smoker still


Keep it up buddy - just remember everything you do for your health you do for yourself :)

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New Years day, got home and stood on the scales..


15 stone 2lb :( - thought enough is enough, so no beer and a little exercise not eating kebabs or takeaways...


Today am at 14st 3lb :) yay going in the right direction :):) - had to quit the exercise early into my regime (two days ago) due to feckin illness (always happens when I am doing a gym routine). Aiming at 13 st 2lb before I can allow myself any beer or other goodies!

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well done sdavies. I've taken the day off to fix the winter runner car, but it was a quick fix, so i'm gona go for a damn good shoulder workout now, then come back and chill on the xbox. Thats some good weight to lose since new year! Feel free to give anymore you lose to me :)

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New Years day, got home and stood on the scales..


15 stone 2lb :( - thought enough is enough, so no beer and a little exercise not eating kebabs or takeaways...


Today am at 14st 3lb :) yay going in the right direction :):) - had to quit the exercise early into my regime (two days ago) due to feckin illness (always happens when I am doing a gym routine). Aiming at 13 st 2lb before I can allow myself any beer or other goodies!


Wow! 13lbs in 12 days is incredible but to be perfectly honest, goes against everything I have ever read regarding healthy weight loss. The average person would be perfectly happy with 2lbs per week.

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Wow! 13lbs in 12 days is incredible but to be perfectly honest, goes against everything I have ever read regarding healthy weight loss. The average person would be perfectly happy with 2lbs per week.


:) lot easier to lose weight buy cutting out the junk foods (which are almost always high in calories) and do light workouts/jogging etc... if you want xtream weight loss, heavy lifting and HIT exercises are the way to go :)


well done for losing almost a stone! :D

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Isn't weight annoying!


I'm 24, 6ft and weigh 12stone 8lbs. I used to only weigh 11stone 9 months ago which was stupid - too thin. Gym, high protein intake and calorie snacks sorted that out.


Oh sorry, I actually want to put weight on! My ideal weight is 14 stone and I'm training towards that at the moment. I can lose 4-5lbs in a couple of days if I don't stock up on the calories.


I know being slightly overweight is annoying, but people to tend to forget the flipside of the coin whereby you can't put weight on! I used to hate being a skinny wrench and hence why I put the bulk on.


Works both ways. Good luck for 2007 guys in getting thin or fat! :)



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I wont lose anything like that amount of weight in the coming weeks, I am pretty sure it was mostly fluids. I haven't been ill through it or anything, quite the opposite after the first two workouts (felt a bit crap after those), I have been feeling great - apart from having a cold type thing at the moment (everyones kids I visited over Christmas/New Years seemed to have some nasty lurgey - so guess I picked that up there).


Quite literally cutting the beer out (I was drinking at least a few every other day and way too much Christmas/New Years), Chinese, Indian (*sobs*), Kebabs... and only eating slightly healthier foods.. Going to the gym 4 times in the first week helped bootstrap the process too (In the first session the initial fluid loss was insane - not a pretty sight ;)).


So I kinda turned my input way way down low (when my body was used to it being quite high), and ramped my output way way up. I wasn't expecting such crazy results :) I have promised myself a beer when I hit 13st 2lb's though, so maybe it is my body begging for the booze once again ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well this thread soon died :D Is anyone still sticking to it?




Weight : 16 stone dead

Height : 6`1"

Mesurements: Well. I wear 34" trousers but should really wear bigger Lol. 42" round gut and 44" chest


Ideal weight. ? Maybe 14 1/2 stone. Don't know really. Just wanna loose the gut and get tonned.


Ok heres the pics... *waits for some sort of ribbing*




Weight : 15 stone 6

Height : 6`1"

Measurements: Still wearing 34" trousers Lol. 41" round gut and 42" chest


I was wearing just jeans when I first weighed myself on the 28th so I wore exactly the same again for consistancy.



Weight : 14 stone 4

Height : 6`1"

Mesurements: I still wear 34" trousers but they aren't anywhere near as tight lol. 39.5" round gut and 40.5" chest



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