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The mkiv Supra Owners Club

F.F.S! (rant)


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The words to use?

Is it me or do many other people question what the fcuk is going on?

Couple of reference points for discussion:

1. How come petrol prices have been able to drop over the past few months only for the chancellor to be able to say he is raising tax by 6.6p a litre.

2. Why are we being penalised for the rest of the worlds polutative behaviour, unless the USA, China and India start to address the problem we have absolutely no need to be penalised by the taxman.

3. Just how much is it costing us - in the form of council tax - to go "green", ref, how much does it cost to have two wheely bins supplied, instead of the one previous, how much for the 3 collections we now have, one for household waste one for the recycleables and one for garden, how much in man power and how much in vehicles and how much in increased emmisions by the said vehicles - does all this outway the end result?

4. How much in energy, and the cost to the environment to re-charge battery powered cars, the plug in sort not the hybrids.

I could go on all day asking these sort of questions, but would really like to hear some of you guys and guyettes questions.

Rant over.


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Good point about the Olympics and Trident fleet.

How does someone, ie. the chap in charge of costing the Olympics, how is he able to keep his job when he has under budgeted by billions and is having to pay £450million to advisors and consultants "JUST TO KEEP THE COSTS DOWN"??

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I am suprised no one remembers the shit the last goverment inherited, Labour are known tax and spend merchants, I hear say that under the last government we were two years away from clearing all of this countries debts, (how true this is I do not know) now it will take an eternity to clear the debts built up by these bunch of muppets, trouble is they all beleive they are right in what they are doing, does common sense not even enter their heads or do we really employ a flock of sheep? only able to listen to accademics who lets face it have no real idea of what happens in the real world, only what they have been told and read about how it should be and what they have been told by other accademics.

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The tax burden from this government has risen to be far greater than any Tory government. The worst affected by this governments tax hikes are the poor, those living in rural area, motorists and the old. Its an elected dictatorship with this bunch of buffoons. The taxes raised by the tories which some people still seem to hate were never this bad. Open your eyes

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I would not care less if we lost the olympic bid, the cost will be treble by the time they are delivered and when like me you live and work in London and see every day the state of the transport systems, the pot holed roads and run down streets, the olympics is just an excuse to tax the regeneration, see now you got me started :rolleyes:

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