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WTF - police dont respond to 3 999 calls!


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I had my car broken into caught the shit and promptly introduced him to the "Welcome" stick by the front door and sat on him whilst HID called the old bill.


They arrived the scrot shouted assult and I was arrested before him WTF, I was simply restraining the guy. ok he was losing claret but still.


I was released 2 hours later wothout charge but come I was potecting my property and misses.


what you should of done is tie the twat up bung him in the boot and go dump him in a field somewhere at tell him to make his way home

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My Brother saw a similar situation in Weston Super Mare 'WHITE KIDS' (I think the colour of their skin is irrelevent yeah soz!!!)


Police didn't attend, similar reply, too busy, but minutes later my brother got pulled up, and breathalised, they said he was driving irratically, my Brothers got a HGV1, Advanced Driving Licence and even a Commercial Pilots licence...(so dont understand that)


They told him it was fairly quiet and hadn't heard a call to that sort of incident when they were asked WTF.


The Police where i live in Harrow are pretty good actually, I have never been pulled up randomely, if they pulled anyone up for motoring offences around here they wouldn't have time to deal with Gun Crime, Muggings, and Anti Social behaviour...the driving standards round here is appalling but crime wise its one of the safest boroughs in the Greater London Area....though havent had to call the Police for some time so who knows (touch wood)

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what you should of done is tie the twat up bung him in the boot and go dump him in a field somewhere at tell him to make his way home



Yes but he was bleeding and he would have got blood in the car, I wasn't having that the fact he dented the wing as he fell on the car was enough to justify another tap.


Wasn't there a guy who was being bothered all evening by a group of kids. He phoned the police 5 or 6 times during the night to ask for assistance with no luck. To busy, Fri night etc.


On the 7th time he was quite peed as this had been going on all nite and said "I'll bloody shoot them in a minute" 3 minutes later armed response arrive at his address.


or was that a joke can't remember now

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Unfortunately, it's a sad reality of modern Britain, that the emergency services can't cope anymore. Gone are the days, when they could be all things to all men, it just can't happen. There's not enough money in the pot, there aren't enough resources to meet demand, so someone somewhere is going to be an unfortunate victim of policy beacuse we can't be everywhere at once. But at the same time, I think these days the public expects too much as well.


For example, where I live, the council tax precept for Thames Valley Police is £132.58 per household, so what exactly do you expect for £0.36 per day?


Nationally I expect the figure will roughly be around that as well, maybe a bit higher in London and other large Metropolitan areas, but a harsh fact of life is that ALL of our emergency services and indeed all of our public services are massively underfunded.



Here's another example that might shock you. The area where I work is in inner London, we're a well staffed Borough with around 500 Police Officers. Out of that around 200 work in 24 hour response. We work 12 hour shifts, so per shift there SHOULD be around 50. But we don't get anywhere near that, we're lucky if we put about 22 on the street per shift. Our target strength is 33 per shift but 11 are lost for inside posts like custody, front desk, etc etc.


Then when we start our shift for a night duty, I'll have say around 30 calls on my list waiting to be dealt with. Routine stuff like reporting domestics/assaults/burglaries etc etc, but then ontop of that, are the emergency calls that have to be dealt with and they ALWAYS take priority. Then I have to juggle my resources and decide which out of the long list of outstanding calls are of greater need that the others.


And we're one the better performing Boroughs in London, there are far worse,and in the sticks its probably even worse.

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For example, where I live, the council tax precept for Thames Valley Police is £132.58 per household, so what exactly do you expect for £0.36 per day?



My question therefore is why is the police expected to survive on only the money from the local authority? If the money from speed cameras actually went to the police authority then perhaps they'd have a bigger budget. At least the money we get robbed for (thats a perception held by most) would go to a tangible benefit for the community instead of lining the pockets of ever increasing bureaucratic depts.

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I know a good few of the police in my area and each and every one of them is a good guy; always keen to go that extra yard to help the public.


I agree with Rich's protest but the police are stretched beyond belief on a Friday and Saturday night in Portsmouth. If I told you the manning figures that had to support the area then you would be shocked beyond belief.


Parts of Portsmouth turn in to right shit holes on drinking nights and there are so many incidents occurring that the system can no longer cope!! This has been the case for some time if the truth be known.


It shouldn't be the case but a night out on the town should always be planned with a bit of caution these days - just how it is I'm afraid. I don't bother going out with my wife on the town when I'm back in UK as its just more hassle than its worth!!

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I went round to my ex-bosses £850M place the other day to sort out his home PC network.


When I was there his wife mentioned that their house alarm had gone off earlier because they'd left the bathroom window open. Their neighbour called the police because she was worried - and they turned up inside 15 minutes!!!


I remember calling the police one night because the house opposite alarm was ringing. I was told "We don't respond to home alarms."


One rule for the rich and one for the rest of us...

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Unfortunately, it's a sad reality of modern Britain, that the emergency services can't cope anymore. Gone are the days, when they could be all things to all men, it just can't happen. There's not enough money in the pot, there aren't enough resources to meet demand, so someone somewhere is going to be an unfortunate victim of policy beacuse we can't be everywhere at once. But at the same time, I think these days the public expects too much as well.


For example, where I live, the council tax precept for Thames Valley Police is £132.58 per household, so what exactly do you expect for £0.36 per day?


I don't think the public expects too much at all. We expect to be able to live in a safe environment where the laws of the country are upheld. Nothing more, nothing less.


OK it's £0.36 per day, but exactly what %age of households call out the police each day? I imagine it to be a very small amount. How many households are in the borough that you work in? Say 50,000? (a complete guess) then that's £18000 a day!! On your shift you say you have 30 calls, and say you have an equal number of emergency calls, that's £300 a call.....


Nationally I expect the figure will roughly be around that as well, maybe a bit higher in London and other large Metropolitan areas, but a harsh fact of life is that ALL of our emergency services and indeed all of our public services are massively underfunded.



Here's another example that might shock you. The area where I work is in inner London, we're a well staffed Borough with around 500 Police Officers. Out of that around 200 work in 24 hour response. We work 12 hour shifts, so per shift there SHOULD be around 50. But we don't get anywhere near that, we're lucky if we put about 22 on the street per shift. Our target strength is 33 per shift but 11 are lost for inside posts like custody, front desk, etc etc.


Run that by me again mate??? You should have 50 people per shift? OK some people are going to be ill, so say 45 turn up to work. 11 people doing the inside jobs, (How come the inside posts come out of the 200 24 hour response officers and not the remaining 300 that are doing something else?) that in my book leaves 34 people outside "on the beat" so to speak. I don't understand how a target strength of 33 total (If I'm reading this right) can be, or is acceptable?

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Similar thing happened to a neighbour of ours. She looked out of her window one day to see some thieving chav (Kappa shell suit, cap, the works) wandering about in her garden, trying to get into her shed :blink:


She called the police, while the guy was still in the garden, and they said they couldn't send anyone now as no one was available. They said they could be up to 2 hours. She was saying,


"But .. he's in my garden, RIGHT NOW. What good will it be in 2 hours". But the Police maintained that they couldn't send anyone.


She stayed inside, obviously frightened, and phoned the Police again 10 mins later after the guy threw a brick through the shed window. Again, the same reply.


"Sorry, there are not enough officers at the moment, you will have to wait". :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


Another 10 mins pass, and she phones the Police again. But this time, she said.


"Hello, I've phoned you twice now to say that there was somoene on my propery, breaking into my shed. I'm just phoning to tell you not to worry, I've shot him" :D . Obviously she hadn't, but she figured it was her only chance to get someone off their arse and over there.


Within 5 minutes, there were 3 squad cars, 6 policemen and dogs outside her house. She just walked upto one of the Policemen and said,


"I thought you didn't have anyone available for 2 hours?"


Class! :cool:

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I always say that... people in Gosport go 'off it' because of the immigration centre... I think I've seen two black people here in three years..


Some of the people I work with are some of the most 'racially sensitive' (shall I say) people I've ever met... I just think Christ if they came to Middlesbrough and saw the Mosques we have there... they'd be running for the hills...


Running for the hills is of no use anymore either now... I mean, I am not racist, well I have got a bit worse over the year or so, as within the space of a few months, when going shopping now especailly after about 7PM myself and the misses goto Tesco or somewhere we are the only ones if the flamming store speak English. Oh and the staff speak it also, the rest are asian and I think Polish.


No idea where all have come from, they have jsust seemed to appear and its just getting more and more.


Just feels sometimes like we are in a different shitting county...!


And this is in the Brecon Beacons/Merthyr..

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Adam says 30 kidscame back - police were called and responded by going to the wrong location! WTF

Anyway he has been to police station and has a special no to ring if they come back. A girl was assaulted the night before so the police are now "mildly interested"

Adam is going to video them if they come back.

You see Adam is worried that he will badly hurt them and be arrested but he must protect himself and he has a right to do so.


Anyone up for a bit of pest control?


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Anyone up for a bit of pest control?



So Rich mate, let me get this straight in my head: Members of the Supe forum kick the living daylights out of everyone in Portsmouth, causing anarchy and even more pressure on the police.


With the above in mind, what about the other equivalent guy to your son that needs the help of the police when we are 'GBH'ing the local population. It seems as if this is swings and roundabouts mucka!!


Tell him to buy a car and do it up to the extreme where he can't afford to go out as he's paying for all of the mods! He's at uni so he's going to have regular woman and beer is cheap in uni bars so he's got everything he wants really mucka!

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