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Do i look bovvered? (Was 750cc injectors for sale!!)

Guest no1_boyracer

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Guest no1_boyracer
I was born in 1979...when they still taught English in schools.


So again you are wrong as I didn't understand any of the b0ll0cks you've spouted in this thread.


Due to your uneducated ramblings, I have completely missed the bit where you explain via proof that they are 750cc injectors...

they are rochester/delphi. we checked the serial numbers on the side and found that they come up as 780cc or something.

but if ya read the other threads - iv decided to keep them lol

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i dont like guys like him causing shit - what he was putting was boclocks - he dont know what i am doing to my car - or even what i have done. he was just trying a few cheap remarks - that are more likely to be found in a SCHOOL yard.

when i refered in the past to 'twats and pricks' it was guys like him.

there was no need for what he said. he should have just left alone!!


I'm a twat and a prick la la la I'm a twat and a prick la la laaa My life is complete :D :nana: You hear me all you normal people out there? You lose! Get in!


Like I said, I'll leave you to it matey, I've really no clue with this techie E-Manage and turbo stuff you keep intimidating me with. Rumbled, and it's a fair cop guv - I know when I'm out of my depth. I also cannot hold a candle to your wit and carefully constructed arguments. Ciao!



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Guest no1_boyracer

no - he was being a prick!!

he went off trying to make out i didnt know what i was doing in respect to the engine - ie saying that the injectors were too big etc

but infact if he had asked first he would have found that i am going single so.............. that pissed on his bonfire.

also he tries the cheap comment about 'shiny things' when again that was utter crap. - the injectors are just big injectors - designed to do their job and nothing to do with bling. but yet again guys like him try and score cheap points.

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Guest no1_boyracer
I'm a twat and a prick la la la I'm a twat and a prick la la laaa My life is complete :D :nana: You hear me all you normal people out there? You lose! Get in!


Like I said, I'll leave you to it matey, I've really no clue with this techie E-Manage and turbo stuff you keep intimidating me with. Rumbled, and it's a fair cop guv - I know when I'm out of my depth. I also cannot hold a candle to your wit and carefully constructed arguments. Ciao!




didnt comment on if ya know anything about technical stuff - i stated that you didnt know what i was palnning to do / had done with my car.

You ASSUMED various things without knowing the facts. Also you went for some cheap point scoring when ya should have just kept out/ found out the facts before going in.


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I'm a twat and a prick la la la I'm a twat and a prick la la laaa My life is complete :D :nana: You hear me all you normal people out there? You lose! Get in!





Well, I think we all knew this didn't we Ian, after all you don't know anything with regards ECU's, cams, injectors and that sort of thing, you haven't done the bling research.. Just kidding...


To be honest, I gave up last night with it all, it all became a joke really. Offering sensible advice these days seems to be more hard work than it is worth.


Jamie.. for your reference, the fact that you are getting an emanage unit is interesting...given the fact that you have just insulted probably the most knowledgeable person in the UK on the emanage units... good luck when it goes bang, and he politely tells you to fuck off...

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Guest no1_boyracer
It won't matter with that map or that Turbo...neither will work :)


you dont know shit....

Terrible turner is runnin g a T70 with an emanage blue!!! and that is fine.

turbofit fit T70s all the time and gregg actually recomended the emanage ultimate. You didnt comment on the injector size - so im guessing ya thing 780cc etc is ok with a T70???????


I dont think half you guys know shit - i think ya say anything just to cause argument!!!!

Turbofit have done loads of conversions using that exact set up and all the cars are fine AND fast!!!

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This thread is so funny, I laughed so much a got a pain in the "boclocks"





No1 it is your money, but I would seriously advise seeking advice from more than one source before proceeding with your plans. However you have really not done your self any favours on here. so getting that advice may be a little harder than usual.


Just my personal observation.

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Guest no1_boyracer
Well, I think we all knew this didn't we Ian, after all you don't know anything with regards ECU's, cams, injectors and that sort of thing, you haven't done the bling research.. Just kidding...


To be honest, I gave up last night with it all, it all became a joke really. Offering sensible advice these days seems to be more hard work than it is worth.


Jamie.. for your reference, the fact that you are getting an emanage unit is interesting...given the fact that you have just insulted probably the most knowledgeable person in the UK on the emanage units... good luck when it goes bang, and he politely tells you to fuck off...


READ the post - he was WRONG. He commented on the injectors being too big for my car - when infact they wont be as its going single!!

he ent commented since so...... i take it he cant be big enough to admit its wrong.

As for 'it will go bang' why? its been fitted by a garage that has done countless single conversions and has used emanage and T70s over and over. The injectors are perfectly compatable with the set up.

yet again - ya all just slating me when infact what im saying is FACT.

I ent commenting on if he knows about stuff - what im commenting on is that he didnt know about MY car or what i have done/ will do. he sould have checked that out BEFORE putting up an inflamitory reply that was designed to stir you lot up!!!

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READ the post - he was WRONG. He commented on the injectors being too big for my car - when infact they wont be as its going single!!

he ent commented since so...... i take it he cant be big enough to admit its wrong.

As for 'it will go bang' why? its been fitted by a garage that has done countless single conversions and has used emanage and T70s over and over. The injectors are perfectly compatable with the set up.

yet again - ya all just slating me when infact what im saying is FACT.

I ent commenting on if he knows about stuff - what im commenting on is that he didnt know about MY car or what i have done/ will do. he sould have checked that out BEFORE putting up an inflamitory reply that was designed to stir you lot up!!!

You didn't know about your car either buggerlugs, as the 'kit' you bought doesn't fit the fuel rail, you pillock!!! so much for you knowing what you fit to the car...


Stick to what you know best... (not even going there), and listen to the people who have been there and done it when it comes to things like injectors and the emanage. To be perfectly honest, I wouldn't expect a christmas card from Ian, and rightly so, you have gone out of your way to insult people and try be the big man which frankly you have proved you aren't when it comes to understanding the technical issues. Last night I was being friendly and trying to help out.. today I'm joining the 'prick' brigade and telling you, you are being a complete and utter moron.


Personally, I would agree with a ban as you don't add anything to this club other than being a source of amusement and that is wearing thin now.

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Guest no1_boyracer

I have!! iv spoken to terribleturner, jamie P and turbofit. They all agree that what i am having done is right for the car.

As i said - Turbofit have done countless single conversions using this exact set up!!!!

You assume that i have just gone into this without thinking????? or without researching. well ya mistaken.

READ what i put - you will see that it is all valid reasoning!!! - if it wernt me - and was another guy you would all be agreeing.

Just shows something dont it!



This thread is so funny, I laughed so much a got a pain in the "boclocks"





No1 it is your money, but I would seriously advise seeking advice from more than one source before proceeding with your plans. However you have really not done your self any favours on here. so getting that advice may be a little harder than usual.


Just my personal observation.

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I have!! iv spoken to terribleturner, jamie P and turbofit. They all agree that what i am having done is right for the car.

As i said - Turbofit have done countless single conversions using this exact set up!!!!

You assume that i have just gone into this without thinking????? or without researching. well ya mistaken.

READ what i put - you will see that it is all valid reasoning!!! - if it wernt me - and was another guy you would all be agreeing.

Just shows something dont it!


Since I know Sam and Greg personally since before the Turbofit days, I would highly suggest you refrain from commenting on Turbofit till they get back and offer SOUND technical backup for what they have said. At present you are (IMHO) dragging people like Terribleturner and JamieP into your arguement, these members have got good standing because they aren't just spoutting off bollocks like yourself.

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Guest no1_boyracer

I bought the right kit - but they sent the WRONG FUEL RAIL - you prick!!

I have researched and i know a lot more about the technical side than you think and when i dont know someting i ask - ok normally turbofit but thats local to me and all the guys (many of which are from here) seem to trust them and as a result so do i!)

I ent trying to make out im an expert - its just that guys like ya self dont listen to reason ans assume i dont know what im talking about.

As for ban.... whay should io be banned for defending myself??? im the one that gets the shit and when i put up reasoned argument i get morw abuse!!

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Guest no1_boyracer
Since I know Sam and Greg personally since before the Turbofit days, I would highly suggest you refrain from commenting on Turbofit till they get back and offer SOUND technical backup for what they have said. At present you are (IMHO) dragging people like Terribleturner and JamieP into your arguement, these members have got good standing because they aren't just spoutting off bollocks like yourself.


How can saying how i have asked thes two guys about my car and the fact that turbo fit have stated what i have planned for the car be wrong????

I was relying to a post asaying i should consult. I have and i informed you who - is that wrong?????????????

this is the issue. When i put up reasoned argument - ya lot dont like it!!

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