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Do i look bovvered? (Was 750cc injectors for sale!!)

Guest no1_boyracer

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Guest no1_boyracer
The physical size doesn't actually have anything to do with it (well it does for those pedantic ones, but not always)..


If you want to sell them, it might be worth getting them flow tested, and post them up, not only will it confirm the size of them but also people are more likely to buy flow tested ones.


well funny how the holes are twice the size of stock ones?????

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Which is the bigger cc injector?


A) http://www.fiveomotorsport.com/PartsJPEGs/Injectors/Siemens60lbHIGH_140.jpg






No, you look.. I posted up a comment to say the following...


1. Some people on here are doubting they are 750cc

2. People are a lot more likely to buy a set of injectors which have been flow tested, since they are a known quantity. By flow testing them you would increase your chance of selling them even more.


If you got off your god damn high horse and tried to realize that some people are trying to be nice, it might get you somewhere on here getting respect. You said most of the people on this board are pricks, well, you know what, if this is the way you react to someone trying offer a bit of CONSTRUCTIVE advice, then you are the one who looks foolish YET AGAIN!

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Guest no1_boyracer

you put that the physical size doesnt have anything to do with it after i pointed out that the holes are bigger.

They are 750s and i bought them as that. I ent paying out god knows how much more having them flow tested. they are a bargain as it is!!!

I have the code numbers off them if anyone wants to check them out.

I get annoyed on ere cuz guys like yourself put things not to be helpful but to try and put down etc what this is. Its obvious these ent stock.... but no members have to go questioning if they are 750s or not

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you put that the physical size doesnt have anything to do with it after i pointed out that the holes are bigger.

They are 750s and i bought them as that. I ent paying out god knows how much more having them flow tested. they are a bargain as it is!!!

I have the code numbers off them if anyone wants to check them out.

I get annoyed on ere cuz guys like yourself put things not to be helpful but to try and put down etc what this is. Its obvious these ent stock.... but no members have to go questioning if they are 750s or not

Okay? Please point out where in my particular post where I said anything to put you or the product that you are selling down, and while you are at it, please highlight the sections of my posts in this thread that you feel weren't helpful?

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Guest no1_boyracer
Which is the bigger cc injector?


If ya read what i put - i didnt comment on the SIZE of the injectors being the issue - i said the HOLES - what the fuel physically comes out of!!!

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Guest no1_boyracer

Ya questioned how i knew they were 750s and said i should get them flow tested.

I said - ya can tell by the HOLES (not the size of the injector) . Then ya went off on one.

ya the one reading into what i put!!!!! - seeing what ya wanted to see rather than actually reading what i put

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The physical size doesn't actually have anything to do with it (well it does for those pedantic ones, but not always)..


Ya questioned how i knew they were 750s and said i should get them flow tested.

I said - ya can tell by the HOLES (not the size of the injector) . Then ya went off on one.

ya the one reading into what i put!!!!! - seeing what ya wanted to see rather than actually reading what i put


I stated a fact that the PHYSICAL size of the injector doesn't always dicate the cc's that it can control. Nowhere in ANY of my posts in this thread do I say or infer that they are not 750cc. Please correct me if I am wrong.

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Guest no1_boyracer

I never commented on the physical size of the injectors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I commented on the size of the spray holes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

however - ya can easily see by the size/ shape they r not stock!!

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Before this turns even uglier than it has already, can I offer the voice of reason and a little advice?


What Mr. Phoenix has said is very valid. You will need to be able to prove to a prospective buyer that they are in fact 750cc injectors. Saying that they are bigger holes just wont cut the mustard I'm afraid. :(


Now, you may see flow testing and therefore determining the correct cc flow to be an expense that you can do without but, TBH, if you don't do that and offer proof, your chances of selling these are slim.

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Guest no1_boyracer

by constantly questioning how the size relates to CC and then basically accusing me of talking shit- when infact it was cuz ya wernt reading what i put...... that the HOLES are what i was refering to. then stating members dont beleive thy are 750s unless they are flow tested. THAT is basically putting the priduct down. Tyr and make it sound like ya were being helpful but that NOT the way it comes accross!!!!!!

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Guest no1_boyracer

but CJ - he was basically taking the piss trying to make out i said something that i didnt!!!

It is a fact that ya cant tell the exact CC from the holes but ya can tell that they are way bigger than stocks!! also from the size ya can tell they are bigger than stocks.

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Guest no1_boyracer

Well its funny how traders are interested esp now they know the code numbers!!! im just after a good price!!

Also Rodchester dont make injectors smaller than 750s!!!

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but CJ - he was basically taking the piss trying to make out i said something that i didnt!!!

It is a fact that ya cant tell the exact CC from the holes but ya can tell that they are way bigger than stocks!! also from the size ya can tell they are bigger than stocks.


Okay, and this is my last post on the matter. CJ knows me as well, so I believe he would vouch for my tone in the posts.


I was under no impression that they were stock, nor did I say it. In fact I'd be happy to go as far and say they are DEFINITELY NOT stock.


My advice was to get them flow tested to make them more appealing to perspective buyers, in fact people would pay more than your asking price BECAUSE they were flow tested, so it wouldn't be a useless expense.

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Guest no1_boyracer

thanks for ya advice - but i ent got a clue where to have them flow tested - also i dont want to pay out more on a set of injectors i dont want.

Also how much would it actually add to what someone will pay!!

I know that a set of injectors rom a shop are virtually double what i am asking!! and that isnt flow tested.Ad ya have just stated - they are definately stock, and we have sorted that they have to be a minimum of 750. The fact thaty were sold as 750s means that they prob are. maybe someone should just snap this bargain up!!!!

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Guest no1_boyracer
If I was going to take the piss, I would point out that Rodchester don't make injectors, ROCHESTER do, however I refrained from doing that.


well maybe i an crap at typing lol

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