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Optimax prices Skyhigh!


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I went for a little cruise today and had to fill up the car with optimax. Fecking hell, it was very expensive! 89.9p/litre! :eek: I've never seen it that expensive :mad: so I only took £15 worth...


Oh yeah this was near Oxford on the A34


Anyone had it even more expensive in their area?

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From what I've seen petrol prices are steadily going up across the board.


What d'you reckon are the chances of another mass petrol strike? The last one clearly didn't have much long term impact did it? :(

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85.9p/lr I pay it's a joke, I heard that the strike will happen in the next 2 to 3 weeks so fill your cars up or we will use all our petrol waiting to get petrol ?!? I remember waiting over an hour to get some last time, not doing that again.....:(

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Originally posted by whitesupraboy2

normal pertrol is up to 83.9p here and apparently i have heard it is going to increase by about 7p really soon, thats what the guy at petrol station must of meant!


i can feel another fuel protest coming along!


Yeah bring it on! ... but let me fill up first :D

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Here's a "radical idea"


Hows about.... when crude oil goes up per barrel... The government.... hold on..... wait for it....... lower the ~80% tax on fuel by a couple of percent?



I know..... I'm an analyst before my time.



F'king robbing c*nts!!!!

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Couldn't agree more. What REALLY winds me up is that Tony Boy and his clan rake in SO much money from the motorist, but only put a fraction back into the infrastructure (probably half of which goes to building new scameras).


Its not fair! :mad:



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I seriously never understood the point of "Fuel Strikes" in the UK. Whats it supposed to prove? We dont buy petrol on the day, but hell.. the day prior everyone and their mother is filling all their vehicles! This is supposed to hurt the industry how?



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I paid 86.9 this morning and was miffed, the local garage is 84.9 but they decided they couldn't be arsed to open on time so I had to go elsewhere.


The thing that annoys me is this....


Monday - tanker comes and fills empty tanks - fuel 83.9


Tuesday - some of the above gets used


Wednesday - oil prices move, petrol goes up to 84.9


Thursday - some more of the above gets used


Friday - oil prices move - 85.9


Saturday - tanker arrives with more of the same Optimax from the same container at the refinery.


Sunday - oil prices move and all the sandwiches are stale.


And repeat....



Now I'd understand it if there was a delay and the price of petrol went up once the oil price had - afterall Shell need to buy the oil at the higher price, then turn it into fuel, this doesn't happen though. They bump up the price of the old stuff and make more profit on it - it's not just the government that are on the rob IMO!

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Originally posted by Supraguy

I seriously never understood the point of "Fuel Strikes" in the UK. Whats it supposed to prove? We dont buy petrol on the day, but hell.. the day prior everyone and their mother is filling all their vehicles! This is supposed to hurt the industry how?




The fuel strikes of two years ago, were not punters refusing to buy petrol, but delivery drivers striking.

Therefore no petrol on the forecourt.

Brought the country to its knees if you recall.


Needs doing again IMO.

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Originally posted by Rob

Needs doing again IMO.


Needs doing again but with a lot more conviction than last time.


I can't remember the address now, but there was an official forum (Smartgroups I think) for the protest organises and pretty much all they did was bitch and moan about different ways of protesting and who's method was best.


"Well I for one WON'T be not buying from Shell on Thursdays because I believe that boycotting BP on the second Wednesday every month would have much more of an effect."


Load of bollocks. I'm glad it achieved the short term reprieve that it did, but it could have done so much more.

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Yeah it sure does need doing again.

Do you remember that after a few days of striking the government changed tactics and started to brand motorists as thugs and criminals !!?


They made up reports that truckers and the like were threatening various delivery vehicles etc. This was thier excuse to bring in these 'extra special measures' as they put it which allows the police and the army to forcibly move/ impound vehicles and send the drivers straight to court.

Its amazing the work that gets done in parliment when they think that they are going to be out of a few pence!


The root of the problem is with the government and its tax levels! Its nearly 80% tax! The highest in the world. And with these 'new measures' we are not allowed to protest against it.


I was in full support of the farmers and truckers last time and I will be again if action is taken to do blockades etc.

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Er... I don't have a clue how much petrol costs! My local garage could double the price and I'd not notice. It's like a loaf of bread or a pink of milk - don't have a clue how much they are either! I buy them every week so I just don't bother to note the cost.



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Petrol is taxed at 86% already and Mr Brown wants a further 8p per gallon increase in September. IMO there's no justification for it, he could eaisly scrap the rise as the increasing price of crude has brought an unexpected windfall. It's not going to happen, we're ripped off plain and simple. At the very least another fuel protest will show them that the public are still sick of it.:mad:

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Gotta remember Bobbeh.. its all relative. The US can bitch all it wants because petrol prices have risen equally on both sides of the pond. Dont hate cause we arent stupid enough to pay 86% taxes on it! :innocent:


I can remeber only 6 years ago or so that fuel prices were under $1.00 a gallon across the US. So, of course people are gonna be pissed they are paying 120% more now.

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