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Poor prisoners :(


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Imagine being caught for illegal activites and then having your free drug supply taken away :(




I really feel for these individuals, they have been treated badly and fully deserve the substantial amount of cash they have been awarded.




I'd rather see our money being used to keep them in there under 'cold turkey' than have millions of pounds spent to take them off drugs in a nice, happy way.



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Its all about human rights mate. Apparently people are perfectly entitled to rob people in the street at knifepoint if they have a £200 a day crack habit. Courts understand that this isn't their fault, so they give them a bit of community service so they can feel useful and find out what it's like to do a proper day's work.


And if, god forbid, they do something naughty again after this tough punishment, the court soemtimes even sends them on a nice little holiday where they can relax watching TV all day and having food cooked for them... and even get free drugs and get some qualifications.


Bless them, they're all misunderstood!


EDIT - Yes I'm a sarcastic bas*ard, but we don't have enough prison spaces in this country or courts that are tough enough. Someone came out from a couple of weeks in prison the other day. Quite a spoilt brat. He said it "wasn't very nice". Its not supposed to be nice moron. Shame it wasn't enough to put him off committing crime!

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Its things like this that really p1ss me off about this "F"ing country. I strongly believe that if you break the law, that warrants a stay in prison then you should automatically lose your Human Rights. Crims these days play on these far too much and hold the country to ransom and its an absolute disgrace.

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The way I see it is that if someone commits three crimes the state should have the right to fit a tracking device inside them. This way they're location is known at all times.


Would make all cimes easy to detect and offenders easy to bring to justice.


Oh, and the device should have an explosive in it............ :D :D That should put them off!!

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Brilliantly we'll also have paid twice for this court case. THe crown is defending it so we're payign for that, we're paying for some muppet judge to rule on it and you can bet that the prisoners in question are doing all this on legal aid so we're paying for that too.


The lawyers that brought this to court must be really happy with themselves. I hope one of their smack head former clients breaks into their house and steals all the christmas presents.



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The way I see it is that if someone commits three crimes the state should have the right to fit a tracking device inside them. This way they're location is known at all times.


Would make all cimes easy to detect and offenders easy to bring to justice.


Oh, and the device should have an explosive in it............ :D :D That should put them off!!


Yeah, like in that film: Fortress (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0106950/)


They would blow a big hole in a crims stomach for being out of line. A few incidents of that would make them buck up their ideas.

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This is unavoidable since this country chooses to treat drug users as victims.


In other EU countries drug use is a criminal offence: it sounds harsh, but it certainly stops criminals from taking the piss through the courts for the lack of (illegal) drugs while in custody.


The system here is seriously fecked.

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Now you see, I have this all planned for when I rule the country. Kiddyfiddlers and rapists will be neutered, branded and released. Psychos and other dangerous headcases will be put down, the death sentence will be re-introduced for murderers, and thieves will have digits chopped off in relation to their crime.


Druggies would be kept fed, warm and locked in a padded cell until they are completely past the cold turkey stage, then released. If they survive, that is.


Hell, I thought the whole point of prison was to take away liberties? Goddamn limp-wristed human rights pansies . . .

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to be honest with you im in two minds about the it. compensation money aside, i think if someone is sent to jail then the jail is responsible for them, so cold turkey might have been a bit harsh perhaps, i dont know but i could imagine that being very difficult, perhaps help with going cold turkey, perhaps keeping them from doing work for a bit until they recover.

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Next you'll have paedo's trying it on - saying their lack of access to kids is torture, and killers with lack of victims to stab, shoot, etc.


I couldnt believe my eyes and ears this morning when I put sky news on. I read today (in The Sun, so not sure how accurate) that no jails have been built in the last 9 years.


The Blair-Witch partnership, selfish and spineless MPs, and other bleeding heart cronies have ruined this country, your now living in Not-So-Great-Britain.

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Agree with Pengiun, the country is run by criminals....they are perfectly capable of doing whatever it is that they want to do.


On one side you have Camp-X in cuba where they wont recognise ANY human rights, not even their status of PoW and rights under the Geneva convention, then on the other hand they do this...... Bloody hilarious its depressing.

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I was amazed when I heard that they were taking the prisons to court for forcing them to go cold turkey by preventing them access to smack....




What do they want? Prescribed doses, matches, a spoon and a needle... they would never want to leave prison again!


A friend of mine is a detective in the Met and he's of the "unofficial" opinion that once you're hooked on heroin, excluding a bullet to the back of the head, nothing can be done to make you an honest citizen again.


This country makes me so f#cking angry that they let these c#nts get a tiny sentence for mugging, burglary and theft, have a free ride inside then come out and sue the country for punishing them in the first place.


Poor crims.


This countrys collapsing into the filth it creates, it really makes me angry! :complain:

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