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It's Halloween Where's All The Ghost Storys?!


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It cannot be any sillier than your taste in music - fire away! :p :D


ya bugger.;)


Well here goes. When i used to live at home my mum used to have her fortune read by one of them clairvoyants. she used to invite a few of her friend around and they would all have there fortune read. Anyway i was upstairs playing on my mega drive and just finished a zone on sonic the hedgehog. i was sat on the end of my bed waiting for the next level to come. Then it happened. And this is the best way i can describe it. A black shadowy Misti cloudy thing came around the back of me and over my shoulder and stared at me right in front of my face. now this may sound silly but it kind of had a face init. I just couldn't believe it. but the funny thing were is that i have always said to my self that if i ever saw one i would shit my self but i was unbelievably carm.


i spoke to my mum once the psychic guy had left. she told me that when they are doing a reading they can bring spirits with them that linger. well she has never had one since because the night after that my mum saw the same thing in the kitchen.


how mad is that.[sHOCK][/sHOCK]

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Funny I get this spooky shape in my bedroom most days ; sought of hunched up and dressed in a smock like cloak- Oh yea I remember now its the missus with a cup of tea lol


Actually I did see a spook once. My daughter and I were out late at night on a country lane not far from here; we came round a bend quite quickly and there was this woman in the middle of the road. She was wearing a long coat like in the 50's. I couldnt miss her; but the car just went through her and in doing so she turned into sort of brown mist - this is true!


tip lay of the pickled onions


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OK, I have a couple of weird ones.. here's the first..


My Nanna and Grandad used to own a house in Scarborough that was supposedly haunted. In the living room the temperature use to drop really quickly from warm (with the fire on) to freezing 'see your breath' cold (and the fire is still on!)..


My dad always have a weird vibe about the place, but he always took the piss so no-one believed him...


On one particular day my grandad was there doing some work in the bathroom - we lived in Middlesbrough, so it was a fair old trek for him to go and sort stuff out, but being retired he used to just go on his own to do random jobs. This time he was working in the bathroom and he said (and he is the most sceptical person ever.. like he's not even interested in ghost stories or anything?!) the temperature dropped, which was kind of normal for the house, then the whole place fell silent and he said he didn't actually hear anything out loud but he said he 'felt' something telling him to GET OUT! ..and he went.. he was in such a panic he left all his tools there, picked up the car keys are got the f*ck out out of dodge... 100 mile round trip for nothing (my dad had his life!).. he was so embarrassed telling the story, but everyone who'd been to the house kind of knew what he meant.. and shortly after that they sold it..


Saying all this, whilst we were there 'as a family' nothing really bothered us.. me and my sister used to sleep in the attic room and never felt anything weird...

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OK the second one is this..


My Dad is one of five.. he had two older brothers, one older sister and one younger sister.. he grew up in the forties in a terraced house in Middlesbrough. At the time his oldest sister was 18 and she was trusted to babysit the kids whilst his Mam and Dad went out to 'The Club' (this is proper working class!)..


So they went out and one by one all the kids go to bed (obviously this is like a Monty Python sketch and they all sleep in the same room! he swears it!).


Everyone is asleep and there is a knock at the door... Bang Bang.. this wakes them all up, it's 2 in the morning.. and Mam and Dad are not home? strange?


The banging continues BANG! BANG! BANG! and it's gone from someone politely knocking on the door to 'somebody wants to through that door'.. by this time the banging is so violent that the eldest sister doesn't want to go downstairs.. lots of banging, in the middle of the night etc. everyone is freaked out.. so he pulls back the curtains and looks out (from the bedroom window you can see who is stood at the front door, it over hangs the door)... so the banging keeps going like whoever this is is going to come through the door... she looks down and there's no-one there... she opens the window and there is no-one in the street.. this is a terraced street so you can't get between the house and they would have heard footsteps running away... the banging stops..


It turns out whilst Mam and Dad were at 'The Club' there was a phone call and they were called to the hospital.. my dad's Gran had been taken ill and taken in... I still to this day don't know what was wrong with her, but she died that morning at 2.. the banging was her trying to come home...

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There was a man called JB

He is now two hundred and three

Heres his secret, in this thread

For every Halloween he walks with the dead

One night they found him hung from a tree

Because his bling got lost at sea

No more Supras from the land of the rising sun

So to his head he took a gun

Evil and darkness in the black car he drives

When you see him coming make sure you hide

Spawn of Satan, king of the mark four

Be careful today if you hear a knock at your door.

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:whistle: anyone got any more... or have I successfully slayed another thread... :)


I've got another. short but a good one. a friend of mine was driving through morcombe once with his girl Friend. He was trying to find some camp site. Anyway in full day light they were driving down a quiet village road when they saw an old man walking towards them with a sack on his shoulder. But the bad thing about it is that you could only see the top half of him and the legs was underneath the road. They had to slam on as the man wasn't all see through and misty like you think that ghosts are. he looked very solid and appeared to be very alive. he was actually walking on a very old road that used to be there 120 years ago.[sHOCK][/sHOCK]

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my wife put the cat out two hours ago and I closed the catflap, I just went into the bedroom and she said 'the cat was in bed with me a minute ago where's she gone?' I said 'no it wasnt you let it out at about 10.30 when you went to bed'


Question is what has she been stroking for the last two hours ? :D

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  • 11 months later...

One from dad in law.

He was a WOP in Lancasters toward the end of WW2. Two Lancs did not return from a sortie, and one of the crew (lets call him Bill) from one of the missing Lancs had a bed in dads dormitory. That night, after they had all got to sleep, dad was woken by the smell of cigar smoke. He could see a figure dressed in full kit sat on Bills bed, but couldnt make out who it was. He could however, see the figure was smoking. Dad sat up, and as he tried harder to make out who the figure was, the figure stood up, stubbed out his cigar, walked over to him and ruffled dads hair. He then walked toward the dorm door, and dad instinctively said 'you alright Bill ?'. The figure turned and said 'I'm fine Sam. Tell Tiggy I'm sorry' and walked out the door.

Bill of course, had gone down with his Lanc that night. He had smoked cigars and had the habit of ruffling dads hair (dad is short and Bill was well over six feet). Dad at first thought he had dreamt it all, no one else in the dorm had seen or heard anything, but a short time later dad found out for the first time that Tiggy was the nickname Bill gave his wife.

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