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Smokey Start up


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Now the weather has got cold again im getting quite alot of Smoke or steam on start ups and when the car is idel for the 1st 30mins. Today was feezing and a looked in the rear window and could see alot of smoke going across the road from my car, Its a little scairy to see tbh. It only happends when its very cold and stops when the car is fully warm, Should i be worried? Its more than the average cold puff of smoke.



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If its white, not blue and dissapears when warm then don't worry. It will just be steam because of the cold moist weather.




i started mine in my street the other day and you couldn't see past my car lol. the view in my rear view mirrors was just white!

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just white stuff? .............tbh its probably fine all cars do it when its cold, if its white smoke/steam then if you are not losing coolant then its simply all the water that condensed in the exhaust overnight (or since it was last used) getting turned to steam/vapour.........

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Yeah its white not blue, But the stuff just pours out.

Like i said there is none at all when its a nice day :cold:

Maybe she could do with a good service.

Thanks Guys. :thumbs:


I get this too, only noticed it since the temps have dropped at night!The car also revs quite high at cold start 1600rpm, and it smells of petrol big time so am thinking it has something to do with the high idle at cold start. Mine goes once warm and never does it throughout the rest of the day.

What viscosity oil do you use cardiff?

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loool nothing to worry about...


like the guy said above its condensation, and water that builds up in exhaust over night and when not using. It will cause white smoke to come out...its like breathing on a really cold day and smoke comes out your mouth...If you have got an aftermarket exhaust expect more smoke in mornings as normally more condensation, as long as it is white and dissapears once the engine warms up a bit...I normally start my engine and let it warm up for about 10-15 mins before I use it, by which time most of the smoke stops comming out..If you are really concerned take it to a garage and ask them to check it out..


I was worried as well when I saw smoke comming out..so I asked my teacher, a mechanic and technician and they all said the same time....nothing to worry about...big engine longer to warm up...more smoke....

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RedM white is condensation (and mine is very bad in the current weather for about 5 minutes) and gray/black is running rich due to the weather and ECU getting it wrong.


I read somewhere the ECU wasn`t that well mapped for cold weather, pehraps the cars telling us not to risk taking her out in cold, damp , icy weather btw !


My mpg has dropped as well, same thing happened last year BTW


Stem Seals lead to Blue Smoke just on start up and disappears.


Mine makes no blue smoke at all if I use it every day, if I leave it a week then I get a little blue smoke on start up.

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I got HUGE clouds of white smoke that takes ages to go if I just leave the car idling. However, when I set of from home there is a junction a mile away and by the time I reach that point there is no smoke.


It's definitely a grey/white and FWIW I'm getting excellent MPG at the mo. Nearly an extra 60 miles per tank!!

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I got HUGE clouds of white smoke that takes ages to go if I just leave the car idling. However, when I set of from home there is a junction a mile away and by the time I reach that point there is no smoke.


It's definitely a grey/white and FWIW I'm getting excellent MPG at the mo. Nearly an extra 60 miles per tank!!


defo condensation :)

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