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Unexpexted reactions to your Car


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Guest gzaerojon
Had a guy sitting at a bus stop stand up and start clapping, I think he liked it!


maybe he thought it was the bus he'd been waiting on for the last hour :p

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Guest mk47

Not directed at my car but another member - last weekend we were at a tyre place to get miami's alignment done, and a clueless guy walks over to us and asks "whats the air to fuel ratio on one of those?"


"i bet it cant take much on stock internals though"


"the traction on those is not very good"


"thats cool, an afr gauge and a fmic is a sign of big power"


"i bet the turbos on those are very laggy"


it was so funny every statement he made we were just shooting him down correcting him :D

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I had a meeting with some guys in the week. After we'd done I walked them out to their car (Merc Banana) to say goodbye. They were parked near mine, and as they walked past it they made a few fast and furious / rice-rocket type jests.

I told them that it was my car, and they were stunned. Aparently they automatically had me down as an AudiBMWMerc type of guy. They were really amazed I was driving something 'not exactly executive'.

I told the offending chap I was really suprised his grandad had lent him his car.

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filling up the other day and a chap stopped and stared shaking his head saying ''bloody nice car mate'' never knowing wat to say i replied with ''thanks''

went into pay and he was behind me in the Q then out came ''bloody wish i could have afforded a jag at your age!''

at this point everyone is in the Q looking outside for a jag lol


ive had the usual


''bet thats daddies car''

''nice car, bet you got a small cock tho''


we get a load of new guys on site most days and they all hang about as they pass the car to have a look.

one guy didnt believe me how much it cost saying ''i bet its only worth £2k as its 10 years old!'' the cheeky fooker

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I remember a few.


Some foreign tourists were taking turns to pose with mine for pics, when i walked up to open the door they just turned red and walked over looking back at the car, thought that deserved a couple of lines of rubber, so I rewarded them to a big cheer lol.


Many people would ask, What is it?


Teenagers torturing me to "light it up".


Best ever was.........

Local guy who had a Blue M3 evo was parked outside xtra vision, so I pulled up for a chat. He thought his car was the best looking car in the town. The small parking area outside was on a slope so you could see the M3 clearly beside me.

Two long legged birds, all tarted up for the night were walking past, one shouted "nice car mate" and waved at me, the other shouted "I'll make your night for you!", my friends face dropped, jaw open, so I said i had to go, rolled up a £5 note like a ciggy, and told him to "smell the rubber" and took off into the night leaving as much rubber a possible. Would have took that bird up on her offer but my own bird was waiting for me at the house :(

He sold the M3 shortly afterwards and bought an Evo lmao.

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Best ever was.........

Local guy who had a Blue M3 evo was parked outside xtra vision, so I pulled up for a chat. He thought his car was the best looking car in the town. The small parking area outside was on a slope so you could see the M3 clearly beside me.

Two long legged birds, all tarted up for the night were walking past, one shouted "nice car mate" and waved at me, the other shouted "I'll make your night for you!", my friends face dropped, jaw open, so I said i had to go, rolled up a £5 note like a ciggy, and told him to "smell the rubber" and took off into the night leaving as much rubber a possible. Would have took that bird up on her offer but my own bird was waiting for me at the house :(

He sold the M3 shortly afterwards and bought an Evo lmao.




An Evo - not exactly pretty either :D

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My company car was in the garage getting a service done so I used the supra for work (the only time ever). I went out to blood sample a couple of hundred cows and when I turned up the farmer asked me if it was a courtesy car!! :D


Also had a granny tell me how much she liked my exhaust once.

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I get the 'goldfish' and 'jaw on the floor look' quite a bit - girl with sports coupe :D Was going thru leicester today and two guys in an Astra SRI said 'go girl!!!', a fiat coupe driver couldnt stop smiling and gawping at me and supe at the shell garage....stunned looks from friends at gym when I showed them the car, everyone loves it, especially little kids, practically leave their eyes glued to it! :)


Funniest moment - about to leave shop one evening, guy about to come in gawping at the supra, then me then supra/me/supra. I glided past (he was still gawping), blipped the fob :D (he's still stopped mid stride, gawping) I get in, boot it up, look in rear view mirror - (he's still gawping) I roar off down the road....wonder if he's taken root their???:blink: :eyebrows:

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I get the 'goldfish' and 'jaw on the floor look' quite a bit - girl with sports coupe :shock: Was going thru leicester today and two guys in an Astra SRI at the lights shouted out 'go girl!!!', (so I did :eyebrows: ) a fiat coupe driver couldnt stop smiling and gawping at me and supe at the shell garage later today....stunned admiring looks from friends at gym when I first showed them the car, everyone loves it, especially little kids, practically leave their eyes glued to it! :)


Funniest moment - about to leave shop one evening, guy about to come in gawping at the supra, then me then supra/me/supra. I glided past (he was still gawping), blipped the fob :D (he's still stopped mid stride, gawping) I get in, boot it up, look in rear view mirror - (he's still gawping) I roar off down the road....wonder if he's taken root their???:blink: :eyebrows:


the attention is fun but I absolutely adore the supra and wouldnt give a stuff if no-one liked it. to me supras are b@ll@ck achingly gorgeous, awesome to drive and I never want any other car...:love: :ecstatic: :faint:



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I get the 'goldfish' and 'jaw on the floor look' quite a bit - girl with sports coupe :shock: Was going thru leicester today and two guys in an Astra SRI at the lights shouted out 'go girl!!!', (so I did :eyebrows: ) a fiat coupe driver couldnt stop smiling and gawping at me and supe at the shell garage later today....stunned admiring looks from friends at gym when I first showed them the car, everyone loves it, especially little kids, practically leave their eyes glued to it! :)


Funniest moment - about to leave shop one evening, guy about to come in gawping at the supra, then me then supra/me/supra. I glided past (he was still gawping), blipped the fob :D (he's still stopped mid stride, gawping) I get in, boot it up, look in rear view mirror - (he's still gawping) I roar off down the road....wonder if he's taken root their???:blink: :eyebrows:


the attention is fun but I absolutely adore the supra and wouldnt give a stuff if no-one liked it. to me supras are b@ll@ck achingly gorgeous, awesome to drive and I never want any other car...:love: :ecstatic: :faint:




Excellent story :)

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I get some queer looks from other girls as if they want me dead when I'm in my Supe :( and from the men well where do I start. Some of them are complete arseholes to be honest, e.g.....


1 - Sitting at traffic lights and a car/van with men in pip and pip their horn until I look then do stupid things with their faces!


2 - Waiting to pull away at a junction/ roundabout and some men rev and rev their engines next to me and look in..................ooh I'm scared :p


3 - One lad shouted in (window was done) does your lad know your driving his car :blink:


The list is endless.


The men dont seem to give me grief when my boyfriend is in with me though :eyebrows:


When I first got the car people at work had never heard of a Supra before and thought it cost me about £20.000 LOL :D

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I get loads of gawping going on :) only a few Chavs ever give hassle, I just smile and drive off...


The best ever was about a month ago. I was sat at a very slow set of lights on a one way system near work on a rather sunny day. Had the roof off (naturally) and a brand new silver convertible, 205 pulled up next to me with a rather attractive young lady in the passenger seat. She checked out the car and then gave me a very flirty smile just as the lights changed. I pulled forward with the traffic but the 205 didn't move, looked round and they were having a right domestic in the car, the driver (presumably her boyfriend was going mental) and kept waving his hands toward the Sup.


I felt a bit sorry but had to laugh...

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I get loads of gawping going on :) only a few Chavs ever give hassle, I just smile and drive off...


The best ever was about a month ago. I was sat at a very slow set of lights on a one way system near work on a rather sunny day. Had the roof off (naturally) and a brand new silver convertible, 205 pulled up next to me with a rather attractive young lady in the passenger seat. She checked out the car and then gave me a very flirty smile just as the lights changed. I pulled forward with the traffic but the 205 didn't move, looked round and they were having a right domestic in the car, the driver (presumably her boyfriend was going mental) and kept waving his hands toward the Sup.


I felt a bit sorry but had to laugh...


Quality :cool:

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I once had a moment, car and I were on the drive, just finished washing it and was starting to apply the polish.

Earlier on a tesco delivery van crawled past, I just thought he was looking for house numbers.

Later after his delivery he came back stopped leaned out the window and said "well done there mate...awesome!"


Slightly stunned I replied "Thanks" :blink:

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A few weeks back I pulled into my road and passed an old bloke carrying binoculars and a camera. I thought he must be a birdwatcher.


I pulled into my drive slowly and spent a few extra seconds faffing about. I then noticed the old guy standing at the end of the drive.


'Uh oh' I thought 'I bet I scared off some rare breed that he had been watching for hours'


I got out of the car and the man approached.


"Excuse me" he said in a very posh, old bloke kind of way.


"yes" I replied.


"I just wanted to say what a marvellous tone your car produces. I heard you coming up the road and wondered what it was. Is it a Honda?"


FFS! Some people just don't know when to stop talking.:rolleyes:

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Heh, thought about starting a similar topic a week ago. My experience; heading through McDonald's drive through (I was having a bad day and wanted a strawberry milkshake!), pull up to the window with some women that looked about 60, blue rinse and all.


"Can I help y....ohh, I like your car...can I help you?"


Caught me completely off guard, just kinda sat there for a few seconds staring at her in shock before I finally said "Thanks" and ordered.

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Just remembered another. Was getting driven across Germany by a fit bird in my old car, pulled in for fuel at a fairly busy petrol station. There were a load of bikers (choppers, beards, and dirty leather type) having a break there also. When they heard the car being hammered down the gears from a fast and late autobahn exit, they all stared to see what it was. The got a big shock when a 22yr old fit bird got out in an attention seeking (yeah she was good at that lol) manner, gave them a smile, filled up and went and paid for it when i lay back in the passenger seat looking very spoilt. They poked each other commenting and nodding, one even gave me the thumbs up (like a well done) so i told her to leave rubber on departure, they cheered as she left in style bouncing the car off the limiter in the first 4 gears.

Girl power? lol oh yeah, and did I laugh for miles :)

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