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Phil Wall

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Phil, what O/S are you using on the laptop. What do you mean by 'won't recognise it'? Do other devices connected to the com port function correctly?


You could check in Control Panel - Ports (If WINNT) or Device Manager for Win98 / 2k and check that the com port is enabled / settings. If the com port isn't enabled, check the BIOS.


Hope that helps....




(Edited by Eric Kasir at 1:22 pm on Aug. 19, 2001)

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Guest Martin F

I know this has been said time and time again, but this RLTC is just excellent!!!!!!!


Because of the rain today and not able to do a lot, i decided to take the car off over some army grounds in Colchester and have a play with the RLTC in the wet.


Unforunately they had built on the area i'd intended to use, but further down the road was a smaller concrete area.


Tried a few launch controls in the wet, and it really didn't seem to be that much different to doing it in the dry, i.e. car caught traction quickly with minimal correction. Most impressed.


Then i tried flipping the car out whilst cornering and the way the RLTC cut in was very comforting. I think for me the hardest part was to have confidence that when i flipped the car out the RLTC would cut in and assist with me controling the car.


Tried at different slip settings and could defenitely feel the difference. I can't imagine anybody having trouble bringing the car back into line with a slip setting of 5%, let alone on the wet setting.


So once again most impressed.


Emma had a go with the Launch control at an old airstrip nearby and was suitably impressed. Best i have her donating to the tyre fund now she knows how to use that. :biggrin:

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Quote: from Eric Kasir on 1:18 pm on Aug. 19, 2001[br]Phil, what O/S are you using on the laptop. What do you mean by 'won't recognise it'? Do other devices connected to the com port function correctly?



You could check in Control Panel - Ports (If WINNT) or Device Manager for Win98 / 2k and check that the com port is enabled / settings. If the com port isn't enabled, check the BIOS.


Hope that helps....




(Edited by Eric Kasir at 1:22 pm on Aug. 19, 2001)


I have never use the com port before, but Windows 98 control panel says its is working and enabled exactly the same settings as the lap top that works.


RLTC software runs in MSDOS, the unit functiions fine on my wifes laptop but not mine. It is as if the RL unit is not there when I plug it in.


As for BIOS I have not a clue what  I would be looking for.


Sounds like a cream pudding:biggrin:



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I have had the RL system for a year now and it has never put a foot wrong, even in the wet with my crappy tyres.


I also did the Bentwaters track day earlier in the year and it performed superbly all day, full throttle on every corner.


It's great.......

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What other hardware do you have on you laptop? For example do you have a pc card modem that could be using the IRQ for the com port in question? Also running the software form a DOS box rather than a restarting in MS-DOS could be blocking access to the port. And I presume in your enthusiasm you've not missed anything simple  like having it plugged into the wrong com port?(my laptop has two in different places)


I don't have my RLTC installed yet (or a car worthy of installing it in), but i've had a play with the software, the procomm section doesn't really look more than a bundled COM product. It might be worth trying to use Hyperterminal or one of the far superior free/shareware comm programs.


Usually on Win95 / 98 com ports don't appear in the device manager if they're disabled in the bios (as Win 9x unlike NT scans these devices at startup).


The bios is the bit at the very start when you turn on that says something like "press del to enter setup", could be any combination of keys but I think the most popular are Del or F1. There would probably be a section called 'intergrated perhierals' or the like, the COM settings will be in there. No harm in looking around for them, but it's a mighty bad idea to change some things in here, so be careful.


If that doesn't help i'm sure you could bring the laptop to the next gathering and supragirl will sort it out for you ;)

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Phil's problem is that his machine doesn't have a COM port, just a USB. He's trying to hook the com lead from the RLTC to a USB translator. Problem is, I think when he runs the RLTC application in Windows MSDOS mode he's losing the translator drivers.


I haven't yet had the chance to fit the RLTC myself, but I thought what might get him out of trouble is if he can run the application in an MSDOS window. Is there anyone out there who can see if this is possible?




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Just to up date every one.


I have tried three laptops.

As Ash said one only has USB connections and this will not support MSDOS. So have given up with that one.


One lap top works fine, but my wife is not too happy with me using it as she needs access to her files.


The other Laptop a NEC  has one comm port, com1.


I am running a plugin network card on the NEC so might try removing it and trying again.


Thanks to every one for the advice, it is much appreciated.




(Edited by Phil Wall at 9:33 am on Aug. 20, 2001)

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Check the IRQ of the COM port doesn't conflict with the network card and check the IRQ settings (if they are configurable, that is) in the RLTC software match that of the PC.




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Thanks  you all for the IT technical advice.


Its getting all a too IT technical for me and taking up too much car play time.


So I have  linked two lpatops, down loaded all my wifes data on to mine, and borrowed hers for the car set up.:biggrin:


Don't you just hate it when computers don't do what you want them to do.

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If you are thinking of altering settings with a lap top, make sure you save a file recording all settings before you make any changes. Use TRACREAD to record a file, give it a memorable name and keep it safe.


If anyone wants the original SUPRA settings for RACELOGIC, I have a file downloaded from RL yesterday. This file is not on the disc provided with the unit. However I am not sure if it is the same as the “STANDARD” DAT file, as I have not had time to compare it. I have sent a monitored run of my original settings to RL for analysis just to confirm that the system is working OK.


I must say the RL technical support Guys are very good!



When I was setting up the system all went OK up to the rear wheels jacked up test to see if RL cuts in at 14k the default setting.   I did not achieve this.  On further investigation I found that the system is set with a lower and standard limit of 2000 revs.  On the Supra that will correlate to a speed higher than 14k.  To check that the system is able to detect a 14k difference in speed between reference and driven wheels it will be necessary to temporarily reduce the revs.


I set mine to 850 and the 14k cut was apparent.



RL have set the 2000rev limit to stop lower powered cars bogging down on take off.  I believe that the Supra has 80%+ of its torque available below 2000 revs.  If this is indeed the case, then the rev limit may be reduced for certain situations, thus reducing initial slip currently occurring below 2000 revs.


I have done a few static runs i.e. on axel stands with reduced rev limits and the system induces injector cut at much lower wheels speeds with out any apparent problems. I have saved these files and will load them to do some road tests.


I will be talking to RL technical about their 2000 limit in the  next couple of days and asking for their comments.  Any other thoughts or observations would be welcome.


With this system, you can create and keep any number of combinations of settings saved as named files and load them in to the system a in a few seconds. Returning the system to your favourite track or road settings is equally quick. The potential for experimentation on the track is awesome.  


Log files can be set to record various time periods, from a few minutes to over an hour. Ample for a sessions at the track. However I can’t imagine examining  an hours worth of data.:o


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Got my HKS stock TC removal kit today.


I thought the bits might be made of silver for the price,  but they are made of aluminium.


The Japanese diagrams and instructions are very, eeeeer how can I put it,……..CRAP


The diagrams don’t even show which of the two new inserts go in which opening.


I am sure once I take the stock unit apart all will become clear.


Paul have you  managed to get a translation yet?


My Japanese  friend is back home in Japan for the next few weeks.


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It is obvious once you open it up which goes where, the plain cylinder shaped one goes in the wing side.


On the cylinder side don't try and remove the black plastic piece, remove the metal piece it sits on.


The butterfly is held by two screws which I had to drill out as I couldn't shift them. The central bar took some shifting on mine, I had to hit it square on with a hammer from the wing side and then tap it out from the cylider head side.


You then have to get the brass inserts out which was a pig of a job on mine. In the end I had to knock out the wing-side one by using a hammer and a carefully placed screwdriver inserted via the mouth of the throttle body.


If I was doing it again I would remove the entry hose completely and refit it afterwards rather than bend it under so it pops off the next day!


Takes about an hour and then one of you technical whizzes can work out how to frig the signals and stop the dashboard lights flashing ;)




(Edited by Phil at 10:15 am on Aug. 23, 2001)

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Quote: from Phil on 4:43 pm on Aug. 23, 2001[br]


Tell you what, you fit my Racelogic and I'll fit your TC removal kit :)





Thanks for the offer.




Let me think!


Its a tough one  ......  





Once was enough.


If I sell the car its coming out and going in the next one, it's that good.:biggrin:



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I'm still confused, what does the HKS TC removal kit do that pulling the TRAC fuse doesn't do. If the HKS kit really has benefits I'll buy the last kit from you, Justin. I just need to know for sure it will fit my European spec MKIV.


I just installed the Racelogic TC system and it works fine, especially the launch control. Does anyone know how to set the launch control RPM limits to new ones, I can't seem to change them anymore once they're set.




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The TC removal kit removes the actual pre-throttle body assembly. Which is another restrictive element in the intake system done away with.




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Quote: from Flavio on 10:57 pm on Aug. 23, 2001[br]

1.I'm still confused, what does the HKS TC removal kit do that pulling the TRAC fuse doesn't do. If the HKS kit really has benefits I'll buy the last kit from you, Justin. I just need to know for sure it will fit my European spec MKIV.


2.I just installed the Racelogic TC system and it works fine, especially the launch control. Does anyone know how to set the launch control RPM limits to new ones, I can't seem to change them anymore once they're set.





1. Leon was telling me that the butterfly  fills a large part of the air intake. Removal eliminates this restriction and therefore must give an increase in air flow. The only real way to test it is to do a dyno test with and with out on the same car.


2. have you tried the PROCOMM software, it allows you to change everything.


Try  ringing RACELOGIC and ask for Stuart in technical, he is very helpful.



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Okay, I've ordered the HKS kit now.


I haven't connected a laptop yet, the only laptop I have runs Windows ME, so no DOS!


The TC install was only finished this evening and I was just testing it out. I'll give Stuart a call tomorrow.




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