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Missfire on 3 & 6? ... but everythig is sparking


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hi all,


sorry for my poor techno knowledge :thumbs:


i have a problem with cylinders 3 and 6 not fireing.


At first i thought it was the ht leads (tried swapping these about)/ plugs (i have put in new ones) or distributer (taken to bits and cleaned) but i have checked all these with new componments today (even checked the plug was sparking)... i have run out of ideas :search:


the engine sounds ruff turning over and you can pull leads 3 and 6 out of the distributor and it sounds exactly the same. oil and water levels are fine so i dont know what else to check.


the only thing i did prior to the problem was change the coolant and flush the heater matrix. but i cant see how this would cause this problem.


any help would be great



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i have a guy coming around tonight to run a compression test... (far beyond my abilities) hopefully he will find something.


i just wish it was something simple like ht leads... it just doesnt make sense :cry:



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HMmm not what I read. Can you clear up wether it is actually getting spark or not?


its definately sparking i put a plug in the number 6 ht lead and held it with rubber plyers and watched it spark off the engine cover (while a friend turned it on)



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it sounds evenly rough ... like it misses on time everytime ... when you press the accelerator it misses on time with the engine accelerating.... when you get the engine up to high revs you cant notce it as much.



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I think he means before it starts up, is the cranking evenly. i.e. have all cylinders got compression, if not it may go fast momentarily given an uneven cranking...


hope it is nothing serious like that, seems wierd if it was all ok and you just messed around with coolant. Any reason to suspect the head gasket before you serviced it, was it all running sweet?

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I think he means before it starts up, is the cranking evenly. i.e. have all cylinders got compression, if not it may go fast momentarily given an uneven cranking...


hope it is nothing serious like that, seems wierd if it was all ok and you just messed around with coolant. Any reason to suspect the head gasket before you serviced it, was it all running sweet?


im running a compression test tonight so hopefully that will find that out (i think) ... i dont recall the engine running fast after ignition.


everything was runniing really well. the only reason i changed the coolant and flushed the heater matrix is that its approaching autumn and i didnt want to be cold again this winter (got to say the heating works a charm now :thumbs:).



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it seems that the cyliders are not getting any fuel (from loooking at the new spark plugs). i have tested the connection to the injectors and they are fine (they are live and turn a bulb on) so that leaves me to belive it must be the injectors themselves ... going to remove the injector rail tomorrow so i can check they are pushing fuel out... hopefully thats it


are new injectors expensive?





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hi all,


still having problems im afraid.. :(


i have checked sparked plugs ... ht leads ... distributer ... and all injectors...

there is sparks from plugs and the injectors are pumping petrol (checked tonight by removing ejectors and turning engine over) but cylinders 3 and 4 are still not working. i have made a recording of the sounds the engine makes at idle reving and ignition (see attached in real media player format.)



idle reving and ignition recorded in drivers seat



idle and reving recorded in engine bay


i really dont know what to do next... im not even sure what to llok for nnext ... im going to try a garage but im scared of being ripped off. i really dont know where to turn as its my only car and im struggling to get to work untill i get the car running again... i cant seem to find anyone who has had the same problem with a n/a :(



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It is possible to show a spark on the tests but still have breakdown under any load, i.e. when trying to run the engine...

You could do with borrowing a different set of HT electrics and trying those just to be really sure.......80% of misfiring problems, especially a regular misfire, are electrical...

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i think i might invest in a new pair of ht leads to make sure


im a member of the AA (as from last saturday)...


wouldnt they mind if i said i broke down where the vehicle is kept currently? i was thinking they would tell me to go and jump or just tow it to some random garage/home?



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Did you ever do a compression test? If so what were the results?


At the moment you seem to be presenting to us the perfect system. :) Obviously it's not otherwise it would run.


Have you tried renewing the spark plugs?


Personally I'd say it was very unlikey to be a sudden loss of compression on two non adjacent cylinders.


As long as you're sure you've got fuel from the injectors, I'd be looking at the distributor cap, leads, plugs, rotor arm.


It's got to be something fairly obvious if its a regular misfire (sorry can't play your recording to hear)


I suppose that you've checked the firing order(153624, No 1 at front of engine) around the distributor cap (you haven't got leads 3 and 6 transposed;))


Just a long shot, re-reading your initial post, if all you really did was change the coolant and flush the heater, is it possible that you splashed water everywhere over the electrics of the engine?


Have you tried removing the distributor cap and checking for moisture, inside it and in the plug lead holes?


Shame you'rs so far away, otherwise I'm sure it wouldn't take long to at least diagnose the problem, if not fix it.


Do things logically, don't just wildly hop from one bit of the engine to another. Start at one bit, say the distributor, and check all associated components right through to the spark plugs.


If it helps, write down what you've done, as you do it, so you know exactly how far you've got in case of interruptions :)


Good luck with it, it's sure to be something minor, so don't ignore any possibility, no matter how unlikely.

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got to say since its fixed... i dont think it feels sooo much faster and acceleration is improved by huge amounts...


must have been dodgy for a while


and atleast i have had a compression test done now and i know thats all A ok :thumbs:


thanks guys



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  • 8 months later...

Sorry for resurrecting an old thread, but I've got a mild misfire on idle, which seems to go away under throttle. When you said 'dodgy connections', which connections did you mean? (I'm a complete idiot when it comes to engines, so I like to have idiot-proof details for passing on to my mechanic!)

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well in my case it was the dizzy cap was cracked and so when the arm spun inside it was not meeting the ht leads so was not causing a current to the spark plugs...


I don't think I can help you as you have a TT? and they don't have a different system


maybe someone with a tt can help as I don't know anything about those engines ..... sorry im no use



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Sorry for resurrecting an old thread, but I've got a mild misfire on idle, which seems to go away under throttle. When you said 'dodgy connections', which connections did you mean? (I'm a complete idiot when it comes to engines, so I like to have idiot-proof details for passing on to my mechanic!)



When you say misfire at idle, do you mean it kind of misses a beat occasionally?


This is normal behaviour as the car is in closed loop and just does it. Nowt to worry about.

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