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when they ( americans ) first drove into Bahgdad in the tanks the iraqi people were very happy,.

hence the famous pictures of them hitting saddams statue with there shoes.


Lol mate, you really need to do some research,


The people that were happy were shiats, (the minority), the suni's were not happy at all, hence why theres all out conflict there now between the two groups,


you serously think theyre better off now? every other day dozens are killed.


i thought we went in for WOMD's? were are they?

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Some people are truely amazing....and you my friend are an amazing person.


have u ever been to the middle east.....do you know any iraqis....its a bit more complex that what they show you on TV.


on that note...RAMBO doesnt exist.....neither does Mrs Doubtfire.

so the people didnt run out of there homes to greet the americans, they didnt help pull down saddams statue ?

hands up al those that saw the iraqi people pulling down saddams statue ?

what were they acting ? was it a fake statue just for tv ?

ysee ?

whos freaking side are you actualy on imi cos where im sat it looks like your on the wrong side...

so come on.. whos side are you on ?

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Looking at it from a certain perspective I'd say this. On one side you have a mighty well equipped and politically determined superior force. On the other hand you have a bunch of countries with little or no rescources, no real armed force but with a real gripe. Now put it in street terms. A bunch of rather hard arsed bullies with sticks knives and guns twat the crap out of a bunch of old men day in day out. The law ignores the issue and no-one even knows what is going on. One day the old men get a piss on. They do the only thing they can do. They can't take the guys on as a group or even on an individual basis. They go round to one of the guys house with balaclava's on and smack the hell out of their mrs and kids. As often as they get crap the mrs's and kids keep getting attacked. Now eventually summats got to give and its all down to just how far each side is willing to go really.


Each side aint right and the measures taken by either can be viewed in one way or another. I don't see anyone here crying for the women babies and children in some of the countries affected that have died. Add up on a daily basis the amount of people killed in these places and I think you'll fill those twin towers in a matter of weeks.


Perspective gents thats what this is all about. Its a shitty world we live in and its only getting worse.

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when they ( americans ) first drove into Bahgdad in the tanks the iraqi people were very happy,.

hence the famous pictures of them hitting saddams statue with there shoes.

Was this as they were gleefully looking into the camera's of ABC, CBC and the BBC? :rolleyes:

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Imi, Im not going into it, I cant be bothered and I know you're passionate about this stuff as I see you reply in every thread related to this stuff, we'd be debating for hours :)


All I see is a total lack of tolerance by these people of others, and they will do anything to enforce their beliefs on others and pay the ultimate price in doing so.


All this war talk, and Palestine etc, its just an excuse imho, and if those causes didnt exist they would simply find other things to use.

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Imi, Im not going into it, I cant be bothered and I know you're passionate about this stuff as I see you reply in every thread related to this stuff, we'd be debating for hours :)


All I see is a total lack of tolerance by these people of others, and they will do anything to enforce their beliefs on others and pay the ultimate price in doing so.


All this war talk, and Palestine etc, its just an excuse imho, and if those causes didnt exist they would simply find other things to use.



Fair point, can add anything more.

Leaves thread...........

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All I see is a total lack of tolerance by these people of others, and they will do anything to enforce their beliefs on others and pay the ultimate price in doing so.


All this war talk, and Palestine etc, its just an excuse imho, and if those causes didnt exist they would simply find other things to use.


I dont mind civil dialogue...


I dont believe its about enforcing beliefs onto the west, you would see that in other western countries (spain, france, germany, italy, portugal, scandanavian countires, etc)....for flippin sake, how come you dont see that in pakistan, india (if you ever go to the cities there, I can assure you that you will find them equally modern as the west) where you have many hundreds of millions of muslims.....so im sorry, but that argument doesnt hold weight at all.


I cant speak for them, I dont know them....you may be right about them finding other things that are "wrong" in their opinion - that would be the same case for our and the US govt too....so lets not beat about the bush and not accept any responsibility here. we must recognise the cause of the effect.


The public need a FACE to identify the enemy, they need a voice to identify the enemy.....the Face is OSB, Hezbollah, Muslims and the Voice is Islam.....I dont blame you....this is just human nature....we would all be confused if we couldnt identify the enemy..... sad to see that the forces at work want us to see it this way and we let them.


The list is already published, the next target is already decided...it is a matter of time.


IRAN - I say within 6 months.

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Imi, Im not going into it, I cant be bothered and I know you're passionate about this stuff as I see you reply in every thread related to this stuff, we'd be debating for hours :)


All I see is a total lack of tolerance by these people of others, and they will do anything to enforce their beliefs on others and pay the ultimate price in doing so.


All this war talk, and Palestine etc, its just an excuse imho, and if those causes didnt exist they would simply find other things to use.



Dude have you ever met some of the amazingly intolerant people in the south eastern part of the U S of A? makes some of these people look sane. Makes it even madder is in a supposedly civilised country they are also allowed by law to wander around bearing arms FFS


And I completely disagree with the point should the causes not exist the nutters would find another excuse. The causes create "the cause" in this instance its over 30 years of kack handed meddling in affairs by the all mighty international states on top of 60 years of international states pushing people out of their homeland forcing them to live in poverty and handing the country to a new formed state. Then said same state whilst "defending itself" from the people forced being given unreserved backing of the international states. The body count in these years is huge and the poverty awesome. This breeds the discontent you see now.

The 25-30 years of trouble in NI came about because of the mainly protestant population trying to run the minority catholic population out of the country using forcing them out of jobs (majority of employers being protestants), land, and underhanded brutality. The state of northern Ireland only came about in 30's and that was the result. The things going on in the middle east are far more extreme than that as wel.

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Dude have you ever met some of the amazingly intolerant people in the south eastern part of the U S of A? makes some of these people look sane. Makes it even madder is in a supposedly civilised country they are also allowed by law to wander around bearing arms FFS


And I completely disagree with the point should the causes not exist the nutters would find another excuse. The causes create "the cause" in this instance its over 30 years of kack handed meddling in affairs by the all mighty international states on top of 60 years of international states pushing people out of their homeland forcing them to live in poverty and handing the country to a new formed state. Then said same state whilst "defending itself" from the people forced being given unreserved backing of the international states. The body count in these years is huge and the poverty awesome. This breeds the discontent you see now.

The 25-30 years of trouble in NI came about because of the mainly protestant population trying to run the minority catholic population out of the country using forcing them out of jobs (majority of employers being protestants), land, and underhanded brutality. The state of northern Ireland only came about in 30's and that was the result. The things going on in the middle east are far more extreme than that as wel.


Another quality post.

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the troubles in Ireland go back over 100 years...not 25-30,.

also its worth pointing out that the UK has been on the wrong end of terrorism from the east for many years,. probably before a lot of people here defending the east were even born.,


examples include:


Iranian embassy seige.,

Lockerbie plane bomb,.

and i lost count in the 70`s of the amount of planes hijacked in the uk.


these were years and years before uk and usa had anything to do with the east.

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I dont mind civil dialogue...


I dont believe its about enforcing beliefs onto the west, you would see that in other western countries (spain, france, germany, italy, portugal, scandanavian countires, etc)....for flippin sake, how come you dont see that in pakistan, india (if you ever go to the cities there, I can assure you that you will find them equally modern as the west) where you have many hundreds of millions of muslims.....so im sorry, but that argument doesnt hold weight at all.


I cant speak for them, I dont know them....you may be right about them finding other things that are "wrong" in their opinion - that would be the same case for our and the US govt too....so lets not beat about the bush and not accept any responsibility here. we must recognise the cause of the effect.


The public need a FACE to identify the enemy, they need a voice to identify the enemy.....the Face is OSB, Hezbollah, Muslims and the Voice is Islam.....I dont blame you....this is just human nature....we would all be confused if we couldnt identify the enemy..... sad to see that the forces at work want us to see it this way and we let them.


The list is already published, the next target is already decided...it is a matter of time.


IRAN - I say within 6 months.


You seem to be taking this personally imi We are not directing this anger at muslims we are pissed at the terrorists it just happens that some muslims are the terrorists of the decade,last decade it was the ira,etc etc and so on back in time hell even we were the bad guys during the crusades,

Ps if iran ever get there nuke arsenal ever sorted we are fuked better to get in an early blow(they wouldnt hesitate to nuke us or our american allies)

This is my opinion and i am entitled to it so no blowing a gasket m8

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Dude if you want to be factually correct the troubles in ireland actually go back to about 1100. The recent events called the troubles actually began in the early to mid 70's. Every conflict in the world has roots hundreds of years deep. Its only recently things have become like they have. Technology and the ability of a large force to mobilise trans continental has facilitated the current situation.


Iranian embassy siege and also the attack on the olympic village were small time events that were an indication of things to come. The lockerbie plane bomb was not in fact aimed at britain but an american airline Pan america in fact and the planes you refer to being hijacked were in fact done so from all round the world. Alot ended up here due to the fact that traditionally the british bobby was not armed and a fair hearing was more likely than anywhere else which is why they ended up on our soil. German or french dealings with tese situations did not go well for hijackers for instances.

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Ps i am sitting here with a full pouch of baccy and a lighter and no rizzlas ........this could be used as an interogation method just set someone down in a room with the above and say your not getting any papers till you tell me who you are

hell id sell out anyone for rizzlas now!!! lol:d

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Dude if you want to be factually correct the troubles in ireland actually go back to about 1100. The recent events called the troubles actually began in the early to mid 70's. Every conflict in the world has roots hundreds of years deep. Its only recently things have become like they have. Technology and the ability of a large force to mobilise trans continental has facilitated the current situation.


Iranian embassy siege and also the attack on the olympic village were small time events that were an indication of things to come. The lockerbie plane bomb was not in fact aimed at britain but an american airline Pan america in fact and the planes you refer to being hijacked were in fact done so from all round the world. Alot ended up here due to the fact that traditionally the british bobby was not armed and a fair hearing was more likely than anywhere else which is why they ended up on our soil. German or french dealings with tese situations did not go well for hijackers for instances.


fair enough brian ;)

thanks for correcting me.

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I only know this as I lived in southern Ireland from the age of 8-16 and was taught "Irish" history. I lost count of the amount of times I was spat at and called sasnach bastard which is shit when you consider I first got it in school as an 8 year old. This was in an Irish village that to all intents and purposes was a really nice place that hadn't seen trouble since the black and tans. Kids whose great grandads had been on the receiving end of a bunch of ex-convict released to create havoc in Ireland at the age of eight (the black and tans werent 8 lol) had this attitude.


As for the other stuff thats just my interpretation of the news :D

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Dude have you ever met some of the amazingly intolerant people in the south eastern part of the U S of A? makes some of these people look sane. Makes it even madder is in a supposedly civilised country they are also allowed by law to wander around bearing arms FFS


Yup there are religious nutters all over the place, but we're not talking about them in this thread because they're not trying to blow up dozens of planes and trying to turn the West into the medieval pit in which they want us all to live.

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I have no idea what you're trying to make me out to be, but you dont have a clue. I have Muslim friends and am not racist in the slightest, I am not overly religous and have no cares about what people chose to worship.


You can't just keep pointing the finger at the US is to blame for everything. Its an easy excuse. Im not going to defend Americans or their gov as they do cause a lot of issues. If anything this countrys history isnt much better to shout about with its Empirical desires and how it treated countries in the past with its gunboat diplomacy... but no one mentions that.


And a bigot? You just sound like a twat with your last comment and thats obvious.


Also, having flown back from Holiday via Heathrow yesterday, and personally use planes a lot this gets to me.

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