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Can you serisouly say that Iraq is better off now then it was before Gulf War 2?


Nope - Iraq is in a worse state now than ever!


Petrol in Dec 2005 was 5-cents per litre on the forecourt and the Iraqi guys had to wait 9-hours to get to the pumps (20 cents on the black-market); it is now USD$1.20/litre at the pumps and they still have to wait 9 hours!


In 2003, a house/villa in Baghdad was approx USD$30K and they are now exchanging hands at approx USD$250k - good profit if you had the initiative to buy but not many of us thought about Iraq now did we!!


A workman in Iraq in 2003 got USD$3/day and he now earns USD$5/day which means that he can buy his family 21 mars bars extra per week!


And the general steady state of life (pre-war) was fairly adequate against the turbulence and uncertainty of todays social and behavioural changes!!However, people forget about the 150,000 Iraqi people (PER YEAR) that used to be tortured and killed by the Iraqi Secret Police, but lets forget about that shall we as people don't really give a shit - they are more interested in arguing the toss over the WOMD issue and the fact that we shouldn't have bothered old Saddam's killing spree on his own people as we didn't find any WOMD!!!!!!!!!

Between Jan 04 to Feb 06, the main targeting trend for the bad guys was against the US and UK military and now we see the trends changing where the main target is 'civilian on civilian'. The incident trend rate has grown massively this year and the whole country is starting to fall apart; especially Baghdad and the northern Iraqi regions.


What's the reason we ask? Well its quite simple. The US and a few other countries awarded the Iraqi reconstruction effort about $80Bn to sort out the country and naturally, the Iraqi people were fairly overwhelmed by the expectation of becoming wealthy and prosperous. This I'm afraid has not happened. A good proportion of the money has gone towards the vast amounts of bills that have been charged by the private security companies (billions and billions of $'s have been wasted this way). Also, the decisions makers made very poor decisions on which infrastructure projects to develop (e.g. Billions of $'s spent on building the power stations in Baghdad and everyone has only just realised that they now need to build the power grid infrastructure to support the power - bloody billions of $'s wasted on feck all!!).


To cap it all off but a good number of multi-billion dollar projects have been started but can not be completed due to the problem of the rapidly de-generating security position. People don't realise that you have to first stabilise the politics and ethnic divide in a country before attempting to rectify the infrastructure problems (like in the Balkans between 1996 to date!!).


You can see that the 'West' has written a cheque that we are now finding impossible to cash-in. The West always looks at these countries and tries to rubber stamp them with its own Westernised views - this will never happen; people can not be forced to change as they need to be educated and learn for themselves!!


This said, I really do believe that the whole Arab world is set for implosion. Saudi has a terrorist undercurrent (as does Kuwait) and the likes of Iran, Jordan, Israel, Syria and Lebanon are all heading for a bloody big collision course with each other! It was always predicted (by Nostradamus), that World War 3 would originate from the Middle East so let's see how things develop eh!


Guys this is just MHO, Regards to all, Andrew

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Like I said earlier, the whole country has been undefined for years and is a melting point for unrest. Saddam only kept the calm through fear and an iron grip of the country.



Tito did the same thing in Yugoslavia. Unfortunately all that dictatorships of this nature achieve is prolonging the inevitable, take away the man behind the regime and if his "men" aren't strong enough to take his place the whole world goes to rat shit very quickly. Perhaps a more regional government with minimal cap doffing to a main national government might prevent an all out war like yugoslavia had but i wouldn't be all that confident about that.

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It was always predicted (by Nostradamus), that World War 3 would originate from the Middle East so let's see how things develop eh!


Good post Andy...


Some would say (our religious leaders - bush and blair for example) that this is exactly what we need (and what they are pushing Israel for) for the return of Christ.....

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Relighting blue touch paper:



An email I got from a friend at work, he makes a good point.


A short news piece appeared on the BBC website this afternoon in which a mention is made of the Police tipping off the Muslim community:


"Police had spoken to a good number of community leaders to make them aware that a major operation was under way.”


This is an incredible statement for the police to make and shows how the Police place a greater emphasis on ensuring smooth relations with the Muslim community than relations with the non-Muslim majority.


Here we have British police, no doubt at a senior level talking to representatives of the very community from which these terror suspects emerge WHILE the operation is still under way.


Putting lives at risk


This must raise a question over the loyalties and professional sensibilities of the senior security officials to their own staff and to the general travelling public. Every beat office, every investigator and every security agent places his or her own life firmly on the firing line whenever they go on duty. The twenty one terror suspects arrested were, according to police reports just a small element of a much larger group. How many individuals within the Muslim community have been alerted by their community representatives that a Police was underway and have now taken steps to avoid their apprehension? At any time were any police and other security officers placed at risk because of this blatant disclosure of information to smooth relations with the Muslim community?


Further it is important to note that there was no parallel “tipping off “ of the non-Muslim majority. Police could have alerted radio and tv stations in the early hours that British airports and international flights were the suspected targets of the religious fanatics and that those with travel plans on Thursday should stay away, partly to avoid the inconvenience and delay but more importantly to stay away from buildings and the infrastructure which may have been a target of the crazed bomb plotters. Muslim community leaders would undoubtedly have passed on the Police information to their family and friends. How many potential Muslim travelers were alerted by their community leaders and avoided the disruption and inconvenience of delayed and cancelled flights?


Why is there one set of rules for Police dealings with the Muslim community and another set for Police dealings with the non-Muslim majority.


Is it a case that the Police are happy to continue playing the role of “dhimmis” and act only with the cognisance and approval of Muslim community leaders?


Note: dhimmi - a non-believer (i.e. non Muslim) who is given permission to live and work under Muslim rule................

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Another from the same 'friend':


Many Muslim leaders who claim to be community spokesmen have tried to reassure the population at large that there is not a significant terrorist threat in this country from their community. They have gone out of their way to emphasis that recent high-profile raids have wrongly singled out members of their community. In words tantamount to blackmail they have suggested that if this targetting of their communities continues there is a risk of unrest. As such it should be obvious to all that there is an orchestrated and devious attempt to obstruct the job of our security services in a calculated Islamocentric and politically motivated manner.


The raids today which appear to have been carried out after lengthy and detailed intelligence operations may have thankfully saved several thousand innocent lives and spared thousands more the grief of losing a family member or friend in an horrific orgy of murder and carnage over the Atlantic. The raids once again undermine the stance of the Muslim spokesmen who claim there is no threat from their community.


We should observe very closely the way in which Labour and the BBC put the security of this country at risk by downplaying the real threat in an attempt to preserve "community cohesion".


Further let's demand an apology from these so-called community spokesmen made directly to the non-Muslim majority population for the massive disruption, fear and financial damage that members of their community have inflicted upon us today.


Is he right? Do we agree? Similar to dark skinned people in London who complain about being picked on by the Police, but if it's dark skinned males who are 90% involved in crime then you have to accept being tarred with their brush?


How can we avoid being racist and disciminating against certain groups to uphold our 'multicultural' society, yet protect the country and it's people from threats from such groups.


The UK is becoming a giant Big Brother experiment, with so many differing views and outlooks there's bound to be arguments flaring up more and more as time goes on. Only out here there's noone to enforce the rules (so Aisleyne would've punched Grace in the head ages ago :D ).

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