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The mkiv Supra Owners Club

Good Old Toyota

Paul Laing

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Originally posted by Paul Laing

Dude, I honestly don’t think any Tom, dick or whoever can afford one of these cars, maybe a Jap N/A, or a cheap Jap Auto but not a UK Spec, and I’m sure with 1 owner and FTSH it would sell much better than not having these….come on everyone knows this, apart from a few on here!


Also I don’t think Toyota will be letting a young apprentice on this car, they have mucked up once already and this part from Japan will cost them quite a bit, the last thing they want is something else to go wrong and have to pay more for it! And I’m sure they know if anything happens when I take the car away I’ll be straight back down! What if I took it to a small garage and they just patched it up without telling me? Or rang me to say oh you must have hit a bump recently as there’s a small hole in your sump or something like that??


I thought it was known that Toyota service history was one of the best services from a dealers? Every car I’ve ever owned the person iv’e sold it onto has asked about FSH. It’s essential with a car like this.




-aul dont kid yourself , what do you think your car is worth ,say £12K on a good day !!!, its an old car thats not worth as much as a decent new Focus , as far as new cars go its value is pretty low , theres plenty of UK's and imports for sale for peanuts because they are starting to filter into the 2nd hand market, tell you what you try and sell it tommorrow and see what you get offered , you will cry , tell you what ive been in the trade now for 20 years and ive never and dont know anyone whos ever put a stand or more likely in this case a jack thru a sump , you put a brave face on it mate but i bet you feel a proper mug right now , first peters car now yours serviced and fu**ed by the pros ,get em to buy it off you and get a car that has at least some rarity value ie an aero TT , sorry mate you bought up the uk/import thing but i think you have the mistaken immpression that your car is something special , it aint its a UK serviced by muppets and its 10 years old , get off your high horse and stop taking it up the arse from toyota , get it to CW and pay him then sue toyota for the bill + compensation , you must have the money to pay chris cause you drive a really expensive UK spec .:twak:


Dude:flame Dev

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Originally posted by dude

-aul dont kid yourself , what do you think your car is worth ,say £12K on a good day !!!, its an old car thats not worth as much as a decent new Focus , as far as new cars go its value is pretty low , theres plenty of UK's and imports for sale for peanuts because they are starting to filter into the 2nd hand market, tell you what you try and sell it tommorrow and see what you get offered , you will cry , tell you what ive been in the trade now for 20 years and ive never and dont know anyone whos ever put a stand or more likely in this case a jack thru a sump , you put a brave face on it mate but i bet you feel a proper mug right now , first peters car now yours serviced and fu**ed by the pros ,get em to buy it off you and get a car that has at least some rarity value ie an aero TT , sorry mate you bought up the uk/import thing but i think you have the mistaken immpression that your car is something special , it aint its a UK serviced by muppets and its 10 years old , get off your high horse and stop taking it up the arse from toyota , get it to CW and pay him then sue toyota for the bill + compensation , you must have the money to pay chris cause you drive a really expensive UK spec .:twak:


Dude:flame Dev


As much as I dont want to admit this (due to his bald region growing..... :innocent: ) Dude is spot on. Remember we love these cars, and probably see them in a far better light that what any dealership would, if you took your pride and joy to dealer and said how does this compare to any other Toyota you have on your forecourt at the moment, firstly you probably wouldnt be able to afford much for under the price of yours, if anything at all..., and secondly as far as he's concerned its old technology.


Although I dont think this is a UK/J-Spec issue, this is just a Supra issue, any supra, including my 98 face lift, its a 98 car built on early 90's technology.......


And if Supes are hitting the 10-12K on average, it won be long before the so called boy racers get them. Our only saving grace from that should be the insurance premium......

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Originally posted by Ashley Willis

As much as I dont want to admit this (due to his bald region growing..... :innocent: ) Dude is spot on. Remember we love these cars, and probably see them in a far better light that what any dealership would, if you took your pride and joy to dealer and said how does this compare to any other Toyota you have on your forecourt at the moment, firstly you probably wouldnt be able to afford much for under the price of yours, if anything at all..., and secondly as far as he's concerned its old technology.


Although I dont think this is a UK/J-Spec issue, this is just a Supra issue, any supra, including my 98 face lift, its a 98 car built on early 90's technology.......


And if Supes are hitting the 10-12K on average, it won be long before the so called boy racers get them. Our only saving grace from that should be the insurance premium......


Err Ash what insurance issue is that ,my mates son (21) got a quote of £1700 tpf&t on a TT with all the extras ticked and thats with a bad history , BTW it was about £300 more than his 1900 turbo diesal puegeot , hes also got a bank loan to buy one , real exclusive aint they !!!!!


Dude:flame Dev

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I hate to say it - but Dude's comments are harsh..........but not unfair IMHO.


He is especially right about the value of the UKs (and I drive one of aledgedly the rarest......a UK TT 6spd in Storm Blue!).


They are clearly also undervalued by the jap imports. But who cares? I have no intention of selling mine anyway.....and they are not the sort of car you buy as an investment.


Also, I don't want to offend the J-spec owners on here....as I have seen a few of their cars and they are in fantastic condition......but I have seen quite a few J-specs that are total sheds, with badly fitting body kits and criminal paint. Not seen any 'sheddy' UKs though.


Sorry, a bit off topic. Your UK spec is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it.


As for Toyota servicing..........you are right.....they are pretty good when they shag your car up - but they shouldn't do it in the first place. Anyway, I hope it all gets sorted OK soon.



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Theres still a part of me that whats them to be exclusive, yeah. And I think they are still expensive to insure when you first get one. I get people ask me now, and when I say £1100, they say WOW...thats good, but it was completely different over a year ago when I bought the car, it was your mad, you should never pay £1700 for car insurance.........remeber Dude it was a while ago since you were last under 25 :innocent: ;) .......

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Not seen any 'sheddy' UKs though



Unfortunatly i have but as many if not more J-specs!!, ive got a UK at the moment that was an absolute shed and another waiting for some work that i wouldnt pay £4K for !!!!!!, sure we love the cars but im under no illusion that i drive a ten year old toyota that if i was lucky enough to be at an auction when one came thru i could pick up for peanuts , my attitude is i like the shape and where can i buy something that nye on a convertable and does 170mph +++ and looks a stunning as a kitted sup AND has amazing reliability,sure i could sell the sup and buy a cerbora but i wouldnt jump in it and drive down to spain which i would in the sup tommorrow if i had too, thats my point and the fact that toyota dont know what they are doing yet you get people like PL think they can do no wrong and pretend to laugh about it when really hes seething , still toyota are his mates and they wont see anything bad happen to him after all they think one day they may sell him a secondhand corrolla if he gets rid of his classic !!!!





:flame Dev

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Originally posted by Ashley Willis

Theres still a part of me that whats them to be exclusive, yeah. And I think they are still expensive to insure when you first get one. I get people ask me now, and when I say £1100, they say WOW...thats good, but it was completely different over a year ago when I bought the car, it was your mad, you should never pay £1700 for car insurance.........remeber Dude it was a while ago since you were last under 25 :innocent: ;) .......


How old are you now Ash ?????


Dude:flame Dev

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If anyone likes the main dealer route and it gives them confidence then good luck to you and do your thing.


But IMHO the whole FMSH thing is a big con, designed for new cars it has nothing to do with adding value to cars. It is about keeping the dealerships in business. They have you by the ***’s.


You buy a new car and the first service is usually free then you have another at the dealers and you part with a few hundred and so on. Up to the end of the warranty period, so the dealer has got a few grand extra out of you. The comes the best bit they offer you a good price on a new model and away you go again feeding the dealer to keep the warranty while you loose big time in deprecation. I had a friend who used to buy new high end BMW’s every year or 18 months, until I told him he had lost 100K in ten years just to be riding round on the latest plate.


The big problem with the MKIV is they were sold in very few Lexus dealerships so knowledge and experience of the car was very limited in the first place. When I first bought the MKIV I did consider using the local dealer for service. But having read about the negative experience of others, thought I would test them out. I went in with a few basic service questions. The service manager came up with the wrong answers. Need less to say my car has only graced their car park when I am buying stock spares.


About nine months ago. I was picking up some hoses and oil filter so I parked up along a black JDM MKIV with FMIC, Blitz air intake and a pillar full of gauges, AP’s Nur, 19’s I later found out the guy was having a miss fire at medium to high boost. A technician and the service manager were both hunched over the engine when I went to collect my spares and were still there when they came out. The service manager saw me and said to the owner,I kid you not! “You want to ask him he knows a lot about these.” The owner must have been really impressed, he has shelled out good money for a service and the car was missing. So what do they do ask a member of the public for an opinion. I just gave the guy the BBS address and my phone number but he never showed here or rang. My guess is they changed a hotter grade plug to a stock grade plug causing the miss. I don’t think the service manager or the technician had any idea.


Can you picture it, going to the doctor with piles and the doc has a look and a poke hmmm’s and aarrhh’s. He see’s some old bloke and his dog and says “You want to ask him, his dog gets these all the time.”

:flame Dev





Paul I sincerely hope that the dealer can sort the car out for you and they have been totally honest about the extent of the damage and you get your car back quickly. I hope they can live up to your expectations.

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The exclusivity thing is not an issue for me, i think everyone should have one and can't believe some of the sh*t people buy for supra type money:D


they will always be exclusive in numbers as there aren't really enough available to flood the market even if the demand was there. (i know the importers would react to a demand but this would take many months and i don't see the demand rising that significantly anyway)


privately sold cars are the only way to minimise your future loss on a car, but you have to be careful in the first place, buy from a dealer and the price of some comeback is a grand or so the minute you leave the forecourt.....

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Originally posted by Terminator

...You buy a new car and the first service is usually free then you have another at the dealers and you part with a few hundred and so on. Up to the end of the warranty period, so the dealer has got a few grand extra out of you.



About nine months ago. I was picking up some hoses and oil filter so I parked up along a black JDM MKIV with FMIC, Blitz air intake and a pillar full of gauges, AP’s Nur, 19’s I later found out the guy was having a miss fire at medium to high boost. A technician and the service manager were both hunched over the engine when I went to collect my spares and were still there when they came out. The service manager saw me and said to the owner,I kid you not! “You want to ask him he knows a lot about these.” The owner must have been really impressed, he has shelled out good money for a service and the car was missing. So what do they do ask a member of the public for an opinion. I just gave the guy the BBS address and my phone number but he never showed here or rang. My guess is they changed a hotter grade plug to a stock grade plug causing the miss. I don’t think the service manager or the technician had any idea.


A couple of points here: AFAIK it is illegal to tie you to a main dealer franchise in order keep your warranty going. Servicing according to the manufacturer's scope and schedule, yes, but not at a specific place or chain.


Secondly, if someone takes a modded car to a main dealer I would not necessarily expect them to know what was wrong with it, or which parts to fit. If the guy in question had indeed fitted a differnt temperature plug and taken the car in for a service without pointing this out, then of course they are going to fit the stock part as a replacement. OK, so maybe they should have known to check the plugs, but as far as service guy is concerned he's fitted new plugs so they should be OK. Even if he suspects that the plugs were knackered out of the box, what is the first thing he'll do? Fit another set of stock plugs.


As I have said before on here, once you start modding, you are taking the engine beyond what it was designed to do, so you may as well make up your own service schedule, buy your own parts and do the work yourself, or pay whoever you like to do it how you think it should be done because the standard service schedule no longer applies anyway.


Look in a "Supra" service book. It makes reference to all sorts of stuff that does not apply to the Supra. All Toyotas get the same work done by the same people. It's a Toyota service and not a Supra service. The same guy who works on a Yaris one day could be working on a Supra the next. Also, if the franchise owner decides to jack it in with Toyota they could all be working on Fords or Vauxhalls next week.


I take my car to a main dealer because there are two close by, they can get the parts easier, they (should) have the proper tools, I want the FTSH, and (most of all) I think I'd have better comeback on them if something went wrong.


If anything gauls me about main dealer servicing (and I've always gone in for it on other cars, too) is that they charge more per hour for a "prestigious" model than for a more common one. As I said above, its the same guy doing the same work, so the rates should be the same.

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Dude, many thanks for your comments. But i honestly think it's you that needs to come off your high horse, aswell as alot of people who comment about this and moan about toyota - yet they take there cars to Toyota just like i did.


Anyway mate i don't come on this forum to have petty arguments, i thought i left that all behind at the SaxoSportsClub!




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Originally posted by Paul Laing

Dude, I honestly don’t think any Tom, dick or whoever can afford one of these cars, maybe a Jap N/A, or a cheap Jap Auto but not a UK Spec, and I’m sure with 1 owner and FTSH it would sell much better than not having these….come on everyone knows this, apart from a few on here!




Talking about being petty then , how do you figure your car to be 1 owner ???? unless of course you bought it from new and so did Gaz Walker , so that makes it 3 owners and your getting it serviced at the wrong dealer (supplying dealers were Lexus dealers not Toyota , in fact im pretty sure they are /were built in the Lexus factory !!) so why get a 3 owner 10 year old car serviced at the (wrong) main dealer ??, beats me , i hope you get it sorted i really do but some people will not listen :stupid:


Dude:flame Dev


PS ask em if they have any manuals for it still , if not they can borrow mine :sly:

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paul looks like you need help digging out of the big hole :)


hope you get it sorted how you want. you have had your fair share of troubles with this car and your non turbo one before.


i have never had my car serviced by toyota. i prefer to go to cw or others. if i can do the work myself i will give it a go. i know the car is an old car now and know i wont get rid of it.


have fun

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Hi, well on the Log Book it has only one owner on it, as Gaz only had the car for a short while and his name wasn't on it. Not sure how this happened but i'm the 2nd owner, but you know what i mean!!! It's had 1 owner from new untill last July!! Come on


Also this cars had no problems, my last car did which i put right, but so far this cars been spot on. Only having it's clutch and flywheel changed.



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Work out how much youve paid for that stamp and then take that off the value of your car, FTSH is costing you a fortune and as nearly everybody says they usually dont do a good job. When i have bought cars in the past i rarely look at the service history, i make my own mind up about how its been looked after. I personally do all my servicing and have every receipt from the day i bought the car, and that is how i prefer to buy my cars as well from somebody who has cared for it, not just dumped it in some garage to let a youth with no idea have a play.

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oh i forgot oi

Dude, I honestly don’t think any Tom, dick or whoever can afford one of these cars, maybe a Jap N/A, or a cheap Jap Auto but not a UK Spec


well lardy daaa i love my now apparently cheap N/A which will flood the streets with backward baseball cap wearing ricers, oh how i wish i was rich and could afford a uk spec

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