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The 'I've been to JAE' thread - POST HERE!


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Well, just got home. It was really really good fun, and pretty exhausting lookiing at all those lovely cars. There are some real stunners from the forums. Im really looking forward to seeing the aerial shots of the cars.


Everyone seemed really nice, sorry I didnt know many of you in person. But it was lovely to meet all these new people. Thanks also to the people helping me try to get those locking nuts on by donating parts of their tool kits to me :)


Ill bring a chair and some beers next time.


Hope you all enjoyed it, and got home safe.

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Great Supra day out and Convoy was a blast.



But I thought the JAE show on the whole was very poor, worse than Last year !!! Only bonus was they had sorted out the Admission cost as last year was a scandulous rip off ( this years £20.00 a car was acceptable I think )


Where were all the trade stands!! and did you think all the clubs were dotted about all hotch potch again


I'm sure there was much more there last year, and this was the general feeling of loads of people I know through the Jap clubs and meets etc


Perhaps Saturday had more there but got washed out??? in the Big Storm of JAE 2006 ...

And alot people gave up and went home???



But hey I had a great day today ... And some real fine Supras on the club stand , It was great to put some faces to names...



Looking forward to the convoy movie and pics ...



Hope everyone got home in one peice and no problems on the way.


Cracking day....

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The Sun?oh yes nealry forgot with the drama that was the 'Great Storm of JAE 2006' lol




Wohhhhh !!! glad we went today,


Heard some really funny stories from friends who were staying for the whole weekend,


Yesterday apparantley was classed as a cat 4 storm


They were glad they were staying at the Premier lodge and not camping like last year ....


But made the weekend a little more exciting I suppose

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Wohhhhh !!! glad we went today,


Heard some really funny stories from friends who were staying for the whole weekend,


Yesterday apparantley was classed as a cat 4 storm


They were glad they were staying at the Premier lodge and not camping like last year ....


But made the weekend a little more exciting I suppose



my memory will always be myself and a few others from my local club (Tengoku-Racing) hanging onto the 8m marquee and being lifted off the ground!Comedy!Suprisingly my tent stayed firm-only £12 it cost!lolDid see a few tents against the fence after the whole thing quiend down and many extremly pissed off people!

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Well we didn't have time to make it to JAE today but we did go down on Friday night and stayed over for Saturday.


First off, I think a BIG Thankyou needs to be said to Tom (Ahh Aristo) and everyone else that helped make the club stand as good as it was. When we finally arrived on Friday night the Curry's had just been delivered and were redhot, good food too. Everyone was so relax, well almost everyone ;) , and the night went well.


Rob Sheffield was good enough to take us to the local Tesco's to get some more beer and some chairs to sit on as we had forgotten ours, doh! This turned out to be an interesting trip as we managed to end up heading South on the A1M for a short while :innocent: This was made more interesting by the fact that I had my fuel reserve light on when we left the Show Ground and was desperate for fuel. Thankfully we found Tesco's in time for fuel and for Rob to reconnect his headlight that had stopped working.


Friday night was good, the beers flowed nicely and the atmospher was good. With 2 6' fridges now fully stocked and keeping the important stuff cool on came the films for the night. FF3 - Tokyo Drift was our first film of the night but sadly only half the film worked. This was followed by some Texas Supra DVD, I think supplied by the guys at Envy? Quite interesting to watch, 1000bhp+ Supra's street racing, drag racing and on the rollers proving there power to each other:)


Saturday morning came round too quickly for me, too much beer and not enough sleep but hey thats what Shows are about. Not long after waking the BBQ was lit and breakfast was being cooked by fellow club members. Part way through this we were greeted by our first Thunderstorm of the day. It didn't last too lng at all and soon the sun was back out and drying everything off nicely. The trun out of cars for Saturday was quite impressive with over 50 cars on the club stand. Throughout the day different club members did there bit to help out with the cooking and selling of cold drinks and merchandise. Hot food was served on and off throughout the day and was a quarter of the price of anywhere else on the Show Ground. Tom was seen to try a bit of bribury with the JAE organisors through out the day too by offering them burgers and cold drinks, hope it work for us mate;)


Saturday afternoon saw the skies slowly turn darker and just as Tom was in the middle of trying to organise the layout of all the cars the heavens opened!!! I have never seen a storm like it before, extremely strong winds, heavy rain and thunder/lightening. There were marque's, tents and gazebo's flying every where and alot of drenched people. Luckly for us the club had a rather large Marque for us all to hide in and take shelter. A few club members were outside trying to hold there tents down and stop them from flying away in the storm. Unfortunatly someone from the club had left windows down on there car and couldn't be found, I believe someone from the forum went and put there tent over the top of there car to try and stop it getting as wet, hope this helped abit? Entertainment was still at hand as Ray decided to strip off to a thong and go running off round the field infront of the club stand!!! :lol: Gladly I was at the back of the marque and couldn't see this site, but I am guessing plenty of people took pics ready for the club website???!!! Shortly after this we made our way back home to Nottingham as we had to start packing and sorting things out ready to go on holiday tonight. We hope that once the storm blew over that normality was re-gained and the rest of the weekend went great for you all.


We had a great time whilst we were there and can't wait until the next show. Really missing my Supra now, but glad to see it being cared for so well, cheers Matt:d


Thanks to everyone that helped out whilst we were there and for everyone being so easy to get on with. Good to meet everyone and finally put some more faces to names. After spending the last 7 years owning a Show car of some kind or other and attending most shows, this has got to be the best laid out and organised I have ever been too, a credit to ALL club memebers.

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I had a great day, and a bonus being the car stayed relatively clean throughout the day. :D


The convoy was a hoot as usual, my Dad really enjoyed the experience even though we almost missed it (last minute cleaning hehe ;) )


Met up with lots of different members (new and old faces) which was cool and generally the Supras looked superb!


Massive thanks to Tom and the other organizers, your efforts really paid off! :thumbs:


My pics will be up shortly :)

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Im not sure what happened with the convoy this year, it kept breaking up. I kept to 75mph at the most and people just kept dropping back. That meant they either missed Brampton or went off at J17 for the showground and not J18 as we were supposed to.


Anybody know why it didnt work this year?


Im waiting for Terminators video footage from the bridge, that should be cool.


I felt the club stand was a great place to be. I didnt leave the club stand at all until noon, then went all round the showground and came back to the club stand. The nicely priced food was great, and no queuing made it even better.


Shame we didnt win best club stand, perhaps next year.


A big thanks to Tom and his assistants for arranging the whole thing. It did the club proud.



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The convoy was a hoot as usual, my Dad really enjoyed the experience even though we almost missed it (last minute cleaning hehe ;) )

I went with RobSheffield (no way I could drive!) and we got lost with Charlotte and Mike following us so we were 15mins late and missed it :( At least we got chance to eat our McDonalds breakfast hang over cure.

Never mind - will just have to wait for the videos

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Certainly was a good weekend, except the freak typhoon we got yesterday :rolleyes:


Apologies to all for not joining the sunday convoy in. Unforunately I had a mutha of a hangover, and was definitely still over the limit for driving ! I blame Tom :D


Thanks again to Tom, cracking job mate - and a big thanks to all who made it what it was :respekt:


I have one or two pics, but technical difficulties meant not many :(


Good weekend :)

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