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What does football cost industry in this country?


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Having just heard that we need to have placed our orders before 4pm with suppliers. Considering how quiet the phones are I'm sat here wondering just how much this football bollocks is costing us?


There must be millions and millions lost in business due to staff skiving, places shutting down, orders not being placed etc. etc. :mad:

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(No offense intended and not meant to sound aggressive but....)


You and Michael are getting on my tits with all this anti-football moaning :D



The world cup only comes round every four years. Get over it! :)



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well technically its once every two years if you include the European Cup? :D


But yes you are right.


Stop being so bloody british. :clap:


TECHNICALLY that's the European Championships, not the European Cup. The European Cup was elite club competition which was adapted into the Champion's League :D

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well i dont think it costs them a great deal to be honest. for examplew what they dont buy in the one day, they will surely need the next etc

i think it means lost working hours mate,i have closed the job down now and i am watching it on my laptop in my bunker bin, as i am working again at 9pm, so no beer for me:(

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(No offense intended and not meant to sound aggressive but....)


You and Michael are getting on my tits with all this anti-football moaning :D


That's alright - you lot are getting on our tits with all this football supporting! ;)


It's alright for you out of work types with their share options.. I gotta work for a living! :p

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Radio 5 said that today was the most produ#ctive in uk history! Everyone working harder than usual cos they want to knock off early, and they will always make up lost time at a later date. Add the feelgood factor of an England win and the morale boost for the country could not be better... still moaning?!

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Never mind the lost productivity, what about the cost in rioting, damage, looting, wasting police resources by needing 20,000 of them to keep all the supporters in check, the inevitable injuries and deaths that result from the fans fighting and rioting, the health service load from this... It all adds up. Yeah, it's in Germany but you get what I mean.


I went home at 4pm yesterday because everyone else buggered off. I didn't even know the result until 10pm when a friend told me (I'd forgotten about it). Can't wait until a good car race is on at 5pm or so, I'm off home early for that and it must be allowed if people can skive off work for a footie match - and, as a bonus, car races don't usually degenerate into violence on the streets :)



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Never mind the lost productivity, what about the cost in rioting, damage, looting, wasting police resources by needing 20,000 of them to keep all the supporters in check, the inevitable injuries and deaths that result from the fans fighting and rioting, the health service load from this... It all adds up. Yeah, it's in Germany but you get what I mean.


Doesn't all this happen every weekend in the UK whether there is football or not??

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