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Side effects of Piriteze...


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Woke up this morning having been hit hard by hayfever, so I took a Piriteze at about 9am. Felt fine until about 3pm when I got to work, now;


I'm shivering

I ache (a lot)


Feel a bit stoned (for want of a better word ;))


I've taken these before without any problems but not since last summer.


Anyone else had side effects like this? I'm assuming it's the tablets because I can't think what else it could be. :(

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Woke up this morning having been hit hard by hayfever, so I took a Piriteze at about 9am. Felt fine until about 3pm when I got to work, now;


I'm shivering

I ache (a lot)


Feel a bit stoned (for want of a better word ;))


I've taken these before without any problems but not since last summer.


Anyone else had side effects like this? I'm assuming it's the tablets because I can't think what else it could be. :(


Try Benedrill Plus :)

Never done me any harm and they unblock you too :thumbs:


Its the only thing keeping me sane the last few weeks!!

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I suffer from hayfever major style, my eyes close, fits of sneezing, coughing, and my chest closes up at night, but went tot he docs today and he has given me the strongest prescription hayfever tablets


Desloratadine, took one 2 hours ago and i seriously can feel the difference, the normal ones from the shops are rubbish i was taking 3-4 of the one a day and i was still a mess

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And another thing.........



LOL what gets me, is the folk that feel sorry for you as they see you suffering and they come out with the most stupid comment ever by saying ......................


"I think i have a bit of that this year"


JESUS you either have or you don't, you cant catch hayfever its not contageous(

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Guest Supersonic

Best ever hayfever tabs I used to buy, over the counter were the Boots own brand ones, they contained the now banned ingredient terfenadine, which IIRC, reacted badly with cerain fruit juices and gave some takers of it heart problems.


For me, they were a lifeline, they were the only true one-a-day tabs I've ever had and i was right pee'd off when in the mid 90's, they were removed from sale.


Luckily, its not a problem...thank christ!

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Have you taken drowsy or non-drowsy ones?


And did it clear once the rain had passed over? The majorly high pressure just before the rain storm we had yesterday made me feel ill.


Not sure what type they were :conf: But they're definately not the culprit, still feel very rough today so it's a common or garden cold I think ;)

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TBH I'd buy them for when I'm on nights... no hayfever and help you sleep! :D Why can't drug companies just bring out 2 types of pill, both with all the pain-killers / anti-histamines you'll ever need, one that'll send you to sleep and one that'll make you bounce off the walls :)

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Hmm, why would anyone make a drowsy hay fever pill? Who buys them? haha



To sleep better when you have hayfever.

I for one find it hard to sleep with a bunged up nose, streaming eyes etc.


So I buy them and they work very nicely indeed :p

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To sleep better when you have hayfever.

I for one find it hard to sleep with a bunged up nose, streaming eyes etc.


So I buy them and they work very nicely indeed :p


Yep exactly. Also really good if you get any summer bites or anything cause it takes the itching away i find.


Plus good for drowning out snoring.

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