Ewen Posted May 27, 2006 Share Posted May 27, 2006 If these UFO things really exist then one assumes they are created by beings with intellect and technology beyond out comprehansion. so 'an alien ate my hamster' headline is'nt hard evidence ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scooter Posted May 27, 2006 Share Posted May 27, 2006 I'm a non believer until i see some hard facts. i think most of us are like that.............. .......but then if you did see something no one else will believe you, will they? There are lots of UFO sightings/recordings, often from airforce or commercial pilots (ie people who know what a weather balloon, venus etc look like). Some involve objects accelerating at tremendous speeds (ie out running scrambled airforce jets) or hovering silently etc and tracked on Radar as well as visuals. Undoubtable there are secret military projects etc going on all the time, and sightings of these and the usual venus, weather balloons etc make up the vast majority of reported cases, but IMO there are a number of cases that are not so easily explained away........... As for the improbability of advanced races getting around, who knows whats possible? 75yrs is absolutely a cosmic nano second and yet we went from the Wright brothers to the 747 in this time............. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MONKEYmark Posted May 27, 2006 Share Posted May 27, 2006 i have been abducted by aliens 3 times now.never told anyone as i dont think they would belive me.dont want to be taken away by military people. first time i was driving home from cleethorpes early hours of morning in my triumph acclaim hls.when i see this really bright light in sky coming towards me.i had radio 2 on the car stereo.was some good easy listening music,think it was dean martin. anyway this light came towards me and i had to stop as it was so bright and shining in my eyes.then everything started shaking.my car was been lifted up in a tractor beam. i had seen alien encounter tales before, so i have an idea what it was.so i tried drive out of the beam but was locked in.then i tuned radio in to a classical radio station and next min i knew my car was falling to the ground fast was about 50 foot in the air,was falling fast and landed on my tyres and drove out of there like a bat out of hell. think if i did not have 70 profile tyres on i would have had it for sure.they took the impact out of the fall. that was a close call. 3 years passed by as i was getting back to normality.i had traded the triumph acclaim hls in for a nice fiat 126 bis (water cooled version) was on my way to grimsby up the M180, It is called "Great Grimsby" to distinguish it from Little Grimsby, a village about 20 km to the south, near Louth. it was a quiet road with hardly any cars about at 2am.i seen this bright light ahead and i had flashbacks to my time 3 years ago.i had no chance out running them in the fiat as it was only a 700cc car so thought.if im going i will go with open mind.so they zapped me up in the tractor beam. i passed out and woke up with a dry mouth and sweaty palms. i then seen my first alien.they dont look like they do in the movies.the alien was about 5 foot 5 inch tall with long brown hair and slim build with long thin arms and feature less faces.then what looked like the main alien started chatting to me with out moving his lips.he had a purple head where the other 10 aliens were about 5 foot tall with a grey heads. the main alien was telling me we mean you no harm.he told me that all the male aliens had died out suddenley.he needed a mate for his 10 daughters. i said to him i cant make love to your daughters as they not my type.he asked what could he do to make me make love to his daughters. i was just about to tell him i cant just make love like that,then the strangest thing happend.all his daughters started morphing and shape shifting.then i could not belive my eyes. they all changed into kylie minogue`s in different sexy outfits,he turned to me and said please can you make love to my daughters to save his alien race. so i spent 1 hour making love to each of his daughters. the next min i woke up and i was laying on back seat of my fiat bis with my jeans undone and a light shining in my eyes was the bloody coppers asking what i was doing parked up on hard shoulder.i did not tell them as i knew they would not belive me.will tell you about the 3rd time i got abducted another time.i need a drink or 2. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scooter Posted May 27, 2006 Share Posted May 27, 2006 hey Monkey they keep bringing you back.........funny that :d Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MONKEYmark Posted May 27, 2006 Share Posted May 27, 2006 hey Monkey they keep bringing you back.........funny that :dsuppose im just lucky in love Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fifty Posted May 27, 2006 Share Posted May 27, 2006 Monkey Mark thats well funny - thanks made my day. PS its all true isnt it? Rich Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chiefgroover Posted May 27, 2006 Share Posted May 27, 2006 I watch something shiney and silver dissapear into a cloud one Sunday about 10 years ago. The cloud was small, I waited ages for it to go out the other side (about 20 mins) and lost interest. I reckon its all bollocks, just a load of aircraft reasearch. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Daston Posted May 27, 2006 Share Posted May 27, 2006 The thing is what would we do if we found an alien planet that is less advanced than us? Well with people like bush kill the lot and nab their oil, so if an alien race is observing us then we're screwed as they will be thinking the same. I mean the whole star trek crap about "we have so much to learn from each other" is FUBR we have gone to the moon and they have gone billions of lightyears what can we possible offer them? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Daston Posted May 27, 2006 Share Posted May 27, 2006 Apart from some of us have the ability to get 13 yr old cars to travel 1/4 mile really fast Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Green Peace Posted May 27, 2006 Share Posted May 27, 2006 im gonna make a freaky contribution I think that there is life out there somewhere and to think that we are the only planet in billions to sustain life would be foolish, im sure there are other life forms and do believe in UFO's but have another theory. What if these alien sightings are actually of ourselves but in the future returning to observe our history or changes that occured in the past? (No not like Quantum Leap) I have exactly the same opinion...it is selfish to think we are the only inhabited planet in the Universe...I mean we dont really know how big the Universe is, In my opinion..it has no bounderies and time never started and will never end...pretty mind blowing to grasp that but thats what I believe. I agree with you on the observations of people from this planet way in the future too it is the most logical explaination rather then aliens from outer space, the nearest planet to us which has the possibility of life is possibly 100's of light years away... One of the things I was always fascinated by is the fact that when we look at the night sky, we are looking at planets that existed years ago...time and space is such a mind blowing thing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pete Posted May 27, 2006 Share Posted May 27, 2006 .time and space is such a mind blowing thing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Green Peace Posted May 27, 2006 Share Posted May 27, 2006 Woooooosssshhhh lol (hang on I'll open another can of Stella Pete he he) (-; Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
chilli Posted May 27, 2006 Share Posted May 27, 2006 One thing that does freak me out a little with the universe and life. We generally consider ourselves to have reached an advanced level of civilisation. Ok so we have nothing to compare against and we undoubtedly have a very long (indefintely long) way to go. However we are conscious, sentient, able to rationalise, judge, learn, empathise etc. Now, it has taken us millions of years of evolution to get to where we are today. Ok so here is the thing. Only in the last 100 years or so have we been transmitting anything that would let anyone else have a clue that we are here in this particular tiny spec of the universe. So that has travelled out in a sphere only 100 light years across. Which is nothing in the vast scale of things. Conversly when we point out giant radio telescopes and listen, we are looking for similar signals and finding none, assuming therefore that nothing is out there. There could of course right now, be signals from intellegent beings travelling the vast expanse of the universe to one day reach us, from thousands or millions of years ago, we may start to receive them tomorrow or in thousands or millions of years time. It's really weird that when you look out into the universe you look back in time. What we see is not the current universe at all. Who knows what may be out there right now, that the vastness of the universe and the speed of light limits us from seeing. If we do find a signal from intellegent life that has travelled millions of light years to reach us, the freaky thing is the moment we become aware of it, that was a snapshop from millions of years ago and they would be significantly more evolved and advanced by then, maybe even actually travelling the universe themselves at that stage... In fact if life spawned in many places across the universe at roughly the same time and evolved at similar rates in many cases. A vast chris cross of signals may be out on there long journey. One day we could start to receive them and it would be like turning the light on. Within a short space in mans history we could go from thinking we are totally alone to realising we are very much just one of many... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Max Headroom Posted May 27, 2006 Share Posted May 27, 2006 Within a short space in mans history we could go from thinking we are totally alone to realising we are very much just one of many... Or we could have lead ourselves to our own demise. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rob Posted May 27, 2006 Share Posted May 27, 2006 I think there's more to be found in peoples' psychology. When that Kenneth thingummy pilot geezer first saw what he described as flying saucers, people started reporting seeing flying saucers. Prior to that no-one ever saw a thing, maybe some ball lighting but no aliens. WWII pilots saw "foo fighters" tracking their aircraft, but just remember how much stress these guys were under! Then people started reporting they had met aliens and the aliens were from Venus, Mars etc. Science proved there was no life on these planets so the stories got more elaborate and the aliens came from many light years away. People got abducted, maybe they were just CIA plants to distract media attention from secret aircraft development. The point is we as humans have fantastic imaginations, and we're prone to making any event fit what we want to believe, even en-masse like the famous Orpington UFO (which I actually saw). Most people posting here have already acknowledged that there is more probability that life exists elsewhere in the universe than not. So we make up the missing info and we have a believeable storyline in our heads. Now when I was a teenager I was very "into" UFOs and I used to see them all the time as I was constantly watching the skies. Nowadays, I still look at the skies a lot, and guess what, now I don't see UFOs. I sometimes see high altitude fighter-bombers, helicopters and stars in daylight, I haven't seen a UFO in 20 years. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
andrew7 Posted May 27, 2006 Share Posted May 27, 2006 Perhaps UFO's are nothing to do with space at all. Maybe "dimensions" would be more to the point...... Now there's something we haven't even started to take seriously yet. perhaps the world and the universe is like layers of an onion and you have to peel them back one by one. As humans we only ever see two layers, when we are awake and when we are asleep... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Daston Posted May 27, 2006 Share Posted May 27, 2006 Yeah dimensions really get me thinking wasnt there a case of a runner who triped and fell then vasished (this was on a pavment so no cliff/man hole) they thought it could have been a vortex, its like blackholes do they really lead some where do they really rip a hole in space (in thory a dimension) and if it does then somthing like "Event Horizon" could really happen and work. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MONKEYmark Posted May 27, 2006 Share Posted May 27, 2006 hey people you all got a lot to learn about the big world.the universe.you must be mad if you think we only people about.just have to look at the spec of time we been on the earth to realise.its only say last 100+ years that humans have advanced so much.its only since the 60`s that we really started moving.just look at when i was a lad there was no tv and no radio.no fancy toasted sarnie makers that cut the sarnie in half as they cook the contents to a tasty finish. look at the kids today with there bloody mp3 players and mobile phones that can almost do anything you want them to do.they even have the interweb too.where do you think all this tecnology has come from. yes my freinds its from a different world and more advanced aliens. my last encounter was a close encounter of the 3rd kind.i was laying im my bed in my bedsit.i guess u could say i was in bedsit land.its a rough area but the people around are good.but no where near as good as the 60`s when you could leave your door open and people looked out for each other.anyway was laying in bed trying to sleep when i seen this bright light shining through the net curtains.at first i thought it was the boy racers coming up the street when all of a sudden my hands started going all sweaty and got the feeling i had 1 year before,this time i new what was coming and was happy not to fight it.i was happy to go and learn from the more advanced race. they wanted to show me some of the places and things thay had done over the years.i was feeling hungry as my chinese meal i had before i go in bed did not fill me up.btw i orderd a special curry with fried rice and papadoms and some spare ribs,wont be thetting the spare ribs again as there was fook all meat on them and my fingers were all red with the bbq coating. also got some prawn toast with all them little seeds on.that was lovely with some curry sauce from my special curry meal.the guy at the chinese places alwaysl looks after me as iam a good customer,i sometimes listen of his stories of back home when he was a boy learning to cook with his mum when all his mates were out fishing. anyway back to the encounter.the aliens made me a bite to eat.they were showing me a great list of foods they could make but i really fancied a cheese toastie and a nice cup of yorkshire tea made with yorkshire water. he was showing me the toasted sarnie maker,that sure was a top bit of kit. it was great did 8 double sarnies and cut all the hard edges you normally break your teeth on.it cut the edges in a fancy zig zag pattern.no more leaking cheese and beans coming out the sides when you cram too much in. was cooked just right and no more burning your mouth. they had a kettol that boiled in 2 seconds it had some special green crystalls in the elements and lit up really good throught the water level indicator.this is the best bit the kettol had a built in computer so you could go on interweb too.it projected a 4d image onto the kitchen work surface.there was no keyboard. you just talked and told it what you wanted. the aliens were showing me there home entertainment set up and boy did it look cool.the sound was so good.it was a all in one pc system running windows super xp pro version 4 with service pack 15.the sound was from a awe soundblaster live edition 512 chan sound card.the sound was amazing going through his yamaha av amp,you could feel your body rock when he was playing robbie williams latest album life through a porthole. they had a great screen that was touch screen.it was a super super HDTV screen. i wanted to make love to all his daughters and stop and learn his daughters a thing or too. there was so much to take in. there will be no need for petrol in future as they have made transport that runs on urine.it does 600 miles per gallon. have to go now as i am up early.might go to car boot sale for a look hope to continue with my 3rd encounter another time hope you all have an open mind wen it comes to aliens,they a really nice bunch of people.dont be put off by the stories you hear about.encounter it yourself.i was once a non beliver like all you are. good night lots of kisses and cuddles xxx xx x Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RedM Posted May 27, 2006 Share Posted May 27, 2006 You should be writing comedy shows. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pete Posted May 27, 2006 Share Posted May 27, 2006 You'll like this. Voyager 2 still making news - http://www.cnn.com/2006/TECH/space/05/23/voyager.2/index.html Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dave Posted May 27, 2006 Share Posted May 27, 2006 all you alien and conspricy lovers should check this site out. i have aliens in my cafe everyday http://www.disclosureproject.org/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rob Posted May 28, 2006 Share Posted May 28, 2006 Mark, stop smoking and go to sleep. Still, 8 slice you say? You could sort a whole scout hut for lunch in one hit. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MONKEYmark Posted May 28, 2006 Share Posted May 28, 2006 ps dont throw your stellar bottle caps away as in future they will be the currency of the future.and the little green bottles and be put in a special machine that crushes them down to a fine powder that you can smoke.trust me the future looks bright,but it is sure not ORANGE. 8 double slices is just right for a growing lad.cheese and beans is a fave.i showed the aliens a couple of my fave fillings.they liked the cheese and beans and corned beef. good news is they still have stellar.its great to see all the advances the have made over the years.they also still have the george foreman grill too but a more modern version that cooks food and is a self cleaning too which will please the wife.no need for remote controlls as everything is voice activated.it even understand geordie accents too, dont be scared of the bright lights.go with it you will love it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chiefgroover Posted May 28, 2006 Share Posted May 28, 2006 One thing that does freak me out a little with the universe and life. We generally consider ourselves to have reached an advanced level of civilisation. Ok so we have nothing to compare against and we undoubtedly have a very long (indefintely long) way to go. However we are conscious, sentient, able to rationalise, judge, learn, empathise etc. Now, it has taken us millions of years of evolution to get to where we are today. Ok so here is the thing. Only in the last 100 years or so have we been transmitting anything that would let anyone else have a clue that we are here in this particular tiny spec of the universe. So that has travelled out in a sphere only 100 light years across. Which is nothing in the vast scale of things. Conversly when we point out giant radio telescopes and listen, we are looking for similar signals and finding none, assuming therefore that nothing is out there. There could of course right now, be signals from intellegent beings travelling the vast expanse of the universe to one day reach us, from thousands or millions of years ago, we may start to receive them tomorrow or in thousands or millions of years time. It's really weird that when you look out into the universe you look back in time. What we see is not the current universe at all. Who knows what may be out there right now, that the vastness of the universe and the speed of light limits us from seeing. If we do find a signal from intellegent life that has travelled millions of light years to reach us, the freaky thing is the moment we become aware of it, that was a snapshop from millions of years ago and they would be significantly more evolved and advanced by then, maybe even actually travelling the universe themselves at that stage... In fact if life spawned in many places across the universe at roughly the same time and evolved at similar rates in many cases. A vast chris cross of signals may be out on there long journey. One day we could start to receive them and it would be like turning the light on. Within a short space in mans history we could go from thinking we are totally alone to realising we are very much just one of many... Short space of time, lmao, just a few million according to you, lol, there hasn't been a few million days since AD started lmao. More theory Chilli, lol, you really have swallowed that stuff, aint you lmao! Millions of years, you make it sound like recent history I like you, it endless entertainment, always amazing how small big numbers become, dont take it personal! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scooter Posted May 28, 2006 Share Posted May 28, 2006 Short space of time, lmao, just a few million according to you, lol, there hasn't been a few million days since AD started lmao. More theory Chilli, lol, you really have swallowed that stuff, aint you lmao! Millions of years, you make it sound like recent history I like you, it endless entertainment, always amazing how small big numbers become, dont take it personal! run out of locals down the boozer? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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