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UFO and ALIEN discussion


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Just a thread that black cat started (totally not related) "is there anyone out there!"


I was wondering what other peoples opinion is on UFO's, Aliens etc


My opinion is that i believe we are not alone there must be other plants that sustain life, but i dont believe in UFO's


Discuss (if you want that is)

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A UFO is an Unidentified Flying Object. That just means someone saw something and didn't know what it was - so yes, I believe in those.


Now, technology from another planet visiting us? I don't give it any thought (like religion). The reason being is until someone shows me a small green fella piloting a flying saucer, (or introduces me to a God) I've no reason to believe they exist.


There's no HARD evidence (please, don't try to convince me).


I do enjoy the Sci Fi fantasy though.


Boring eh?

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Guest sunnyG83

im gonna make a freaky contribution


I think that there is life out there somewhere and to think that we are the only planet in billions to sustain life would be foolish, im sure there are other life forms and do believe in UFO's but have another theory.


What if these alien sightings are actually of ourselves but in the future returning to observe our history or changes that occured in the past?

(No not like Quantum Leap)

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i pretty much agree with Pete on this one. I dont rule out the posibility of it, but wont really worry about it until hard evidence arrives :)

But also think that many sightings are probably just our own stuff, who knows what milatary aircraft there is out there. I remember when the Stealth was unveiled to the public, that had been a secret for 11 years, since something like 1980! So who knows what they have flying around out there these days.

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Given the size of the universe and the apparent readyness for life to form with the basic conditions in place, I'd say that there is almost certainly life elsewhere in it. Not to mention there are almost certainly completely different types of life that could form in condions we couldn't even imagine. Even on earth we have sulpher based life. Life that can exist in deep sea vents in 600degree+ superheated steam and water at one end of its body and sub zero at the other. Life has even been discovered in rocks deep undergroud. These things live by eating rock! they don't need oxygen or water etc and they live above 100degrees C - this is just on the earth!


As for alien life visiting us, no I don't believe that (not yet but maybe one day)


UFO's yes I beliefe in those (but they are not alien spacecraft!)

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Hmmm, I beleive there is other life on other planets, be that merely bacteria or pant life or even intellegent life. I personally think it would be pretty naive to assume that this planet is the only planet in the universe where life exists.


as for U.F.O's in the sense of aliens visiting the planet, I don't beleive that's ever happened.

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I read 'The Seedling Stars' by James Blish when I was young. Basically revolved around the installation of various genetically altered life-forms onto young, life-supporting planets.

30 years on, I like the idea that Earth was visited in a similar way many times, our evolution being given a helping hand. Given that time-travel or light-speed travel is the only way for getting around, universe-wise, its not difficult to imagine that our founding fathers come back every now and again to see how we are getting on.

Oh, and ghosts are Aliens who move so fast we only catch the odd glimpse...

And Mary was artificially inseminated....


Statistically, we are not alone.

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Blue projects are basicly aircraft that do not officially exist.




Aircraft like th F117 Night Hawk and B2 Spirit have been around far longer than most of us think! The stealth and flying wing started life in 1970/60's but has its routes back in Germany on the drawing board back in WWII


so think about whats around today we'are not supposed to know about :blink:


A large portation of confirmed allied air strikes against Iraq during the gulf we're not accountable by any aircraft type and the sightings of UFO by ground troops was dramatically increased.


I have know ideas on alien life but I sure the technology around today in the military is was ahead of its time

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i am sure i read somewhere when i used to be into jets etc that the stealth design of the plane was actually designed by a 12 year old then perfected by the military. or was i reading a load of bolloxs




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Given that man has not travelled more than 40 miles up from the planets surface since 1969 and the moon landings, I think it is highly possible that we have been "visited" by aliens and been noted as technically backward so they haven't bothered with us. For aliens to visit us from other galaxies would take near light speed propulsion, or maybe there may be another planet like ours wondering the same whilst gazing up at the stars!!

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I believe that we are not alone in the universe as statistically the possibility of life elsewhere is too great to be ignored. But given that the nearest galaxy to our own is over 2 million light years away and the chances of anyone visiting us from there would take over 2 million years travelling at the speed of light to get here is a bit remote to say the least.


There are hundreds of millions of galaxies like our own but the distances involved make you go :wacko:

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There are hundreds of millions of galaxies like our own but the distances involved make you go :wacko:


Yes but what about things like worm holes were you go in one end and come out millions of light years away?

space is curved. W e cant even know what we will know in 500 years time- every "being" out there could have millions of years start on us.


Rich:d :p

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If these UFO things really exist then one assumes they are created by beings with intellect and technology beyond out comprehansion.


Why then do they only get spotted in the middle of nowhere by redneck Americans?

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There is already a planet in another solar system that has been found that appears to have (as far as they can tell) the same environmetenal conditions as our own planet, i.e., same atmospheric make up, an abundance of water, similar distance from its sun etc. Even though we have predicted this through tests (something to do with radiation or whatever) and observation through telescopes. The telescopes we have are no where near as powerful enough to look closer enough at the planet to observe any life.


I would say that if life does exist on that planet it would be only simple as I’m sure we could detect their G.W Bush equitant firing off a hydrogen bomb or something if they were at our stage of progression.


Having said that however, it would be quite funny to think that they could be looking back at us using their telescopes wondering if life exists on our planet!


The planet is called (I think from memory) 70 orbius B. it’s larger than our planet, gravity would be a bitch!


No need to book a holiday yet tho, its billions of light years away!

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