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Racing on Public roads, the consequences...


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I do feel for you mate, you should have never got a lawyer(SOMETIMES it works better if you just appear yourself and NEVER admit your offence, man they had n't had ANY evidence against you!!! they hadn't got any evidence against you, night drive opposite lane thats complete bullshit, i would never agree on that, i wouldn't sign their shit form. They 've tried making me admitting offences many times, i just dont have it! We all have the right to disagree with them. WHat about the Impreza? he was going faster than you! You should have told them its him who was racing not you!. I do hate this fucking shitty laws in this country, why the fuck do they have to be so fucking formal on everything? we are human beings not robots!. And yes we have fast cars and yes sometimes everyone goes faster...What about them? speeding in city towncentres like freaking maniaks with their siren on, going through cars and traffic so fast and cornering exceeding any sense of logic through rush hour. 2ice they almost hit me! trying to get past me the other way. 3 years ago my supra was attacked by a bunch of tossers for having a nice car!, smashed my windows, i was inside the car, got away, called the police, they got arrested, I took them to court and they ALL CAME OUT CLEAN!, I Identified them 2 mins after they did it...

Oh best part is one of the tossers agreed not to have a trial and pay me few hundreds for my damages---HEY guess what? the magistrates DIDNT AGREE because of the agression of their action they had to have a trial...They came out clean! THATS THE LAW FOR YOU

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yer that was the case and it was 2 traffic cops, they then told me they had video footage.


So I said as little as possible.


In the end they had no footage but the weight of there story was enough for the court



That was crafty of them Rob. They lied to you because they probably didn't really have enough on you and wanted you to admit it. SOBs!!!!

Your solicitor should have asked for the video. Because you thought thy had a video there was no way you could provide an alternative story..

Always worth asking them to show what they have on you before you go to court..

Lying bstrds........

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This rule really sucks doenst it, what happens if your at the lights in the right hand lane and up ahead it flows into one lane. I can guarantee the guy to my left is going to drag away from the lights to stop me from overtaking him even if he's in a shit car. Is this classed as racing if i drag past him. Nearly everyone does this, i had what looked to be a 60year old granny wheelspin it away from me whilst at the lights. etc. Your normal A to B driver sees a flash car and they think your a posing bstrd so try to stop you going past even if it does end up with them looking like a fool.

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That was crafty of them Rob. They lied to you because they probably didn't really have enough on you and wanted you to admit it. SOBs!!!!

Your solicitor should have asked for the video. Because you thought thy had a video there was no way you could provide an alternative story..

Always worth asking them to show what they have on you before you go to court..

Lying bstrds........



The thing with video or pictures is, they have to send them to you before the day of you court appearance or they can't use it as evidence, you need time to build a defence against it or something like that..


Rob I'm truly sorry to hear about this :(


Good luck in the future I hope it all works out in the end.

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Shit that is fucking bad. Sorry to hear this. I really wish the person who is ultimately responsible for this ridiculous sentancing (ie not taking circumstances into account) could see what their decision has done to your life.


As most peopl have said, we all race from time to time. What seperates us from drink drivers and the like? I'd like to think it's appreciation of risk. Would I race in traffic or through town? No. Would I race on an empty dual carriageway? You bet your arse. Appreciation of risk.


That said, I strongly suggest people take a read on pepipoo.com and take head. I have the pace statement printed off and in the glove box of my car. Chances are no copper is going to want to have me sat in the back of their wagon whilst I read out each syllable of the PACE manual.


Anyway, again sorry to hear about this.

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Just to add to all those that will say street racing is stupid etc and when caught your asking for it, take a look at the Sprinted Driving section and see how many of us these street racers theyre are, its all to do with cirumcstanes, racing on high congestion roads and pulling silly manouvers is what should deserve a sentance like this, but when its on dual carriage ways, motorways, there should be an eliment of common sense from the police, unless were into treble figures or there is a greater element of risk, i.e bad whether congestion.

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Been having a thinkg about this, and I can't see how the copper's statement couldn't have been torn apart in seconds.


I mean, a comment along the lines of "So you're assuming that with a supposed closing speed of 200mph, you were able to tell within the 5 seconds or so for the 1/4 mile or so within which they would have been visible, that two vehicles on the other carriageway, in the dark, with no other vehicles around to compare against, were both under full acceleration (which in these vehicles would equate to adding speed at the rate of xx mph per second) and therefore racing against each other? You are familiar with each model of vehicle in order to determine that both were under full acceleration? You were aware of, in depth, the level of modification that each vehicle had undergone, and how that would have affected the acceleration times? Because unless both vehicles can be proven to have been in a co-ordinated, simultaneous, full-throttle acceleration, I can't see this can possibly be a charge of racing, but at best could only be speeding by one or other vehicle - something of which there is no evidence whatsoever."

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The problem was my soliciotr told me that yer plead guilty by post, (why they sent a plead guilty by post form when it's a mandatoiry ban I don't know) you get points and a fine.


So I plead guilty to MS50 by post. In court speeds were not entered as a factor purley the fact that 2 cars accelerated down the duel carrigeway together at the same time, meaning a race.


Unfortuntley there is no discretion in this law it's a mandatory minimum 12 month ban


I am going to see antother solicitor this week I have 21 days to appeal. I also am told that I can sue my solicitor as he gave me duff info. negligance.


However when told by the police they had evidence I stupidly more or less gave um the full story, as I rarely get pulled over and didn realise how they lie to get ya.


But I don'thold out much hope as I gave um the rope to hang me and plead guilty in court.


This is a seriously harsh lesson to learn.


To make me feel worse the guy who was in court before me had.


1) Taken his friends motorbike.

2) Ridden it with no license

3) Or insurance

4) flashed by 2 speedcameras at over 100 mph


Result........................... £800 fine, 28 day ban.

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A lesson for you I think Rob...

When they said "We have you on video" you should have said there and then, "Let's have a look then"..

They could have dropped it right there...

I think they just suspected you and unfortunately you did the rest for them..

And if you were in the outside lane you could have said you were overtaking the guy when he accelerated, thus giving the impression of a race..

In future give them nothing mate and especially don't show them your licence if you have it on you, as they take that as an admission of guilt...

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Guys thanks all for your support


Today my luck finally changed, after a week and a halfs worry about my job I found out my fate............................................


I'm getting a driver to ferry me about.


So all is well again as I may not be able to drive but everything else is as it should be.


Thanks again guys.


Soarer & bits are still going though will pm peeps back soon.


Gonna go get really pissed now

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