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Mobile phones acceptable in the work place?


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People making or taking personal calls at work has always been an annoyance of mine. I don't mind stuff that is unavoidable like making doc appts, calling to see if your cars ready at the garage etc.


What I really don't think is acceptable is one particular employee who for the last month has increased her mobile activity to "Can I come round yours for tea?", "can you put some lunch out for me?", "are we going to the gym tonight?" and her loser sister and boyfriend calling at odd times to talk bollocks.


She does appear to be working during the calls though.


Is it just me or is this really unacceptable?

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i think on silent....and a quick call is ok, i dont think you should be allowed to make calls unless for a purpose, but be allowed to answer any.


Imagine if it was serious along the lines of a car crash, parent was going to make it and you had made her turn her phone off. You would feel guilt ridden she never got to say goodbye.


And incase someone says they should of rung work, if a patient is that bad, they can look through contacts on a mobile phone in exceptional circumstances

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Depends on the job / workplace / boss / policy / terms and conditions etc etc.


Our office staff have 'work' mobiles supplied by the company. These ring 24/7 and annoy the hell out of me, and as the nimbers get passed around, theyve become personal phones as well.

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I find it more annoying when they are walking around looking like a complete tit wearing a bluetooth headset, while having personal conversations!


..and walking around in petrol stations looking like they're just wandered off the set of Star Trek.. tw@ts...


Let's keep those headsets in the car people! ;)

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We get a lot of Bluetooth Borg wannabes wandering round our office. The worst thing for me is that our office is next to the building's boardroom, available to all companies in the building, so people step out of a meeting to take a mobile call to avoid disturbing the meeting, then wander round our workspace gobbing away. Bloody idiots.

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I like to trust my staff enough to let them use their phone but they would never do stupid calls during work time... suppose you just have to let them know politely, and ask them to make those calls in a break time.. :)

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Well so far I've banned annoying ring tones on work mobiles and made people put their personal phones on silent. It's just too disruptive to everyone else.


Sad thing is everyone else doesn't abuse it. I'm just going to have to step on her quick.


Thanks for confirming it's not just me being a miserable old unreasonable git. (this time anyway)

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We're not allowed our phones at work at all. Although i still have it in my bag on silent for emergencies. It is even frowned upon to ring the docs etc.


I think there is a time and a place.


It's far too quiet in this office to make calls anyway, everyone can hear exactly what you say and not what you want while you're booking into the GUM clinic. :blink:

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Our place allows them and to be honest people do take the p*ss IMO.


What makes me laugh is that they frown upon us smokers going out for a fag once in a while as it wastes time when you are supposed to be working yet the sort of twats that whine about that will spend anything up to 30 minutes on their mobile?? How's that work then?



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We allow personal phone calls for emergencies or with prior permission. People do take liberties though, i'll be in the office and hear someone speaking on the phone in welsh with the words 'pie and chips' in english in the middle.


A mate of mine was working on the bar in our local, he was texting someone and ignoring a bloke at the bar. After a couple of minutes of politely asking to be served, the guy grabbed his brand new phone and chucked it a pint of lager. LOL.


I had no sympathy.

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being male, i dont make a personal call for more than 30secs at a time :D


although since im an IT engineer often have to make business calls on the mobile to other engineers.


it's not really an issue in our workplace as it's a relaxed environment and we work for a government agency and we all know how they are :D

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All the normal staff in this open plan office are given company mobiles - unfortunately this now means that people always ring each other on them rather than trying a desk phone first. As a result it's constant torture as a range of badly composed chart hits fight it out with the latest 'funny' ring from the TV adverts.


Company policy doesn't have anything to say about this and we are guests on the customer site so can't really kick up a fuss - the only solution is headphones to block out the noise with music or to make the person concerned feel stupid by singing along with the tune each time it rings and then giving them evil looks.


We have a couple of freaks who like to do the wandering call thing just to ensure everyone on the floor hears their call as they do laps around the office or they just stand next to someone elses desk and make a call.


It's annoying but not anything like as annoying as when they wander of leaving their jukebox telephone on the desk to ring for ages, stop and then ring again to let them know they have voicemail.


We went through a stage of switching phones off if they were left unattended and ringing but we got moaned at for this - I might move my desk into the server room :)

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the company i work for has today sent an email asking staff not to use mobiles at work (some were takin the piss)


the annoying thing then was that the boss was on her mobile :S


now i send texts very occasionally, and try to not be so obvious about it...to me thats not so bad as a full blown conversation like PEte is referring to

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..to me thats not so bad as a full blown conversation like PEte is referring to

I dunno Rob. She does that to and it annoys the absolute crap out of me. I'd rather a phone call that txt messaging. I think that's my sisters doing though - she used to do my head in with it when she was having an affair txting another bloke!! :rolleyes:

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